Topics About 'Covid'.

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Found 58 results

  1. Congratulations to BunnyBunnyBSNRN, ASN, BSN for the winning caption. ? Month-Long Nurses Week Celebration Starts Today! Nurses Week Contest #3 This cartoon, provided by Davey Do, needs a caption. Help us find the perfect caption and...
  2. Nursing Staffing Post COVID Quagmire...

    Covid did a number to nursing staff shortage like we never seen. Nurses call off all the time, some are leaving. The remaining staff is burned out from doing doubles and then some. Vacations declined and people arrive at their breaking point. This is...
  3. The Guardian Newspaper and Kaiser Health News have reported that thousands of US healthcare workers have died fighting Covid-19. Their investigations have revealed the disproportionate burden on healthcare workers of color and government undercounts...
  4. tnbutterfly - Mary

    Compassionate Combat

    allnurses is participating in the virtual AACN -NTI conference this week. We have enjoyed meeting some of our members in person as we attended the conference every year for more than a decade. But COVID got in the way. Last year the conference was ...
  5. COVID-19: Return to School in Fall of 2021

    The whirlwind that COVID-19 threw students, educators and caregivers into in early 2020 was just the beginning of a flow of new but related storms each taking a different twist. Few would have thought that resuming schools after more than a year and ...
  6. bbear2102

    ICU nursing in Texas during COVID

    As luck, fate, destiny, whatever you want to call it, would have it I am back at the bedside as an ICU nurse in the middle of a Pandemic. I have been away from the bedside in various roles for the last 5 years, and now I am back. I live in the Dall...
  7. Will you take the Pfizer Covid Vaccine?

    We just finished a nurse group Zoom Mtg. We were asked how we felt about taking the covid vaccine per the school Supt. Wow, didn't expect that on a Monday. The school nurse? Wow, it's like your life flashes before your eyes for the present and for th...
  8. Which Covid Vaccine is better?

    Hello Fellow Nurses, Which Covid vaccine supply is better to you Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson& Johnson? Does anyone know where to review research? I have elderly parents and elderly in laws. I have read about side effects and anaphylaxis...
  9. STD-NP

    Covid, Are We Still Here?

    Sometimes I feel like we are living in another world lately. I often wonder, are we still here eighteen months later? It seems surreal. I am 53 years old and have been in nursing since 1995. One of the most difficult and scary times I remember in...
  10. A Day in the Life of a Nurse at Ground Zero

    “Every member of the colony has a job to do and their altruism is what makes them so successful.” - by Robin QueenDuty CallsIn the wee hours of a pitch-black Pacific northwest morning, I’m jolted out of a dream by the grating sound of my alarm. The ...
  11. JBMmom

    Pandemic: The Beginning

    The Early Days I have to preface anything about my experience during the pandemic by saying that I was lucky. I live in the northeast and we didn't suffer nearly the overwhelming patient load and deaths that so many dealt with elsewhere in the Un...
  12. Good morning- Now that several of us have gotten our COVID Vaccine- I'm just curious how you got along? Side Effect? What were they? Happy Thursday Friends- Cattz
  13. allnurses

    COVID-19 Mis/Dis-Information

    During this Pandemic time, we have seen an increase of COVID Mis/Dis-Information. Much has been posted and discussed on allnurses, some of which has been very divisive. This announcement is to inform the membership of how we plan to address this in...
  14. tnbutterfly - Mary

    Please Describe Your COVID Experience in One Word?

    We posted this on one of our facebook pages and got more than 55,000 comments in less than a week. WOW!! We would love to hear from you, too. We know you all have gone through so much...more than anyone can even imagine unless you are there....
  15. Overwhelmed hospitals in California are rapidly inching towards the abyss of rationing care. On Jan. 4, 2021, an LA Times headline read “Ambulance crews told not to transport patients who have little chance of survival”. The same arti...
  16. J.Adderton

    Omicron Variant Update

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially classified Omicron (SARS-CoV-2) as a Variant of Concern (VOC). As of this writing, there have been no cases of the new variant identified in the U.S., but experts warn it's only a matter of time. Th...
  17. COVID-19: Mitigating the Infodemic

    Mitigating the Infodemic It would seem like COVID 19 is unrelenting in throwing new curve balls on every turn: new variants, vaccine side effects, divisive politics, mistrust of the health care systems and other issues have all led to a prolonged...
  18. Rant About Covid Antivaxxers

    We have all dealt with chronic care patients who keep coming back to the hospital because they have COPD and refuse to stop smoking, have CHF but can't be bothered to be compliant with their medications, or they are ESRD but they won't change their l...
  19. JBMmom

    I Don't Care About Statistics

    We have recently been fully immersed in the next wave in my ICU. Since August we've been hovering at 25-50% COVID patients in our small unit. When I left yesterday morning we had 10/12 beds with intubated COVID patients. Two coded and died yesterday ...
  20. Where are We Now? Here we are rounding the bend of October 2021. About 20 months into a global pandemic, healthcare has been in a strange place. While many in healthcare have worked tirelessly caring for COVID-19 patients, those with other heal...
  21. Ariemay82

    Vaccination Mandating

    I'm in NY. Wonder how other NURSES are feeling about mandatory COVID vaccination?
  22. Brenda F. Johnson

    How Has Covid Affected Nursing?

    Nurses have a larger portion of burnout than other professions which can lead to patient care issues. Some of the prominent contributing factors for nurse burnout are: lack of supplies necessary to do their job, psychological effects of taking care o...
  23. A few months into the pandemic, we had a patient admitted directly to the ICU from the ED. She was in her late 80s, and her story quickly went through the unit because we were honestly at a loss for how this could have happened. For many of us i...
  24. COVID Faces

    Okay, so this has the potential to sound very strange. I have noticed that at work the past couple months when a co-worker slips their mask down for a moment to take a drink, eat, readjust the mask, etc. That from the nose they just look strange almo...
  25. In my area it seems that the worst of the COVID pandemic has passed, we are now seeing maybe 1-2 COVID patients at a time in the unit, and we've even had a couple stretches of a few days with no COVID positive patients. That's been a nice change from...