People with asthma in England fear being harassed and denied services for not being able to wear a mask

Nurses COVID

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Specializes in Psych.

Read this, from BBC News:

Millions go back into lockdown around the world

Mask mandates in Western countries! Can you believe it? In places like Iran they have "morality police" who harass women wearing clothing deemed too 'un-Islamic' and not covering their hair. In North Korea the government mandates you get a haircut from an approved list of 'socialist hairstyles'. Leftists here in the U.S. surely at licking their lips at the prospect of harassing those who don't conform to the mask national dress code.

Well, since asthma is not a contraindication to wearing a mask why should they expect sympathy?

And before you go there...I have severe asthma requiring multiple meds and hospitalizations and I breathe just fine with a mask.

Specializes in Psych.
3 minutes ago, Wuzzie said:

Well, since asthma is not a contraindication to wearing a mask why should they expect sympathy?

Apparently the English government disagrees because they got "sympathy" (or a valid medical reason) to be exempt from wearing a mask.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Pediatric Float, PICU, NICU.

I keep trying to ignore and not take your bait but it continues to blow my mind that one would compare things like mandating "socialist hairstyles" and place that in the same boat as temporarily wearing a mask to protect others in society.

32 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Read this, from BBC News: people with asthma have to wear masks%3F%262020-07-14T15%3A58%3A42.378Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:aa79c4c3-771e-4ab1-a61b-48a2d4631e3e&pinned_post_asset_id=5f0dd13bbac8f90655aa9e56&pinned_post_type=share

Mask mandates in Western countries! Can you believe it? In places like Iran they have "morality police" who harass women wearing clothing deemed too 'un-Islamic' and not covering their hair. In North Korea the government mandates you get a haircut from an approved list of 'socialist hairstyles'. Leftists here in the U.S. surely at licking their lips at the prospect of harassing those who don't conform to the mask national dress code.


I guess we all asthma sufferers would be unemployed since we "couldn't" wear a mask at work???

and just fyI: being asthmatic doesn't prevent one from wearing a mask.

Thanks for the laughs though. ?

On edit, there is a name for those who are so ignorant and selfish as to refuse to wear a mask , but I won't post it since I don't want to break any TOS rules. ?

Specializes in Psych.
1 minute ago, NewRN'16 said:

Thanks for the laughs though. ?

Not everyone's asthma may be as well-controlled as yours, and they could also have comorbid medical conditions that can rapidly make them hypercapneic. Nothing hilarious about that at all.

This mask-wearing thing may degenerate into public bullying and stigma (like fat-shaming) for those who can't wear masks. Just terrible.

I have asthma myself and I'm doing great wearing a mask all day. Don't have to deal with all the perfumes, cleaning solutions and Downy Fabric Softener in everybody's clothes (my personal trigger). That's a very unexpected blessing.

53 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Not everyone's asthma may be as well-controlled as yours, and they could also have comorbid medical conditions that can rapidly make them hypercapneic.

The idea that masks make you hypercapneic has been thoroughly debunked. I can't believe, as a nurse, you even brought it up. I'm sure you've figured out by now, and probably don't care, that your credibility here is pretty much gone but I think this statement very much put a nail in your coffin (so to speak).

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

Recommendations on the use of face masks to reduce COVID-19 transmission

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, and recommendations and requirements about face coverings continue to evolve, we know some patients with asthma have questions about wearing masks in public. This guidance is provided to aid the discussion on this topic.

  • The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.
  • Face masks help to slow the spread of the virus. Masks can help keep people who may have the virus from transmitting it to others. Some areas of the country require people to wear a mask in public, especially where social distancing may be difficult. Cloth face masks are available for purchase in many stores or online. They can also be made at home from common materials at low cost. One benefit of cloth face masks is they can be washed and reused so they are always available.
  • Masks can be used as an additional, public health measure in combination with social distancing, staying home when possible, and frequent hand washing. People who are feeling sick should stay home.
  • Face masks should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
  • There is no evidence that wearing a face mask makes asthma worse. However, it is possible that some people with asthma may feel it is more difficult to get an adequate breath while wearing a face mask.
  • While we support and advocate that people follow CDC recommendations, some people with asthma do not feel they can breathe adequately while wearing a mask. They should avoid going to public places as much as possible. Being in public without a face mask may increase the chances of passing on a COVID-19 infection to others even if symptoms are not present.
  • If you feel you can only wear a mask for a short time, plan for any necessary outings to public places to be as short as possible and to wear your mask as long as possible. It may be helpful to try different face coverings at home to find one that is most comfortable, and practice wearing the mask at home for a period before your next outing. Always use a clean mask for each outing. If possible, don’t take your mask off and put it back on during a single outing, as touching the mask increases the possibility of contamination.
  • We recommend that everyone continue to practice good hand hygiene and limit touching their face, especially when in public. Masks are not a replacement for social distancing, which continues to be extremely important in stopping the spread of the virus.
  • We strongly recommend that anyone with asthma continue to take their maintenance asthma medications to keep their symptoms under control and to reduce their risk for an asthma exacerbation or hospitalization. They should also continue to follow up with their allergist and other treating physicians for their continued care during this time.

Updated 7/2/2020.


The Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation Partnership is a registered charity in England and Wales, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Registered office: 18 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AA.

Here is a link to the section for people with asthma titled “Should I wear a face mask or face covering?”:

1 hour ago, Wuzzie said:

Well, since asthma is not a contraindication to wearing a mask why should they expect sympathy?

And before you go there...I have severe asthma requiring multiple meds and hospitalizations and I breathe just fine with a mask.

ditto 4 me!

Had everyone just done what they were supposed to, social distance and mask wearing, we'd be out of this mess by now or at least be nearing the horizon. While I'm sure you think spamming every thread and creating new ones parroting far right extremist talking points is amusing entertainment, it actually is not. When lives are on the line AND the economy you are endlessly professing concern for ironically, It's psychotic behavior in my opinion. Not to mention tiresome.

10 hours ago, Wuzzie said:

Well, since asthma is not a contraindication to wearing a mask why should they expect sympathy?

And before you go there...I have severe asthma requiring multiple meds and hospitalizations and I breathe just fine with a mask.

Me too-and I wear the N95 mask my whole shift and continue to self isolation otherwise. They are not requiring them to wear as severe of a mask-if I can wear it-they can wear one-otherwise stay home. Sorry, no sympathy from this nurse.

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