Favorite/helpful AN phrases...

Nurses General Nursing


i have always gained pearls of wisdom from the posters here. I wish i had written them down

Here's some i do remember...

This is a conversation I'm

not willing to have

Thank you for pointing out** to me. I'll certainly take your POV under advisement

Can you believe you just said that outloud??!

What are your favs?

Who voided in your Cornflakes this morning?

credit Fiona59

Along these lines, my hubby is fond of saying "I wonder who kicked her puppy this morning?" when referring to some crankity-crabby person who doesn't appear to have a legitimate reason :)

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

There's three sides to a story; her's, his & the truth.

Are you new to the internet?

It takes a lot of nuts to make a jar of peanut butter!

OOH, O'Chaos just reminded me of one I love:

"I win the internet today!" :D

Never trust a neuro patient EVER! This I would say in the neuro ICU all the time.

We had some very trusting nurses who often had self extubations and drain removals.

Oooh, that reminded me of our late great Chief of Cardiac Surgery, Dr. Norman Shumway of blessed memory, who always reminded us,"Never trust a mitral valve (patient) with a good tan," by which he meant that the guy was probably too sick to do anything else but lie around in the California sunshine and would therefore be an unstable, challenging postop management problem. They usually were, too.

I worked with a COB with 45 years experience- she still works and is sharp as a tack. She used to call me, anyone under 50 "toots"!

Her expression: The lemon isn't worth the squeeze.

I had a patient who was being very rude to all nursing staff. I went to her and said you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I said ITT nicely and it actually worked!

"Know your role and shut your hole."


As a new (trusting) nurse I was telling a doctor that the pt had told me something different than what he was told. His response..."All pts lie."

I don't know about AN, but I always say:

"Breathing is only optional when you're dead!"

"I'm not judging you, but realize that you are the sum (result) of your life choices." (Usually in reference to lifestyle changes that patients are resisting)

"Sorry, but at least there's no charge for the body wax!" (As I remove tape off a hairy patient)

Specializes in ER.

The skin behind your ears smells like cheese...and we never figured out why.

Specializes in Emergency.

When dealing with a cranky woman (co-worker, pt or family), always consider that "she's still upset about that house landing on her sister".

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