Favorite/helpful AN phrases...

Nurses General Nursing


i have always gained pearls of wisdom from the posters here. I wish i had written them down

Here's some i do remember...

This is a conversation I'm

not willing to have

Thank you for pointing out** to me. I'll certainly take your POV under advisement

Can you believe you just said that outloud??!

What are your favs?

My favorite. ...

A lack of foresight on your part does not make it an emergency on mine!

Who pooped in your Wheaties!?

At the jail I work at we get lots of fakers, so my go to line is "your vitals are fine, drink plenty of water and take it easy. let us know if it gets worse." This works for everything from a cold to cheat pains. ^.^

At the school I work at too :)

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.
"You can't fix stupid"

But you can sedate it. :)

My favorite line to use around here is,

"As my sweet old grandmother used to say, 'Some of us are put on this earth to be examples to others, one way or another.' "

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

Who voided in your Cornflakes this morning?

credit Fiona59

Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.

Well if we've moved on to favorite phrases:

Can't get done 'til you get started.

Laziness is the Father of invention.

Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug.

Specializes in Emergency, Telemetry, Transplant.

I don't have one favorite, but I like all the phrases that have been brought up already!

Least favorite:

"I hope you are never my (or my family member's) nurse!"

(Sorry to bring in a negative element to this otherwise great discussion.)

Who voided in your Cornflakes this morning?

credit Fiona59

I'm honoured. I was trying to be polite and crusty at the same time.

I still love "special snowflake" the best.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.

From recent (used toward Xray tech who insisted that very severely orthopneic patient must lie flat in bed):

- the (test) done absolutely right, or this patient still alive after you finish. Your choice.

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.
From recent (used toward Xray tech who insisted that very severely orthopneic patient must lie flat in bed):

- the (test) done absolutely right, or this patient still alive after you finish. Your choice.

I had an xray tech insist that we leave a vented patient unrestrained. I said "I am not taking chances with anyone's airway, give me a lead apron and I will hold onto her. I don't trust this patient ever. Never trust a neuro patient!".

She really didn't want to give me an apron. She told me that she has two kids and its overrated. That hurt. I have fertility issues and don't want my ovaries zapped unless I am the patient.

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

Never trust a neuro patient EVER! This I would say in the neuro ICU all the time.

We had some very trusting nurses who often had self extubations and drain removals.

Hey that one is mine! Thank you -- I feel honored!

wAIIIiitttt a minute, LOL....I use that one a lot, too! Got it from a favorite CI in NS (but it wasn't you, I dont' believe, LOL....)....anyway, it's the truth!

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