Favorite/helpful AN phrases...

Nurses General Nursing


i have always gained pearls of wisdom from the posters here. I wish i had written them down

Here's some i do remember...

This is a conversation I'm

not willing to have

Thank you for pointing out** to me. I'll certainly take your POV under advisement

Can you believe you just said that outloud??!

What are your favs?

Specializes in Oncology (OCN).

Some of my favorites:

"You clearly have two brain cells left, and they don't get along." Glycerine82

Online Dissociative Disorder (in reference to people who appear to create multiple profiles on AN). RNsRWe

I had a patient who was being very rude to all nursing staff. I went to her and said you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I said ITT nicely and it actually worked!

LOL I'd more expect to hear that once you said that, you got yourself a nice write-up! Not all patients take too kindly to being told to 'mind their yap' ;)

The skin behind your ears smells like cheese...and we never figured out why.

and.....NOW I'm done with my cheese stick. :cyclops:

LOL I'd more expect to hear that once you said that, you got yourself a nice write-up! Not all patients take too kindly to being told to 'mind their yap' ;)

If a patient is rude to me, I've been known to hold up my hand and say "Hey, please talk to me with respect. I will show you nothing but respect and I do expect the same" It has worked pretty well!

As a school nurse, I've said it many, many times to students as well!

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.
When dealing with a cranky woman (co-worker, pt or family), always consider that "she's still upset about that house landing on her sister".

And on that note, "if she's here, who's watching her flying monkeys??"

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.

Another one:

- proud Cum Laude grad of Google university/Wikipedia community college.

Specializes in MICU, SICU, CICU.

"Rejection is God's Protection." (in reference to students who fail despite multiple attempts)

"Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand." (in reference to unqualified colleagues who attempt to be intimidating to cover up their deficits)

"Bullies crumble when confronted."

Another one:

- proud Cum Laude grad of Google university/Wikipedia community college.

I call it "the google school of medicine" to those family members who web search everything!

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