How old were you when you finished nursing school?

Nurses General Nursing


I'm just wondering, it could be for LPN or RN, how old you were when you completed nursing school. Thank you!

Specializes in LTC.

I finished LPN school at 20 y/o. Will be RN this year at 23.

Specializes in Medical Surgical.

25 when I got my LPN license...Junior in college

26 when I graduated with BSN.

27 when I got my RN license.

I'll be turning the big 3-0 this year. :(

Specializes in Mother Baby & pre-hospital EMS.

I was 24 when I graduated from an accelerated BSN program.

Specializes in Nephrology.
i can see that - like i said, i was curious about the route taken by the person who said they got their BSN at 20. a BSN takes more time than LPN.

Got my BSN @ 20... in philippines we have 2 years of preparatory class 6-7yrs old then you go to elementary and graduate @ 12 years old got to Highschool for 4 years then graduate @ 16, then go to 4 years of college degree then you graduate @ 20 years old with your bachelors or whatever course :)

we go to school everyday from JUNE to DECEMBER. a little chrstmas break then back to school jan 3rd until end of march then summer then back to school again. most of elementary and highschool classes runs from 6 am to 4 30 pm so pretty much we spend half of our life going to school.

in college you have to take full courses or you'll be left behind. when you start 2nd year of nursing you have your summer classes too. so pretty much we don't work until we graduate from college.

ADN will be right before my 53rd birthday in two years. I took the long route from pre-med student thirty plus years ago through stay-at-home mom to get here!

29 with my ADN and will be about 33 when i get my bSN

Specializes in CEN, CPEN, RN-BC.

ADN - 19

BSN - 20

Got my LPN @ 27. Need two more semesters of nursing school to have ADN. Hope to get that in the next couple years! I'm 30 @ the moment...

Specializes in Med/Surg, Academics.

BA at 22

BSN at 40


2 weeks short of 30

Got my BSN @ 20... in philippines we have 2 years of preparatory class 6-7yrs old then you go to elementary and graduate @ 12 years old got to Highschool for 4 years then graduate @ 16, then go to 4 years of college degree then you graduate @ 20 years old with your bachelors or whatever course :)

we go to school everyday from JUNE to DECEMBER. a little chrstmas break then back to school jan 3rd until end of march then summer then back to school again. most of elementary and highschool classes runs from 6 am to 4 30 pm so pretty much we spend half of our life going to school.

in college you have to take full courses or you'll be left behind. when you start 2nd year of nursing you have your summer classes too. so pretty much we don't work until we graduate from college.

Yup. I grew up outside the US, too, and the school system was similar to what she ^^ said. That is why I had my BSN and RN by 20.

Got my RN 2 months after my 20th birthday. I just turned 21 two weeks ago and everyone in the hospital thought it was the funniest thing that I could pass narcotics, but couldn't buy my own liquour. Haha. Good times!

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