Prejudice Teacher

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My teacher for my pre req nursing program is horrid. He is from China and is extremely prejudiced against Americans. We are constantly subjected to his 'tidbits' of information about how Americans are basically extremely stupid compared to other countries. If students have not grasped a concept he's taught, he will say things like, In China we learn this in 3rd grade. What is wrong with your school system that you can't understand basic concepts? He also says things like, America may have some of the best schools, but most people don't get in there, most people get into crap schools, so the vast majority are under qualified. Today his rant was about nurses in the US. He said the that united states nurses have a high propensity for killing patients by misreading solutions placed into the bloodstream. He said a lot of nurses don't understand the concept of Isotonic solutions, blah blah blah. One of the students raised his hand and said, don't other countries have the same problem. He said sure, but because the educational system in the us is so poor we have much lower standard of nurses here. He has said a lot of really derogatory things, a lot more than i have mentioned. A lot of the students hate him, but no one wants to speak up. I feel like I'm in a hostile educational environment every time i come to his class. I really dislike this man but I'm at a loss of what to do. Im on the verge of anger a lot of the times. I had to stop myself from screaming at him , "Go back to China and teach there if you think were so dumb!"

now he's making me turn into a racist smh

You could probably file a formal complaint to your school of nursing. Degrading students for not understanding a concept is the antithesis of what a teacher should do. He's being inappropriate and unprofessional.

Tape a lecture and play it back to an advisor

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
My teacher for my pre req nursing program is horrid. He is from China and is extremely prejudiced against Americans. We are constantly subjected to his 'tidbits' of information about how Americans are basically extremely stupid compared to other countries. If students have not grasped a concept he's taught, he will say things like, In China we learn this in 3rd grade. What is wrong with your school system that you can't understand basic concepts? He also says things like, America may have some of the best schools, but most people don't get in there, most people get into crap schools, so the vast majority are under qualified. Today his rant was about nurses in the US. He said the that united states nurses have a high propensity for killing patients by misreading solutions placed into the bloodstream. He said a lot of nurses don't understand the concept of Isotonic solutions, blah blah blah. One of the students raised his hand and said, don't other countries have the same problem. He said sure, but because the educational system in the us is so poor we have much lower standard of nurses here. He has said a lot of really derogatory things, a lot more than i have mentioned. A lot of the students hate him, but no one wants to speak up. I feel like I'm in a hostile educational environment every time i come to his class. I really dislike this man but I'm at a loss of what to do. Im on the verge of anger a lot of the times. I had to stop myself from screaming at him , "Go back to China and teach there if you think were so dumb!"

now he's making me turn into a racist smh

Your professor is opinionated and anti-American. You know his bias. Now allow for that in his lectures and learn what he has to teach. You're free to report him to the head of the department, but that may not help your grade any. Just move on.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

What subject is he teaching? And yes, tape a lecture and play it for his department head. Or....lemme guess, he's a TA?

You could probably file a formal complaint to your school of nursing. Degrading students for not understanding a concept is the antithesis of what a teacher should do. He's being inappropriate and unprofessional.

It's not a nursing class.

Just curious, is this a private for profit school or a public school? And what in the heck is the subject, sociology, English, math, history, anthropology....what?

I don't think you, or any students should just move on. In his "respected" position as a "teacher" he is spewing hate speech and erroneous unfair truths. His tidbits have no place in a classroom. I would get up and walk out, not just sit there. Or tape the lecture as another poster mentioned, and play it for administration. If these tidbits of information are any indication of his intelligence he is obviously an idiot!

Your professor is opinionated and anti-American. You know his bias. Now allow for that in his lectures and learn what he has to teach. You're free to report him to the head of the department, but that may not help your grade any. Just move on.

I agree! And you can make a conscious point to use this as a learning experience on how to deal with opinionated a$$hats because believe me you will need that skill on the job.

I would keep a record...dates/times/quotes/recordings possibly. Get your grade, learn the skill of dealing with folk like him and THEN share your info with TPTB.

Have fun! I always find it more palatable to tolerate such nonsense when I have a plan. Like every additional offense he makes will be a nugget to build your complaint. But don't forget to learn the material! :)

Just curious, is this a private for profit school or a public school? And what in the heck is the subject, sociology, English, math, history, anthropology....what?

I don't think you, or any students should just move on. In his "respected" position as a "teacher" he is spewing hate speech and erroneous unfair truths. His tidbits have no place in a classroom. I would get up and walk out, not just sit there. Or tape the lecture as another poster mentioned, and play it for administration. If these tidbits of information are any indication of his intelligence he is obviously an idiot!

I hope he isn't teaching sociology or anthropology his mindset isn't suited to teach a humanities class, my guess is he is teaching chemistry since the OP mentioned isotonic solutions.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
He said sure, but because the educational system in the us is so poor we have much lower standard of nurses here.
I'm not defending this teacher, but the educational system here in the U.S. is substandard compared to many other industrialized countries. Many people have graduated from high school not knowing how to read, write or do math at a sixth grade level.
Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
If students have not grasped a concept he's taught, he will say things like, In China we learn this in 3rd grade

Depending on the concept it may be true. My husband is from Korea and some academic concepts are in fact taught much earlier in the far east than they are here. One that comes to mind is multiplication tables; according to Dad, my then-4th grader who still needed practice was "behind" because Dad learned them all by 2nd nature in 1st grade. And he's quick to point out that he was only an average student as a kid.

Un-teacherlike-by-American-standards doesn't equal prejudiced. To paint all Asians with a broad brush because of dealings with one, is.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.

I agree it must be annoying to have him for a teacher. But think of it this way: he probably had to learn to speak, read and write proficiently in English to be able to get the job. Is he articulate? Compare his English language skills with post-secondary students who speak English as a first language, but have no concept of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. And ask yourself if he's so annoying because he might be right about some things.

Specializes in Cath/EP lab, CCU, Cardiac stepdown.

Well it's interesting that you would say that he's making you into a racist. I'm a Chinese American nurse and I found what you said to be offensive, but surprisingly I only find you offensive, and not your entire race. Who would've thought.

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