Getting Flack For Not Getting Covid Vaccine

Nurses COVID

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I am trying to feel out if anyone else has declined the Covid vaccine and feeling backlash or tension with other co-workers? I have never heard so much discussion regarding nurse receiving or declining a vaccine in the 12 years I've been a nurse. Not sure why it should even matter but, I am getting a lot of pressure about it. I do not see why I am "crazy " if I made the decision against receiving the vaccine. I also do not understand co-workers pushing the vaccine on me and others, or insisting we are out of our minds.  This is coming from management level as well as staff nurses. I am just appalled at the treatment and many of us who have declined the vaccine have kept to ourselves. For me, personally, I made the choice not to get it and I was done at that. It's been a month into our hospital vaccines and people will not just shut up about it. 

Is anyone else experiencing anything like this?

How are you handing this?

Please mind the poor spelling and grammar ?

I did not get the vaccine. I do not plan on getting it. I don’t feel bad about it. 
I’m younger, I exercise, I eat healthy, I drink plenty of water, and I take care of my body. 
The vaccine has not been proven to prevent transmission of the virus. So, why compromise my immune system. 
Do not be sorry for making your own decision whether to get the vaccine or not. Receiving or not receiving a vaccine does not define you as a nurse. 


8 minutes ago, UndecidedDuke16 said:

I did not get the vaccine. I do not plan on getting it. I don’t feel bad about it. 
I’m younger, I exercise, I eat healthy, I drink plenty of water, and I take care of my body. 
The vaccine has not been proven to prevent transmission of the virus. So, why compromise my immune system. 
Do not be sorry for making your own decision whether to get the vaccine or not. Receiving or not receiving a vaccine does not define you as a nurse. 


It possibly does? It means you don't understand the science and that's worrying. This really is basic high school biology. It's actually safer than a more conventional vaccine which you had to have to work as a nurse. 

Specializes in Dialysis.
8 hours ago, Curious1997 said:

I had my 2nd Moderna a week ago and both times, just a little discomfort but I would take even greater discomfort than have this infection full blown. I have friends who still haven't recovered their smell or taste after 8 months,friends who are still having ridiculous symptoms with all systems being affected. 

Just saying. 

I never lost my senses of smell or taste. I'm just constantly tired. At work, when I wear the masks (that have an odd plastic-y kind of coating) I get SOB after about 4 hours. If I wear a cloth mask anywhere else, I'm fine. But since I'm usually not gone to anywhere for more than an hour or so, I'm not sure if it's the masks they provide us at work. Per policy, its what we have to wear, regardless. My hubby is tired all of the time, SOB w/exertion, no taste or smell, he was sick at Thanksgiving.

I hope your friends recover sometime soon. This virus is crazy, and I just had a mild version

8 hours ago, Curious1997 said:

It possibly does? It means you don't understand the science and that's worrying. This really is basic high school biology. It's actually safer than a more conventional vaccine which you had to have to work as a nurse. 

Please enlighten me on the ‘science’ that I am not understanding. Show me the data that illustrates the vaccine effectively preventing transmission. I must have missed it on the CDC website or in my UpToDate portal.

31 minutes ago, UndecidedDuke16 said:

Please enlighten me on the ‘science’ that I am not understanding. Show me the data that illustrates the vaccine effectively preventing transmission. I must have missed it on the CDC website or in my UpToDate portal.

So I would begin with a little history lesson. Was it Jenner and smallpox? What century was that? 

Jonas Salk? 

Your pre employment physical, titers? MMR? 

Have you any flu over the years? And, do you understand how the immune system works? 


Specializes in Emergency Department.
9 hours ago, MeganMN said:

@GrumpyRN and others. I apologize for letting my emotions get the better of me.  I participated in what I was accusing others of doing. Apology offered.  

I guess I just feel tired and weary from it all. I think that people should really try to be careful in lumping people into a category, though, for not getting vaccinated. Many people would choose to get one of the traditional vaccines but did not want the mrna vaccine. I just think that people's decisions should be respected. There is a greater good for the greatest number idea, but we all have to decide if it is worth the risk.  I was not comfortable being a guinea pig. I wanted to wait. I just get tired of people treating me and others like we are ignorant, or uncaring, or selfish. Maybe, like everyone else in this mess, we are uncertain, overwhelmed, or afraid. Maybe we had experience with vaccine injury. Maybe we didn't initially trust the data. I have heard a hundred reasons. I just know that I respect people's right to choose something based on informed consent.

Apology not required ??.

A lot of resistance to the vaccine is coming from poor knowledge and/or deliberate misstatements. A problem in US is it is still classified as "experimental" whereas in the UK it has been passed by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency).



9 hours ago, MeganMN said:

And completely off topic, @GrumpyRN, I politely disagree with the comment about school boards/districts and homeschooling! Even if I had no kids at all, I still pay taxes and contribute to the system financially and legally can have a say in what the school district does. I could run for the school board, etc. Just as the case with the Covid vaccine, I declined the initial offer but am still involved with other PPE and infection Control discussions happening within the healthcare facility. 

But, what happens when you are required to prove you are vaccinated just to go to the cinema, or a bar, or a restaurant or to fly? This is being discussed in Europe. I have already given my reasons for disagreeing with you. We don't need to rehash them, as you say it can be an emotive subject. Agree to disagree I think is the way to go.

Stay safe.

Specializes in Emergency Department.
10 hours ago, TheMoonisMyLantern said:

Grumpy, what in the name of all of creation is a "cockwomble"? I simply must know so I can fling it out as an insult and completely befuddle the poor fellow I'm insulting! ?


Cockwomble (noun) A person, usually male, prone to making outrageously stupid statements and/or inappropriate behavior while generally having a very high opinion of his own wisdom and importance.


A foolish or obnoxious person.


A completely useless person that spouts constant bulls**t.


There you go, hope that helps. ??

Specializes in Emergency Department.
50 minutes ago, UndecidedDuke16 said:

Please enlighten me on the ‘science’ that I am not understanding.

Two words; "Herd Immunity."


Not everyone had a Smallpox vaccination (I have) but that has been eradicated. We almost got rid of Measles but thanks to stupid people (yes I do mean stupid people) it is still causing deaths and suffering.

14 minutes ago, GrumpyRN said:

Two words; "Herd Immunity."


Not everyone had a Smallpox vaccination (I have) but that has been eradicated. We almost got rid of Measles but thanks to stupid people (yes I do mean stupid people) it is still causing deaths and suffering.

Does the mRNA vaccine provide the same immunity as the conventional vaccines for SmallPox and Measles? 

3 minutes ago, UndecidedDuke16 said:

Does the mRNA vaccine provide the same immunity as the conventional vaccines for SmallPox and Measles? 

OMG man! 

Undecided, whether you take the vaccine or not, please read up on the history of vaccines! You will be fascinated. Hopefully you will be stimulated to appreciate this most incredible creation of our bodies. You will learn reverence. 

Do you have any idea how amazing we are? The science, the Chemistry and physics involved to make the biological processes that constitute US! 

Just sit quietly and think about you, just having had your coffee and breakfast and the flavors and the digestive process occurring. There isn't a single machine ever built in the history of the world, that is as complicated or involving so many processes, JUST FOR YOU TO DIGEST YOUR COFFEE! 

Think about that! Learn some humility and become curious! 

Specializes in Public Health, TB.


2 hours ago, UndecidedDuke16 said:

Please enlighten me on the ‘science’ that I am not understanding. Show me the data that illustrates the vaccine effectively preventing transmission. I must have missed it on the CDC website or in my UpToDate portal.

I believe Undecided is technically correct here, in that the mRNA vaccines have not been shown to prevent transmission. They are about 95% effective in reducing serious disease.  I think data is still being collected in order to demonstrate reduced transmission. I'm not a expert, but I am guessing that we would need close to 75% coverage to demonstrate that. 

1 hour ago, UndecidedDuke16 said:

Does the mRNA vaccine provide the same immunity as the conventional vaccines for SmallPox and Measles? 

I would think mRNA vaccines would not provide the same immunity as live, attenuated vaccines. But then again, we don't know if COVID infection provided the same immunity as small pox or measles. In most individuals, those diseases (if you survive) provide life long immunity. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
23 hours ago, Hoosier_RN said:

I got my 1st dose moderna yesterday. I'm sicker than I ever was with actual covid, I had a very mild case. Today, I have a high fever, muscle aches,  dizziness, and a pounding headache. I hope I feel better later today or tomorrow. 

The health dept keeps asking if I'm sure this wasn't my 2nd dose, as it does happen often with that. 

Doesn't that suggest to you that the 1st vaccine dose triggered a robust immune response? It just topped off your natural immunity I bet. 

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