Topics About 'Asthma'.

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Found 11 results

  1. Read this, from BBC News: Millions go back into lockdown around the world Mask mandates in Western countries! Can you believe it? In places like Iran they have "morality police" who harass women wearing clothing deemed too 'un-Islamic' and not coveri...
  2. Why does Albuterol work better in relieving bronchitis and emphysema than asthma? ? Thanks.
  3. I feel horrible for everyone involved in this situation. LAKEVILLE, Minn. (FOX 9) - A family says their daughter suffered a traumatic brain injury and is now in a vegetative state after her school nurse in Lakeville, Minnesota didn't treat her asthma...
  4. Asthmatic caring for covid patients

    Hi everyone, Can an asthmatic nurse take care of covid19 patients? I am a new grad that has moderate/ severe asthma and was wondering if I should list it as a limitation to care for Covid patients. Your input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  5. An estimated 10% of children in Georgia under the age of eighteen have asthma (Georgia Department of Human Resources, 2006). Nationally, an estimated 12.8 million school days were lost to asthma in 2004 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20...
  6. Asthmatic and forced to Covid unit

    Hello all, My dilemma is still so shocking to me! I've been in FMLA for asthma. My last asthma attack was in June. My employer knows all of my history and still trying to transfer me to a Covid patient unit. I can't believe this is happening!! I've g...
  7. Hand Sanitizer and Asthma

    I am a nurse of twenty-four years. I have worked in medical, pediatrics, NICU, and am now working in hemodialysis. I have recently developed workplace induced irritable larynx syndrome. When I am exposed to the hand sanitizer, even if someone uses it...
  8. J.Adderton

    Thunderstorm Asthma Spikes ED Visits

    For decades, scientists have predicted global warming will increase the number and intensity of inclement weather events. A band of violent thunderstorms moved through southeastern Australia in the fall of 2016 and triggered a wave of asthma attacks....
  9. Asthma attacks and no albuterol.

    Let me first preface this by saying I am new to school nursing, let alone new to pediatric nursing. I had this happen way too many times this year, with a few of the same asthmatic kids. They come from PE having an asthma attack and no albutero...
  10. Asthma, no inhaler, WWYD?

    It happens pretty often that students forget their inhalers (MS). Every time it's happened there was no distress, O2 sats were mid to high 90s, mild wheezing and every other time someone was able to bring the inhaler within a reasonable time. But yes...
  11. Uncontrolled asthma.

    I have a student who is always wheezing. I could listen to his lungs at any time of the day and there would be wheezing. This student can take every the inhaler every 4 hours. Today, the student needed his inhaler less than 2.5 hours after his first ...