Nursing Pins

Nurses General Nursing


I'm at that time in the program where I have to think about graduation. And with that, comes pinning. I've heard from one of my instructors that she still has her pin since its a symbol for her. I've been debating if I should purchase a pin or not. I just think that I'll be happy I have it but in the end, it will probably end up sitting in a jewelry box.

I was just wondering about anyone here that did get a pin and what meaning it might hold.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

I purchased mine 35 years ago and it was significant to my school, to me and my accomplishment. I still have it and I still wear it. I actually bought 2 a cheap one and the 14K gold one. I still have both....but I also still have my nursing cap.

Patients ask me about it all the time.

Call me sentimental.

My LPN and RN pins from school were both 'free' (I'm sure the cost was buried in tuition somewhere). While I do still have them I have never worn them. Both sit in curio cabinet where my diploma and degree are with the lamps from both programs, my tassle and pictures from both gradutions. It tends to be a conversation piece when people see them.

I don't think I'd ever wear them to work only for fear of losing them.

Both hold very sentimental value to me. To me, they show me how far I've come and the long road it took to get here. Can't wait to add my BSN pin :)

My friend gave me a little teddy bear with scrubs and a stethoscope when I graduated. Only the bear has ever worn that pin (I'd put it on my badge but I'm afraid to lose it.) I like having the pin, although I'm the sentimental type. If your school offers several pins at different price points and you can afford it, you can get the most affordable one whether you plan to wear it or just display it somewhere. Or not if there's no value in it to you---either way, congrats! Almost there!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I've been a nurse 23 years - I did purchase my LPN and ADN pins (from different schools) but yep they sit in a jewelry box.

In my current job I wear fleece jackets (brrr its always cold in dialysis units and hospitals) with my credentials embroidered on one side, my practice on the other side and if I need to I carry my pass card in my pocket.

However, I'm also one who has never gone to any graduations either - to me my education was a means to an end. I really didn't have any relationships with any of the other students or my instructors and.

Having just gone from LPN to RN, I wore my pin only while I was waiting to pass my boards since my name tag still said LPN at that time. I don't think that many patients are aware of the differences in what LPNs and RNs do but I felt like if anyone questioned me doing more than I should, I had my RN pin on. I guess that's kind of silly but there it is lol. Now my pin is in its box. My LPN pin was never worn and still sits in my jewelry box 25+ years latr.

We only have one option for a pin and its design doesn't appeal to me. If we don't purchase a pin we just get a ribbon. I guess I'd feel more compelled to purchase it if there was an actual meaning behind the pin instead of the college just handing it out because we're graduating.

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

I bought one for my ADN program but don't wear it. I am getting BSN this semester and just bought a BSN pin. May put them on lab coat when I have to wear for something. I am a little sentimental. I like to have those little symbols. I have all my tassels and a pic form each graduation (this one will be #5) I think I will do a shadow box or something.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

I wear my pin on my name badge, it's changed badges several times over the years. It wasn't cheap, but I'd rather wear it than leave it in a box somewhere.

Specializes in pediatrics; PICU; NICU.

The pin for my ADN program was included in our tuition and I still have it. I also have the pin I got when I finished my BSN. Both are pinned on my work bag.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

I did not pin when I finished LPN, I did opt to pin for RN. Bought the el cheapo and it sits in my jewelry armoire! Not allowed to wear them on name badges where I work now, so there it sits :dead:

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

I got mine and wore it throughout my career. I'm not working anymore, but I'm glad I have that pin. It reminds me of all I went through to get it, and of the school I attended which closed a long time ago.

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

I lost mine when I moved. Kinda forgot about it till just now.

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