Topics About 'Pregnancy'.

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Found 23 results

  1. Old Wives Tales, Or Is It More? I write this as a cat lady and RN wanting to get down to the nitty-gritty of toxoplasmosis and find out what it is. We've all heard the adage that changing cat litter while pregnant is dangerous, but is it? I've he...
  2. ABC News Here's what you need to know about pregnancy and COVID-19
  3. Pregnant RN in Covid MICU

    The 2 other pregnant nurses I work with in ICU have taken personal leaves, as our unit is covid territory. I also float to the ED, but even feel safer there somehow, because I'm not "submerged" or saturated in these patients rooms for 12 hours suffoc...
  4. What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic condition that results in swelling of the lining of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This condition should not be confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which...
  5. Halfway through my program, nursing school has thus far, for various reasons, ranged from being disappointing to discouraging to despairing. I've been disappointed in the quality of the school and of the clinical experience. I've been discouraged abo...
  6. Pregnancy and Lactation The issue of medication use during pregnancy is of concern because the physiology of pregnancy affects the pharmokinetics of medications used, and certain medications can reach the fetus and cause harm. studying medicatio...
  7. ER RN- 26 Weeks Pregnant

    Hello all, I'm just wondering if anyone has any insight regarding navigating caring for known or rule out COVID patients while pregnant. Up until this point, our census had been very low and I had not been required to go in any of these rooms. Now wi...
  8. Dear Nurse Beth, So I will cut to the chase; I am 3 months pregnant and have a promising interview for a perioperative position. But there is a 6-month perioperative training component. This is a dream job for me, but I am so torn if I should te...
  9. Pregnancy and light duty

    Hey all. I am almost 34 weeks pregnant and am starting to struggle a lot at work. I work med surg with 6 patients. I am finding that I still get heavy assignments, find myself lifting way too much patient-wise, moving beds, barely sitting down ...
  10. Pregnant and working during covid

    Where are other pregnant nurses working during covid?? I am currently 7 months pregnant. I was working on a pcu unit that was made a covid unit so administration made me redeploy to my old med-surg unit. That med surg unit was then also transition...
  11. Healthy newborn ... Read in entirety: Partially Vaccinated Mom Passed Antibodies to Baby
  12. What are you doing at home?

    I know everyone has their own unique situations...mine is that my wife is 8 months pregnant and has asthma, although mild. I work on an orthopedic med surg floor and have been taking care of COVID rule outs intermittently since we stopped elective pr...
  13. I was just informed about a Covid outbreak in my psych unit. Half of the pts are positive. I work part time and am scheduled to work a couple of days this week. I really want to ask for time off. I didn't get vaccinated yet because there's no data on...
  14. My dream job that I’ve been waiting for for a year at a brand spanking new hospital has finally opened up. It’s right by my house and the facility is gorgeous. I’m an RN and the job is days in ICU. I’m currently four and a half weeks pregnant with a ...
  15. There’s no heartbeat. You’ve had a miscarriage. I’m sorry, but she didn’t make it. These are the words that expectant parents never want to hear. Some women may go through pregnancy with no complications, while others struggle with fertility and misc...
  16. I’m currently pregnant expecting my fourth child. I would like to work PRN at a local hospital (if they have a position that works for me). However, I know that I will not want to work postpartum- indefinitely. Raising babies is hard and important wo...
  17. Where are pregnant women working?

    just wondering what the terms are for pregnant healthcare workers at your current facilities? Are they putting them on covid units, switching them to telemedicine where possible, or keep them in clean units? Just genuinely wondering.
  18. ClaraRedheart

    Pregnancy after COVID vaccine?

    I love my father, but he is a conspiracy theorist and has gone down the rabbit hole. He's convinced that the vaccine will have effect on women's fertility. I think maybe he got to me a bit. I am vaccinated and will be taking my booster soon. However,...
  19. Elvish

    It's your turn now, nurse!

    I am an OB nurse; I do mother/baby, newborn nursery, and high-risk antepartum nursing. I'm used to being the one in control. I'm used to doing the teaching, reading the monitor strips, and reassuring the fears of many an anxious mama (pregnant or del...
  20. Should I stay home or help the fight?

    Starting with background info since it’s a very grey situation: I am currently 5 months pregnant and have two children ages 3 & 5 at home. I am older so I’m technically considered “elderly pregnancy.” I just moved to a new state with not much fam...
  21. At your hospital are pregnant nurses exempt from taking care of covid patients or patients that do not have a confirmed negative result? I work in a small OR and we have two pregnant nurses that have doctors notes saying they can't take care of patie...
  22. Pregnant in Nursing School....

    On our third clinical day I went to watch a nurse do a dressing change. Wound care, how exciting! I was absorbing information like a sponge. Then, suddenly it all hit me. The nausea, the exhaution, the weakness all came at once. I excused myself, wal...
  23. Is Tylenol Safe in Pregnancy?

    News reports came out this week regarding a consensus statement that more studies be done on the safety of acetaminophen in pregnancy (Bauer, Swan, Kriebel, Liew, Taylor, Bornhag, et al, 2021). Some of the headlines are alarming: FOX news headline ...