Texas governor to residents: "The safest place for you is at your home" due Covid-19 spike

Nurses COVID

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Heard on broadcast news + CNN:

6/23/20 -Texas Reports All-Time Daily High: 5,489 New COVID-19 Cases. Houston hospital ICU's full.. Texas Chrildrens hospital will now admit adults. Change in tone from Governor Abbott --who's high risk for catching virus himself

Texas governor to residents: "The safest place for you is at your home"


As Texas sees its highest numbers of positive tests and hospitalizations, Gov. Greg Abbott advised residents of the state to stay at home.



"The hospitalization rate is at an all-time high," he said. "The coronavirus is serious. It's spreading in Brazos County, across the entire state of Texas."


Hope my Texas colleagues have enough PPE!

Specializes in School Nursing.
On 6/24/2020 at 10:25 AM, A Hit With The Ladies said:

We have heaps and heaps of hospital beds, including ICU beds, available. I work in the Texas Medical Center (TMC) and nowhere do you see lines of cars blocking the streets trying to get patients into the hospitals. I think all these COVID-positive cases are because they're just ramping up testing in the nursing homes. These people probably already had the Coronavirus but only now it's showing up positive. I'm not terribly concerned.

As of today, ICU beds in the medical center are 97% filled. Hopefully we won't end up like NYC. You might end up concerned if they decide to dedicate some of your facility to covid overflow. Texas CHILDRENS is admitting adult patients to help keep beds available.

5 hours ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

We have heaps and heaps of hospital beds, including ICU beds, available.

So are you saying that the governor and other people here who also work in Texas are lying about the situation?

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Today's update states all of DFW is in crisis for available ICU/Trauma beds across the metroplex.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.
Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.



If more Texans don't start wearing masks, businesses could have to shut down again, Gov. Abbott says



Dallas County reported a record number of new cases in a single day with 454 on Monday, up 10 percent over the previous record from just a few days before.

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said while some of the increase could be due to more testing, hospitalizations have jumped 54 percent since June 1.


Specializes in Psych.
2 hours ago, Wuzzie said:

So are you saying that the governor and other people here who also work in Texas are lying about the situation?

I don't think he's lying. He has to say something in order to placate CNN and the media that is harping about the Coronavirus 24/7.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Pediatric Float, PICU, NICU.
8 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

I don't think he's lying. He has to say something in order to placate CNN and the media that is harping about the Coronavirus 24/7.

And what about those who work in TMC and are seeing beds across the center at capacity to the point they are filling pediatric hospitals? Who are we placating?

1 hour ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

I don't think he's lying. He has to say something in order to placate CNN and the media that is harping about the Coronavirus 24/7.

Blatant non-answer. If you think he and the Texas posters here are not telling the truth man (or woman) up and own it. Otherwise you are just as disingenuous as the media you claim are making this up.

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.
Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Houston Methodist CEO on rising COVID cases: Texans 'have completely let their guard down'


Specializes in Community health.
13 hours ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

I voted straight ticket Democrat in 2018 so I didn't vote for Governor Abbott. But I'll vote for him in 2022. He has proven himself to be our last line of defense against tyranny. I am beyond grateful he keeps superseding local Democrats' orders to mask up or pay fines, or to stay home or face legal issues. Thanks to him we Texans don't live in some dystopian nightmare where the leftist politicians have used Coronavirus as an excuse for totalitarian social control.

I live in a state that probably you’d categorize as “dystopian nightmare”. Connecticut. Can I tell you my view from here on the ground? It is business as usual here, except that everyone is masked and standing a few feet apart. Perhaps you’ve been imagining North Korea, but I regret to inform you that you’d be quite underwhelmed if you visited here. Ninety-five percent of businesses are open today (that’s an actual statistic from WFSB, not my estimate). I got my nails done yesterday (Phase 2 reopening) and my massage is scheduled for tomorrow. But— BUT— our hospitalizations have dropped to very near zero. And therefore my son will be going to his recently re-opened day camp, and then in August, sleepaway camp in Maine. Because the “dystopian” methods (such as wearing a mask at the salon— what horrors!) have worked.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Great comment heard by a doctor on TV today:

"If you don't like wearing a mask, you won't like wearing a ventilator."

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