Topics About 'Masks'.

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Found 82 results

  1. Code blue and PPE

    Obligatory I’m not a nurse. I work in a larger office building in a doctors office but we do have crash carts “just in case”. Yesterday we had a code blue drill. ( a patient drops to the floor and tells you they don’t have a pulse, you take it from t...
  2. PREFACE: I'm confident that I'll do just fine for the 24 hours that I'm filling in for, but given that I'm not an epidemiologist or seer, I'd love any real-life advice or tips that might come in helpful. I have an unused KN95 and N95 mask (gowns and...
  3. Exposed to COVID+ no PPE, only surgical mask

    I recently got exposed to a patient who got admitted for a diagnosis not related to COVID, or so we thought. I had a surgical mask and only in the patients room for maybe 30 minutes giving medications. Later on, we found out she was COVID+. The patie...
  4. Masks and sore throats/sinus issues?

    Since we started wearing 1 surgical mask per shift and wearing sanitized N95s (reused and re-sanitized multiple times and not necessarily given back to the original owner), multiple staff members have noticed chronic low-grade sore throats and sinus ...
  5. CDC update on masks

    Does anyone else think this update (link below) means we might not have to wear masks all of the time? It seems like it to me, but I think there would have been an uproar already if it was.
  6. Well, is this a surprise to you??? Read in its entirety. Memorial Day offers array of contrasts as Biden and Trump salute war dead, with and without masks
  7. Many of you are wearing surgical or N95 face masks for long hours, or all day long. Do you know of any specific brands of surgical masks that are hypoallergenic and better for sensitive skin? Admin: Remove if this post violates TOS. I have zero c...
  8. New to the field and feeling guilty

    Hi all, First off, I want to thank everyone on this forum for sharing their experiences. I thought long and hard about posting this because my experience seems trivial, but I wanted to share my thoughts anyway. I’m not a nurse (yet, I just got accep...
  9. Read this, from BBC News: Millions go back into lockdown around the world Mask mandates in Western countries! Can you believe it? In places like Iran they have "morality police" who harass women wearing clothing deemed too 'un-Islamic' and not coveri...
  10. Steven Arthur LaTulippe spread COVID-19 dis-information. Is this good for the healthcare industry? Read in its entirety: Doctor Who Claimed Masks Hurt Health Loses License
  11. Could masks be another vector?

    Consider that when people go about their daily lives they put their hands on everything in their environment; door handles, gas pumps, counter tops, store shelves, etcetera. And I notice people constantly touching and readjusting their masks. S...
  12. sirI

    Trump Goes Maskless

    All I ask is ... why? Read in its entirety: Pandemic Politics: Maskless Trump Tours Michigan Ford Plant
  13. Please forgive the naivete of my question. I am humbly seeking to understand why the majority of those in direct patient care aren't sick with COVID-19 considering inadequate PPE (surgical masks as opposed to N95s or PAPRs, unprecedented reuse of mas...
  14. Public Making Masks

    I was wondering what everyone feels of the Crafty moms world making fabric masks for us? While I understand people’s wants and desires to help, I do not feel that these are acceptable alternatives. We might as well go in with no masks. I’d persona...
  15. In my Philadelphia suburb, I see 98% wearing masks while shopping, hardware store, gas stations --- surprised survey self reports so low in other areas with such heavy coverage re need on broadcast/cable TV/Dr. Fauci re need for masks. CNN/ Axios pol...
  16. What do you all think? Do you think masks are now a permanent part of a nurses work day?
  17. Covid-19: Going Back to Normal?

    I know I'm jumping the gun here, but who's looking forward to having all visitor restrictions lifted, visiting hours gone, hoards of visitors back? Our patient satisfaction scores are way up, wondering what the hospital head honchos think is the...
  18. Mask refusal on unit

    Hi - I tried searching already existing topics, so as not to add to them, but couldn't really find an appropriate place to post this. Someone with an admin job in our unit and who works in a small yet moderately / regularly trafficked office, takes o...
  19. Queen Tiye

    Do you think this is safe?

    I work at a LTC. Employees at our facility are required to reuse our masks for about four days. Each day we are expected to place our masks in paper bags and leave them, we get them back the next day. I don’t like that the paper bags are jammed to...
  20. Kitiger

    Face Mask Support Frames

    Is anybody using face mask support frames? How do they fit over the nose? Do they mess up the seal? My husband bought some N 95 face masks, and I don't like the way the mask sucks in and out, hitting my mouth & nose with each breath. The mas...
  21. Breath smells with mask

    Just wondering if I’m the only one and maybe I have a problem. I brush my teeth twice a day try to floss everyday and use mouthwash twice a day per my dentist. With the masks I notice at the end of the day my breath smells bad. Do I normally have ...
  22. Itsjustaride

    covid related job questions

    Has any one working felt weird about putting face masks on patients? Especially uncooperative ones? In psych wards?? Do you put a face mask over the patient when you give a routine nebulizer treatment in LTC facilities? Does it change in emergen...
  23. Coworker's refusing to wear mask

    My agency requires us to wear masks. Yet,I see too many of my coworkers refusing to wear masks.Should I report them,or let the parents/caregivers do it? I work in private duty,8 hour shifts in the home. I saw one nurse come from her ...
  24. COVID Faces

    Okay, so this has the potential to sound very strange. I have noticed that at work the past couple months when a co-worker slips their mask down for a moment to take a drink, eat, readjust the mask, etc. That from the nose they just look strange almo...
  25. I haven't found the answer. I sweat in my masks(kn95 plus regular surgical mask) and face shield a lot. I have to remove it to cleanse my face every shift multiple times Maybe I should switch back to goggles. My skin is getting really bad. I have n...