Early Morning Clinicals


I have finally gotten my clinical assignment. I have clinicals on Monday's from 6am to 12 noon. That means I have to wake up around 4am :stone (to review patient's info and to get ready). I'll leave around 5 to get to the hospital (30 min drive) on time. This is crazy!!! Does anyone else have experience with early morning clinicals???

Get everything ready the night before...books, notes, equipment, uniform, etc.

Go to bed EARLY...and make sure your alarm is set.

I get up at 2:30am on the days I work...my shift starts at 4:30, but I like to get there between 4 & 4:30 to get a jump on things. It's really not that bad once you get used to it.


I do. I am the instructor. I have to be there before my students arrive in order to adjust assignments and chose experiences that would benefit them the most. We have post conference at 11 then I get another group till 4:00. Then I grade care plans and quizzes. Then I prepare for the next day.
I have finally gotten my clinical assignment. I have clinicals on Monday's from 6am to 12 noon. That means I have to wake up around 4am :stone (to review patient's info and to get ready). I'll leave around 5 to get to the hospital (30 min drive) on time. This is crazy!!! Does anyone else have experience with early morning clinicals???

Welcome to the world of a nursing student. And by the way, you left out staying up until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning the night before to do care plans!

Specializes in Med/Surg..
I have finally gotten my clinical assignment. I have clinicals on Monday's from 6am to 12 noon. That means I have to wake up around 4am :stone (to review patient's info and to get ready). I'll leave around 5 to get to the hospital (30 min drive) on time. This is crazy!!! Does anyone else have experience with early morning clinicals???

My School said they are trying something "New" this year. Instead of Clinicals once or twice a week, they have blocked off an entire 2 weeks per month. Although I have an hour commute and have to be at the clinical site by 6:15 am, I actually like this - it's not just a day in being unfamiliar with the patients and leave - we'll have the chance to become familiar with our patients, their needs and get a real feel for how things work in a hospital setting.

To the Original Poster - as far as getting up at 4am - if you plan on working the day shift at a hospital after you graduate, get used to waking up with the birds. The night shift usually works from 7pm to 7am - most hospitals have morning report at 6:30am, so everything is turned over to the day shift by 7am and the poor zombies (night workers) can go home to get some sleep. My husband has worked the dreaded night shift for 18 years and trust me - they are ready to drop by the time the day shift shows up and aren't too pleased if anyone shows up late. Same goes for them showing up late to relieve the day shift - 12 hours is about all anyone can take...

Most hospitals where I live have 12 hour shifts and yes - it makes for an incredibly long day or night. This is pretty standard in most hospitals. My Brother and his wife work the day shift at a hospital in Boston, they live an hour outside the City, so they're usually up before 4am to go for a run, eat breakfast, make the long commute and get to the hospital in time for morning report. This is the reality of being a Nurse working in a hospital setting.. You have to be doing this for more than financial reasons - you truly have to want to do this to help others in need - despite the lack of sleep....

Specializes in home health, LTC, assisted living.

We have to go to the hospital on our own time, get our patient assignment, have it ready for 7 to 3 pm clinical the next morning. I drive 50 minutes each way. I get up at 4:45 am. no it is not easy. Next rotation I will be driving 60 minutes at least, and will have to be up by 4 am. thankfully it is only two days a week. I think if you want something bad enough, you will get through it. I'll just be glad when it is over.

I have finally gotten my clinical assignment. I have clinicals on Monday's from 6am to 12 noon. That means I have to wake up around 4am :stone (to review patient's info and to get ready). I'll leave around 5 to get to the hospital (30 min drive) on time. This is crazy!!! Does anyone else have experience with early morning clinicals???

:) :cool:

My clinical is about an hour drive away, but some of the clinical sites my school has are up to 2 hours drive away from my home.

Clinical hours vary, from beginning between 6-7am, running 6-9 hours at a time. Since we're doing our first clinicals at a very small hospital, all us students (10) aren't able to fit into the report room when the night nurses are giving report... so our instructor goes and reports to us herself. Thanks to that technical difficulty, we don't have to show up until 7am. Yay! :)

Specializes in L&D.

Most of my clinicals have been early morning. The first six weeks of this semester they are 9:30-5pm though. I have to say I like not having to wake up so early, but it sure makes it difficult when I have to get the kids to swimming, karate and dance on time. :rolleyes: Thank goodness I have a devoted husband who is a wonderful father that helps where ever I need it.

Good luck! Look at the bright side, you get the rest of the day to do with what you like (studying??)

Specializes in L&D.
6:30-7:00, that is AM-PM...and i have a 2hr drive to my closest clinical.


Holey Moley!! So are you saying your clinical is 12 1/2 hours? Is that just one day a week or two?

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

I had my first clinical today, from 7 to 3. I left the house at 5:30am, and what would take me an hour and a half to drive at 6:30 due to traffic, only took an hour. So I was there 25 min. early, but that gave me a chance to get lost and wander around the hospital (under major construction right now) until I found my clincal group at 6:55.

But since the instructor has another clinical group an hour away, that is supposed to start at 3pm, when ours gets out, she asked if we didn't mind coming in earlier, and getting out at 2:15 or 2:20. It was fine with me.

But I must say, I haven't worked outside the home in 10 years now, and I am D-R-A-G-G-I-N-G right now. I have a nursing exam tomorrow, but I need to nap before I can study! Gosh, most of the women in my group are closer to my 8yo son's age than they are to mine! :rolleyes:

For the first 8 weeks, we have Med Surg clinical 0645-1330. The next 4 weeks have 1 day of L & D from 1445-2245 and Psy from 0645-1330. The last 4 weeks is Peds from 0645-1330.......We get our patient assignments the day before class and PRAY that they are not d/c the next day!

We have to be there from 6:30 to 12:20 2x's week. Such is life of a nursing student.......Luckily I only live 15 mins from the hospital. You people who drive far deserve much respect!! We have to go to the hospital on Sunday before clinical. That is, if we ever have it.....these hurricanes really need to stop coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angryfire

Specializes in OB, lactation.

Jen I hear ya on the hurricanes!!... I'm in FL too and they have wrecked (sp?) havoc on our schedule. My clinical this term was supposed to be in Punta Gorda... needless to say it was changed.

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