Nursing Pins

Nurses General Nursing


I'm at that time in the program where I have to think about graduation. And with that, comes pinning. I've heard from one of my instructors that she still has her pin since its a symbol for her. I've been debating if I should purchase a pin or not. I just think that I'll be happy I have it but in the end, it will probably end up sitting in a jewelry box.

I was just wondering about anyone here that did get a pin and what meaning it might hold.

*wipes away a tear*

I just went back to my pinning. We held candles! We wore white, and we wore caps! One Moment In Time, by Whitney Houston was playing as we walked out. My scariest professor pinned me. I remember shaking and crying with my friends. Not a dry eye in the house.

As for my pin? I think it may be in my jewelry box.

Specializes in MDS/ UR.
I purchased mine 35 years ago and it was significant to my school, to me and my accomplishment. I still have it and I still wear it. I actually bought 2 a cheap one and the 14K gold one. I still have both....but I also still have my nursing cap.

Patients ask me about it all the time.

Call me sentimental.

33 years come June for mine. It is 14Kt gold and in the safety deposit box.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I got one from my LPN and ADN but haven't ever worn them. I also didn't go to any of my pinning ceremonies or graduations. Although I'm extremely proud of my accomplishments and my career for me school was the means to an end and nothing more.

Specializes in Medical Oncology, Alzheimer/dementia.

I forgot I had that pin...

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

almost 43 years ago, i still have mine and wear occasionaly, same for my RRT pin

I guess I'd feel more compelled to purchase it if there was an actual meaning behind the pin instead of the college just handing it out because we're graduating.

I don't understand what you mean by this. It's your school's pin -- what other "meaning behind the pin" are you looking for?

Specializes in Med-Surg, Transplant.

I have a pin from my MSN and a pin from my BSN...I've always enjoyed wearing the BSN pin over my 4.5ish years as an RN...have worn MSN pin sometimes since I finished several months ago. I plan to continue to incorporate the MSN pin into my daily outfits as I transition next month to an NP role.

Neither one of my pins was made from the nicer metal options so although they still look nice they were not crazy expensive at all. I do love jewelry so that probably makes me biased but I don't regret getting either one at all.

I LOVE that New Zealand nursing medal!!

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

I am very sentimental--I still have my Girl Scout pins, my jr hi grad pin, my high school ring, my nursing school ring and pin. My nursing school pin is precious to me, 47 years after my graduation! I didn't wear it, but I had a plastic pt id band wrapped around my stethoscope, the pin was on that little band.

I also still have my cap--also precious to me. When I'm cremated, the cap goes w/me, and the pin can go in the urn, unless some family member wants it.

Like I said--I'm sentimental. :sarcastic:

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

So for you US nurses, you dont have a standard medal that RNs wear?

Specializes in CVICU.

I graduate in May and have chosen not to order one. Actually, none of the other guys in my class did either. I don't see the point, and in my opinion, wearing a name badge that identifies you as an RN is a testament enough to what you went through (nursing school, the NCLEX, etc). I realize others may be more sentimental about it though.

So for you US nurses, you dont have a standard medal that RNs wear?


I'm at that time in the program where I have to think about graduation. And with that, comes pinning. I've heard from one of my instructors that she still has her pin since its a symbol for her. I've been debating if I should purchase a pin or not. I just think that I'll be happy I have it but in the end, it will probably end up sitting in a jewelry box.

I was just wondering about anyone here that did get a pin and what meaning it might hold.

We were given pins when we had our pinning ceremony. I didn't know other schools make you buy them?! The pins were all the same with the schools name and BSN on it. I framed mine because it represented the hard work I put into school and it was specific to nursing. Everyone who graduates from college gets a diploma but only nurses get a pin. So I say get one and frame it. If it is not to expensive, that is. And though I am a pretty new nurse myself (just landed my first job in the ICU), I want to say congratulations and welcome to the profession!

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