Meaning of your username?

Nurses General Nursing


Hey ya'll!

I am new to allnurses and just was curious what everyones usernames mean. I know there are previous thread for this but I figured there have been some username changes and new members since then.

As you can see my username is Flightless and its just short for flightless bird AKA penguin which are my favorite animal lol I had a hard time trying to pick a username that was unique but didn't give me away! Haha!

So lets hear it!

I have always seen myself as a paradox, so FrozenFlame has been my digital identity since I was a teenager in the 90s.

I called myself a blue goldfish in the 90s so I feel you.. Old SN I'maBlueGoldfish

Yeah, I definitely thought you were Canadian. :)

And even now that I know the correct pronunciation I still say can-ee. Gah!

Me, too!

Saw this on BuzzFeed, said to the wife that Smoothie Bowls” would make a great user name...


Expat living in NEw Zealand. And so glad I do! American nursing seems to be bad.

I'm curious, was it difficult to get licensed overseas? I have a dear friend in NZ and we joke about becoming neighbors, but it's not entirely a joke.

After a minor Harry Potter character - Elladora Ketteridge, the witch that discovered the properties of Gillyweed, namely that it would give you gills when chewed. (Not Elladora Black, the witch who started the tradition of beheading house elves!)

After a minor Harry Potter character - Elladora Ketteridge, the witch that discovered the properties of Gillyweed, namely that it would give you gills when chewed. (Not Elladora Black, the witch who started the tradition of beheading house elves!)

my harry potter soulmate lol!

I was dubbed "The Hygiene Queen" because I was/am very very picky about the hygiene and grooming of my patients. When I was an aide, you could tell which patients were mine, just by the way they looked.

I was also dubbed "The Gero Whisperer" because I am exceptionally good with getting difficult dementia patients to calm down and get them to do the things we need them to. I had already joined here as "Hygiene Queen" by the time "Gero Whisperer" was mentioned, but I like "Gero Whisperer" better.

I also was dubbed "The Urinator" because I could always get a urine sample from those oh-so-tricky aforementioned dementia patients... but I decided to pass on that for a username!

My name may not be appropriate but my name is Henry and my friends tend to call me after the alcohol Hennessy as a simple joke and humor to my personality. Personally, I think it is adorable.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

JRR Tolkien reference, since I love the Elves + I love me some Elvis.

Back when I chose this name, my son was into watching Veggie Tales' Lord of the Beans where Larry dresses up as 'Elves' and does Silly Songs with an obvious Elvis twang. At one point, another angry vegetable tells him, "You're no Elf! You're an Elvish impersonator!"

So, Elvish.

Specializes in ER, Med/Surg.

Way back when....there was the FIRST GPS that gave voice commands, it was called "Tom Tom". One of the nurses I worked with when I was a UC made the joke that I was like Tom Tom, in that everyone asked me everything about everything and I always had the answer. So, she took a shortened version of my first name, and started calling me "Pat Pat". Some also called me "Radar" after Cpl. Radar O'reilly from MASH who always had the answer before the superior could get the question out.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.
Logan = city where I lived when I created the account

K622 = opus number of Mozart's clarinet concerto (once a band nerd, always a band nerd)

SO glad it isn't just me being the "band nerd" I played clarinet all thru Jr high. Has and college. I enjoyed marching season more than concert season - I have to say I (a little bit) miss my band days.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Mine is Sissiesmama - my baby dog is Sissie and I am her mama.

Anne, RNC

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