if you graduated in the last 5 years

Nurses General Nursing


  1. How long did it take you to find a job?

    • I had a job as soon as I graduated.
    • Within a month
    • Within three months
    • Within six months
    • Within a year

213 members have participated

If you graduated in the last 5 years, how long did it take you to find a job?

Graduated four years ago. No one was hiring new nurses so it was very hard to get a job. Finally found a job through a new grad program at a children's hospital. Been there ever since. Also did some ped home health as a very part time job for the first year that I worked at the children's hospital.

Specializes in Critical Care/Vascular Access.

I worked as a tech for my last semester of school, got some good experience, and had two job offers before I even graduated.

I almost feel like teching should be a requirement for nursing students. Gives you a better perspective of the team as a whole and just makes for a better nurse all around.

@MrMurse nursing students can work as surgical techs?

Within three months.

I applied to multiple places right after passing the NCLEX but I ended up getting a job right away that i precepted on during my last few months of nursing school. Getting to know the nursing staff and having them recommend me helped. But so did the fact that the floor was short staffed haha.

Specializes in Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgical.

Graduated May 2013, took boards in July 2013, hired by late August at big trauma center.

Jumped ship to clinic nursing in September 2014. Been here since. Will probably stay here

a few years before looking into community or public health.

Specializes in School Nursing, Telemetry.

I graduated in June 2013, took the NCLEX about 2 weeks after graduation. I had my first interview the day after I took NCLEX. I was offered the job a few days later. It was a whirlwind!

Specializes in LTC, Agency, HHC.

I was an LPN for 8 years before completing an LPN-BSN program. I just kept the same job as an RN. That's not one of your options! :)

I graduated this past December 2014 with my BSN. I was already working at the VA as a paid VALOR student. I was comfortable doing that so I didn't apply for anything else until after I took NCLEX. I decided the VA wasn't for me long term and got hired at another hospital 2 weeks ago! I kind of wish I had started really applying and networking sooner but it all worked out well.

A lot of my classmates are still job hunting. It really is "who you know" as a new grad! I got hired from my senior specialty area.

RN BSN 2014

Specializes in Outpatient Psychiatry.

I was a career changer and went into nursing only to jump into an APRN role, and my progress has worked accordingly. I started nursing school in Aug. 2010, and this May (2015) I'll finish a master's/PMHNP program. I never had any trouble picking up jobs along the way. I've worked a couple of "officey" jobs, worked in med-surg (worst thing I've EVER done), ER, and now I'm changing jobs again for a psychiatric-oriented position. Frankly, every job I've had was to support that season of my master's program. While in nursing school I held onto the professional career I had before. I've been fortunate.

This is almost my exact story! Except i graduated last year. Best graduation present ever!!!

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