A third grader just came to me telling me he just lost his tooth. Mouth was closed. He opens it and blood comes pouring out, followed by the WORST, most foul-smelling odor I can barely describe. Like rotting flesh, mixed with moth balls and I am not sure what else. The tooth that fell out was a primary molar, capped in silver, and the underside was completely decayed and black. I had to breathe through my mouth as I helped him because it smelled so bad. I had him rinse and spit a bunch of times until the water ran clear. I finally got a good look in there and his entire mouth is just filled with caps, fillings and visible decay . Makes me so sad. Mom called the dentist and they say he does not need to be seen if no pain, swelling or fever. No obvious signs of infection but that odor- man oh man. I feel like I can still smell it
What has grossed you out lately?