If you DO NOT teach health classes at your school


Specializes in Pediatrics, Community Health, School Health.

I am curious to hear who teaches the health curriculum in your school if it is not you. I currently teach a curriculum I designed myself to K-3, but it is more when I have the time or if a teacher is out and needs someone to cover, etc. My son is in 7th grade and I was surprised to learn the the two school nurses in his school are only there to be nurses and do not teach the health education class, they have a separate Health teacher who teaches that class. I love the teaching aspect of my job and curious what your schools do for health education if it is not you who teaches those classes. I would love to move away from the admin responsibilities without losing patient/student contact. My current school is growing and my student population will go from K-3 this year, to K-8 next Fall :nailbiting:, growing from 488 students to over 1,000 :arghh: My director and I are meeting this week to discuss long-term goals for me and I am definitely going to talk about the possibility of starting a health education curriculum and possibly passing the nurse torch to someone else.

I would love to hear more about the health education curriculum in your school and who teaches the classes, their certification/degree, etc.

Specializes in kids.

We have a full-time health teacher in my building (HS) and in MS and ES, the PE teachers share those duties. I'm ok wiht that and try to get up to her class on a regular basis.

Our health curriculum is built into our science units. Outside of the puberty talk, the teachers teach health.

Our health curriculum is built into our science units. Outside of the puberty talk, the teachers teach health.

This how we do it as well. This year we do have an outside source coming in to teach the required "Abstinence Program" though. My teachers are super excited about that because they don't have to teach the super awkward stuff this year.

Teachers teach health - I believe part of science and PE curriculum. Only thing I do is facilitate the puberty/hygiene info for 5th grade in the spring - About 20 minutes of class time - kids watch the DVD and I send home the pamphlet info for student/parents.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

Only real health teaching the Elementary gets in my puberty/hygiene talk. They may get a little anatomy in science class. In MS/HS area, the 8th grade have a trimester Health class taught by a teacher (he's also a coach). There is an optional Anatomy/physiology class offered in HS taught by the science teacher.

An outside group comes in and does puberty talk in 5 th grade. We have a full time Health teacher and with number of students one of our PE teachers also teaches health. All of our PE teachers also have to have a health endorsement.

Our PE teachers teach health (they are credentialed to do so) and we have an outside company that comes in for the puberty talks.

Specializes in school nurse.
This how we do it as well. This year we do have an outside source coming in to teach the required "Abstinence Program" though. My teachers are super excited about that because they don't have to teach the super awkward stuff this year.

I'm curious. What age group(s) have this required program? Is the curriculum such that it is taught without any of the knowledge that students who will not abstain could use?

Specializes in Pediatrics, school nursing.

I'm in a high school in Texas. Health is a required one-semester elective here, and we have coaches who are certified to teach Health to the students. When I was in a 5th/6th school, I did the one-day puberty video with the assistance of the PE coaches.

Specializes in School Nursing, Pediatrics.

We have a health teacher that goes to every class and teaches health. Grades k-6.

Specializes in Telemetry, Gastroenterology, School Nrs.

Our elementary gym teacher splits health and gym. Our high school and middle school both have a health teacher.

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