Texas governor to residents: "The safest place for you is at your home" due Covid-19 spike

Nurses COVID

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Heard on broadcast news + CNN:

6/23/20 -Texas Reports All-Time Daily High: 5,489 New COVID-19 Cases. Houston hospital ICU's full.. Texas Chrildrens hospital will now admit adults. Change in tone from Governor Abbott --who's high risk for catching virus himself

Texas governor to residents: "The safest place for you is at your home"


As Texas sees its highest numbers of positive tests and hospitalizations, Gov. Greg Abbott advised residents of the state to stay at home.



"The hospitalization rate is at an all-time high," he said. "The coronavirus is serious. It's spreading in Brazos County, across the entire state of Texas."


Hope my Texas colleagues have enough PPE!

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.
13 hours ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

I don't think he's lying. He has to say something in order to placate CNN and the media that is harping about the Coronavirus 24/7.

This is just pure, unadulterated cognitive dissonance. It is happening. It isn't a hoax or an exaggeration or a CNN story meant to discredit your preferred political leaders. That you have no argument for facts right in front of your face but still insist you are right is, frankly, incredulous. Stop gaslighting. It is right in front of us. We are taking care of it day after day after day and watching the numbers climb and climb and climb. This is not political. It's real. It's here. It's world over and people are going to start dying in ways we have yet to see, right here in DFW, in Houston, in Austin, in Texas. For the love of mike, start believing your eyes.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Here's the thing. Hospitals are going on divert status. This means ambulances, who are supposed to go to the nearest hospital, are having to go further to secure care for people. Delaying care, for EVERY medical emergency, not just Covid19. Strokes. Heart attacks. Cancer. Trauma. Drownings. Etc etc. People who need immediate care are going to get it less quickly, with fewer resources and with staff that is strained, burned out, exhausted, with increased ratios because they too are getting sick and having to compensate for one another, increasing the likelihood of errors to boot. Right now its just between Plano and Lewisville type distances. That will not last.

The Dallas Hospital Council is in meetings today to resume plans to turn the Dallas Convention Center into a Covid19 hospital. Great. Except...who is going to staff it? We have some military reserves I helped onboard and they will be called up, which means they will be leaving wherever they normally work as medical professionals. And we are far from the only city that is going to need them. The military isn't going to be robust enough in qualified individuals to make up for every city's lack of qualified caregivers. We had that shortage long before we had a pandemic. Now it is compounding.

So yeah. I have ZERO patience for the conspiracy theories and the politics. The horrifying news is that we don't have to convince anyone we are right. The virus and its impact will have the last word. We are just all along for the ride, taken there by those who want so badly to be right they think they can override the truth and politicize best practices into being wrong and refuse to do the most basic of things to help ensure the well-being of others just to emphasize that fact.

Specializes in ED, psych.
10 hours ago, CommunityRNBSN said:

I live in a state that probably you’d categorize as “dystopian nightmare”. Connecticut. Can I tell you my view from here on the ground? It is business as usual here, except that everyone is masked and standing a few feet apart. Perhaps you’ve been imagining North Korea, but I regret to inform you that you’d be quite underwhelmed if you visited here. Ninety-five percent of businesses are open today (that’s an actual statistic from WFSB, not my estimate). I got my nails done yesterday (Phase 2 reopening) and my massage is scheduled for tomorrow. But— BUT— our hospitalizations have dropped to very near zero. And therefore my son will be going to his recently re-opened day camp, and then in August, sleepaway camp in Maine. Because the “dystopian” methods (such as wearing a mask at the salon— what horrors!) have worked.

I’m in CT too ... in 100% agreement. Wear a mask, keep the distance = more freedom, not less.

(and my nails look pretty)

Specializes in Psych.

Nope. They need to be better at admitting people to ICUs. Just because 97% of TMC's ICU beds are occupied doesn't mean that 97% are on vents. I bet many of these people could be given PO corticosteroids and sent right on home. Weren't vents actually causing a greater fatality rate and that they were trying to use less vents?

Plus, keep in mind that TMC is one of the world's best hubs for tertiary-level medical care. A lot of regional hospitals probably just jumped the gun and transferred them straight away as soon as they got back "presumptive COVID" or "COVID-positive" for diagnoses. They probably are just fine for occupancy's sake.

Specializes in Community health.
1 hour ago, pixierose said:

I’m in CT too ... in 100% agreement. Wear a mask, keep the distance = more freedom, not less.

(and my nails look pretty)

Mine have Coronaviruses. ? I love my nail tech— she indulges my crazy ideas.

19 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

I bet many of these people could be given PO corticosteroids and sent right on home.

And you know this how?

Specializes in Psych.
Just now, Wuzzie said:

And you know this how?

Because they said corticosteroids are the 1st class of drugs that have been shown to reduce COVID mortality.

Really, unless you can't breathe and need to be on a vent, or your blood pressure's so low that you need to be on pressors, then you shouldn't be in an ICU. A lot of these hospitalized people ought to be discharged and told to stay at home to recover.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.
1 hour ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Nope. They need to be better at admitting people to ICUs. Just because 97% of TMC's ICU beds are occupied doesn't mean that 97% are on vents. I bet many of these people could be given PO corticosteroids and sent right on home. Weren't vents actually causing a greater fatality rate and that they were trying to use less vents?

Plus, keep in mind that TMC is one of the world's best hubs for tertiary-level medical care. A lot of regional hospitals probably just jumped the gun and transferred them straight away as soon as they got back "presumptive COVID" or "COVID-positive" for diagnoses. They probably are just fine for occupancy's sake.

This is a shockingly presumptive generalization for a healthcare provider. Are you actually proposing that people are purposefully keeping them as inpatients and undertreating them? What on earth would make you "bet" on this?

I am not clear on your point re: people in ICU may not even be on vents. You then turn around and state they are trying to use less vents anyway. Your argument is contradicting itself and imploding.

Specializes in Psych.
Just now, Nurse SMS said:

This is a shockingly presumptive generalization for a healthcare provider.

Okay, buddy, ALL the interventions thus far for Coronavirus were presumptive.

"We're running out of vents!! The Trump administration won't send us vents! China, thank you for the v--- oh wait, so more people are dying on vents than necessary? Wait, just kidding, we don't need the vents after all!"

Or "Nope, no masking needed for the public! (two months later) Yeah, we lied, y'all do need to mask up, we just said that so the healthcare folks don't run out of PPE! (now) Mask up or pay a fine!"

Or "We've seen some promising results with hydroxycholoroquine... The FDA has just approved emergency use of this drug for Coronavirus... no wait, the risks may be worse than the benefits... annddd the FDA just revoked it! DON'T take hydroxycholoquine!"

These so-called public health "experts" have been flip-flopping since day one. They have had more than their fair share of CNN airtime as it is. Enough is enough. If they can't stop Coronavirus at this point they need to shut their mouths and go away.

1 hour ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Nope. They need to be better at admitting people to ICUs. Just because 97% of TMC's ICU beds are occupied doesn't mean that 97% are on vents. I bet many of these people could be given PO corticosteroids and sent right on home. Weren't vents actually causing a greater fatality rate and that they were trying to use less vents?

Plus, keep in mind that TMC is one of the world's best hubs for tertiary-level medical care. A lot of regional hospitals probably just jumped the gun and transferred them straight away as soon as they got back "presumptive COVID" or "COVID-positive" for diagnoses. They probably are just fine for occupancy's sake.

Wait what? I re-read this post and noticed I missed your last statement. Exactly what are you basing this on? Do you have insider information? Don't answer. It's becoming clear that you are just pulling things out of your butt. I was sympathetic to your opinion about re-opening but you have now crossed into tin-foil hat wearing and clearly have limited understanding regarding healthcare. Are you even a nurse? I mean that as an honest question because what you said in the above quote doesn't support it.

5 minutes ago, Nurse SMS said:

This is a shockingly presumptive generalization for a healthcare provider. 

I am not clear on your point re: ICU people in ICU may not even be on vents. You then turn around and state they are trying to use less vents anyway. Your argument is contradicting itself and imploding.

Ya think??

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.
9 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Okay, buddy, ALL the interventions thus far for Coronavirus were presumptive.

"We're running out of vents!! The Trump administration won't send us vents! China, thank you for the v--- oh wait, so more people are dying on vents than necessary? Wait, just kidding, we don't need the vents after all!"

Or "Nope, no masking needed for the public! (two months later) Yeah, we lied, y'all do need to mask up, we just said that so the healthcare folks don't run out of PPE! (now) Mask up or pay a fine!"

Or "We've seen some promising results with hydroxycholoroquine... The FDA has just approved emergency use of this drug for Coronavirus... no wait, the risks may be worse than the benefits... annddd the FDA just revoked it! DON'T take hydroxycholoquine!"

These so-called public health "experts" have been flip-flopping since day one. They have had more than their fair share of CNN airtime as it is. Enough is enough. If they can't stop Coronavirus at this point they need to shut their mouths and go away.

Here on the ground, there has been no flip-flopping. Nobody just randomly yanks out meds and starts tossing them at people hoping something sticks. It's called Evidence Based Practice. There is a pathway to trial of medications for off label use and it is never done as a frontline intervention.

I too am now questioning if you are even in the field. This is absurd, both in the assertion that "most" could be sent home with oral steroids and be just fine (from the ICU no less) and the rationalization of your opinions using talking heads with an agenda from the news as an excuse for your exemplary lack of critical thinking and irrational proposals.

And I am not a "buddy". Please speak to me respectfully as I have done you.

49 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Because they said corticosteroids are the 1st class of drugs that have been shown to reduce COVID mortality.

Really, unless you can't breathe and need to be on a vent, or your blood pressure's so low that you need to be on pressors, then you shouldn't be in an ICU. A lot of these hospitalized people ought to be discharged and told to stay at home to recover.

Only in certain situations and the evidence, while promising, has not been fully proven. I find it strange that you are fighting masks and social distancing, despite the abundance of evidence supporting it but now you are fully behind something that is only in it's research infancy. You are demonstrating cognitive dissonance to the extreme. Do you have any ICU experience? Are you actively caring for Covid patients? On what are you basing your conclusions.?

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