Thanks for the support and opposition

Nurses General Nursing


It always puzzles me when I see posters who come unglued after receiving opposing opinions to their threads. To me the beauty of an open forum is to hear the good, bad and ugly especially if you are trying to make an important decision. I'd urge anyone who only posts for cyber hugs and support to list that in their title so those posters who might want to encourage a different line of thinking don't waste their time.

What I personally have found is sometimes the opposite opinions actually have an interesting perspective. When a particular poster really irritates me I try to explore what exactly is causing such a strong reaction on my part. Some times I conclude the poster is just a twit but the truth is more often than not there is something I need to adjust on my end and I have learned important things from other members who have annoyed me. Try keeping an open mind. :)

Specializes in Mental Health, Emergency, Surgical.

Thank you to those who actually have a heart, like nurses are supposed to.

I know I asked if you think my situation is fair but I didn't ask for your opinions. If you want to be mean, go to someone else's thread. This is not what my thread is for. I was always told by patients, staff, family and friends that I'm an excellent nurse. I care about my patients and make sure to do a magazine round at the start of my shift. Vitals are numbers on a page but smiles are forever.

Idk y u are all angry at me I told you I know was wrong except u know the excessive hours too many patients tge kitchen ran out of coffee soneome steal my sandwuch.nurses are lazy and bitter when I started my preceptors changed daily and did not offer me a cookie. I will take note of all my wrongdoings I know it is my fault alone but nobody helped me I changed another nurse patients bandaid for her when I got in trouble nobody stood up for me! why do nurses bully new grads I will be 2 year nurse this fall I interviewed for ICU nurse the manager smiled at me 11 and a half times. Do you think I will get the job?

Idk y u bother posting in my thread don't u come from California? This is the Rhode island thread.

Thanks to all who replied except for the ******s I have fix all my errors now so u can stop posting.

Specializes in Mental Health, Emergency, Surgical.
yeah, and then you're accused of "eating the young nurses".

They must be pretty tasty if so many crusty old bats eat so many of them.

I humbly request that people please stop eating "the young"™. Their posts amuse me too much. (They do sadden me but also amuse me.) I have been in their shoes and am more than happy to offer support and constructive strategies but people have to be receptive. Witnessing willful ignorance walks a delicate line between driving me insane and keeping me riveted like a real-time soap opera.

A little self reflection goes a looooong way, in my not so humble opinion.

Vitals are numbers on a page but smiles are forever.

That is beautiful!

*sniff sniff*

You should sell that line to Hallmark for Nurse's Week...

Or maybe it can be written in a curley-cue font throughout a cute pattern of cartoon kittens on a scrub top...

Or some tee-shirts and coffee mugs...

Oooooh! It can be a meme... share that beauty with everyone!


Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.
True and it makes me sad. A finger painting fit for display on Mom's refrigerator has turned into the next Picasso. Can you imagine going through life thinking everything should perfect and everyone will love and support you no matter how silly you are acting? It sets the bar very high. On one hand I'm a tiny bit jealous that they seemed to have missed out on eating dirt, the skinned knees, disappointments and tribulations of growing up in this world. On the other hand I would expect life will have some hard knocks in store for these little darlings that Mommy and Daddy can't fix and with no coping skills or history of weathering stress independently this will be extra difficult to manage.

Couldn't agree more! Those parents are doing their children no favors. Must be devastating for those "kids" when they finally learn that they aren't actually perfect and the horror of discovering that sometimes no means no.

yeah, and then you're accused of "eating the young nurses".

They must be pretty tasty if so many crusty old bats eat so many of them.

Mmmmm.... tastes like bacon. Had one for dinner a few minutes ago.

Still have a few perfectly groomed blonde hairs in my teeth. By the way, the blue sparkly mascara tastes way better than regular. Piquant, with a hint of crunch.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.
Mmmmm.... tastes like bacon. Had one for dinner a few minutes ago.

Still have a few perfectly groomed blonde hairs in my teeth. By the way, the blue sparkly mascara tastes way better than regular. Piquant, with a hint of crunch.

IDK, I guess it is a matter of personal taste and preference. I find the young blondes to be rather bland.....

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.
IDK, I guess it is a matter of personal taste and preference. I find the young blondes to be rather bland.....

It all depends on how they're cooked. Bobby Flay has an EXCELLENT recipe for a chipotle marinade that would be GREAT with blondes.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

Sigh, I wish I could post a link to this thread onto a culprits thread but she'll just call me a bully again. í ½í¸Š

New Member: "Can someone plz explain this to me?"

me: Sure, but I just wrote a very clear, very easy-to-follow one, if you just scroll back a bit to find it.

New member: "Why you being so rude? Why don't you write it out again, all special-like just for me??"


New Member: "I need to know what I need to do to pass NCLEX. Please tell me everything you know!"

me: There's lots of info here, just read through the many threads on the topic. Much to learn, if you just look around. I personally wrote many answers to the very questions you have. Once you use the Search feature, you'll be glad you did.

New Member: "Geez, how rude. If you don't want to answer, you should just skip this thread, because you aren't being helpful at ALL!"


Some people are their very own worst enemies.

New Member: "Geez, how rude. If you don't want to answer, you should just skip this thread, because you aren't being helpful at ALL!

Those kind of comments only show how immature and entitled a person is.

Vitals are numbers on a page but smiles are forever.

This is now my FAVORITE quote! This must be put onto t-shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, pens, etc. :roflmao:


buttercup99- Stay gold.

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