How old were you when you finished nursing school?

Nurses General Nursing


I'm just wondering, it could be for LPN or RN, how old you were when you completed nursing school. Thank you!

Got my RN 2 months after my 20th birthday. I just turned 21 two weeks ago and everyone in the hospital thought it was the funniest thing that I could pass narcotics, but couldn't buy my own liquour. Haha. Good times!

lol I was in the same boat, too, before I turned 21. I thought it was pretty funny as well. I can pass narcs all day at work, but couldn't buy my own liquor! lol

Specializes in ACHPN.

I was just shy of 30 when I graduated from a 1 year second degree program. I will be 42 when I finish my MSN.

Specializes in Corrections, Education, Med/Surg, AGNP-HIV.

Lpn 25 , adn 43, bsn 45

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

39 with a BSN and I too went to a university 4 year program (that's not including the prerequisites) and almost drowned in the theory but wouldn't trade it for the world now that I know why they taught me like that.

It was the probability and statistics that was the killer course; ya know the one you have to take in order to write the mini research dissertation with over a 100 pages; and that's just the bibliography! Now was that in APA or MLA just kidding about how big my bibliography was; it's really how many sources I had in it ;) Ahhh.....the memories.

Specializes in TCU, Post-surgical, Infection Prevention.
i can see that - like i said, i was curious about the route taken by the person who said they got their BSN at 20. a BSN takes more time than LPN.

I don't know anyone who's done it - but its mathematically possible. If someone graduates from hs early with some college credit and goes into a 15 month BSN (I know of a couple with out prior degree requirements) - bam, there it is... Wish it couldve been me, but I'll have my BSN by my 40th birthday...

Its very inspiring to hear all your stories!

Specializes in OR Hearts 10.

I will be 22 when i graduate with my BSN next year.

Specializes in LTC.
lol I was in the same boat, too, before I turned 21. I thought it was pretty funny as well. I can pass narcs all day at work, but couldn't buy my own liquor! lol

Felt the same way !!!!! Being a nurse at 20 !

Specializes in ER.

29 y.o. after graduating from an ADN program. 35 y.o. with my BSN.

I was 21 when I graduated from a 3 year RN diploma program.

Specializes in Operating Room.

34, soon to be 35 when I graduated nursing school(RN/ADN). Will be starting my BSN this spring. I may decide to do NP- if so, I want to be alomst done with that around age 45.

Diploma RN at 27 :)

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