Date MD's??

Nurses General Nursing


I just have a question to everyone out there. How many of you have dated a doctor? How was the relationship with regards to the work environment, home, etc? Did your co-workers treat you differently?

Specializes in Peds.


I dated a Doc for a while. Things ended because she wanted to advance in her career and I had other things to do. Guess a steady, long-term relationship wasn't a priority for her. A pity, because I really liked her.

Dating Doctors (and I dated two of her friends before I dated her) was no different for me than dating waitresses, bus drivers, secretaries, accountants and lawyers.

I don't date a "profession", I date a "person" :)



Specializes in Acute Care/ ICU/Home Care.

Hm-m-m-m.....Let's see.

First glance he may be a looker.......

But then... He opens his mouth and the truth comes out.....

Yes... He really IS an A$$ H@(

Everyday as I punch out the old time clocker, I say a little mantra...

Thank God I ain't married to THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Honey, your SugaMamma's comin' home!":icon_hug:

I got PO'd yesterday at school. I was talking to 2 girls in their 20's and asked them what areas of nursing they were interested in. One, who is a very beautiful girl, said "I probably will never use my degree, as I plan to marry well, and stay home". The other said "I will work a few years and then see if I marry a doctor, and then I will not have to work". Yikes, I found that scary. I am older and have seen too many women marry doctors only to be dumped for a younger version. One doc I know is on his 3rd wife, just keeps trading them in. I see no problem with dating and marrying a doc, I just do not think one should pin their entire future on it. Very scary, these young ladies!

Specializes in EC, IMU, LTAC.

Someone once told me, "Never ___where you eat or ____ where you work." I couldn't agree more. Workcest and anything that combines private and public life like that is risky.

Edited for foul language content.

....... A friend of mine who has been a nurse forever (30 yrs) has seen it all & has a brother who happens to be a doctor actually...She told me alot of doctors are not faithful to their wives/gf's.....there are some good ones out there but she says alot of them are unfaithful...and usually have affairs with nurses.......(go figure) ........She worked in the hospital for a long time so I am sure she has seen lots & lots of stuff in that respect........

This does happen a lot. I have never had a relationship or an affair with a doc, but I know many that have. It is very obvious. I know that I have been suspicious of some of them. If you wait long enough, it usually comes out. You never have to talk about it or get involved in gossip, you basically figure it out.

Specializes in Med-Surg,OPD ER,School/Clinic,Teaching.

I dated a Doc for a while. Things ended because she wanted to advance in her career and I had other things to do. Guess a steady, long-term relationship wasn't a priority for her. A pity, because I really liked her.

Dating Doctors (and I dated two of her friends before I dated her) was no different for me than dating waitresses, bus drivers, secretaries, accountants and lawyers.

I don't date a "profession", I date a "person" :)



That is right. You don't date a profession, but the person...:)

Hehe, but I also dream of dating a physician...:D Anyone available here? Hehehe...

I'm sorry for what happened to your relationship...It must have been hard for you losing that person...

Haven't met a doctor I worked with that I liked. Mostly all jerks.. except for the short jewish docs.. lol don't know why but they all seem nice. Even if they were my type... I wouldn't do it. All of the hard work you do to get to get to the top will always be because you were dating the doc... no matter what.

I guess if I were single I wouldn't automatically dismiss a potential great person or chase after him because he was a doctor. I don't think the rules would be that much different than dating any other co worker. Don't flaunt it and keep it professional. Unfortunately that is often easier said than done.

And besides in my experience I havent' really worked with any so called "hot docs". They are usually way too old (for me). Most of them are well over 40. So it's honestly never occured to me to want to date one. I guess maybe if I worked for "Chicago Hope" (the TV show) or if George Clooney ran our ER (yes he's over 40...but for goodness sakes he's George Clooney *fans self*)

But I'm married that solves that.

And ugh yes... I can't tell you how many times I heard the "Oh now you can nab you a cute doctor..." upon graduating nursing school.

First off that's not why I went to nursing school.

Second, that's an awful lot (financially and emotionally) to go through to get a date. Why would I have to go to nursing school just to get a doctor? Doctors only date nurses now?

I think people that say this sort of thing watch way too much T.V.

Specializes in ER.

Liking someone enough to date him is another thing but honestly; why would one chase them just to be dating a doctor???????

Hmmph... many still seem to be wearing corduroys... hahaha... and then, once they're divorced, we are expected to tolerate their pathetic flirting attempts. At work. Right...


I guess I am surprised nobody addressed what I see as an issue that new nurses should be aware of. When you are working side by side with a good doctor - compassion, adrenaline, all this good "stuff" going on it is so easy for that to feel like you have "met your match" and to get the same feedback from them. Thankfully, have been there, done that and didn't have an affair == we got past that danger point and now work very well together as respected friends in the ER. If both of us were single, probably would have dated but would it have been a good idea? NO.... Would I date a doctor I don't work with every week? Of course... Just like I will date a carpenter, firefighter, etcetera. Is there a special draw because the person "understands" you and what makes you tick? Sure.

Bottom line: I would not suggest dating someone who works in your same department. Or is married. Anything/one else, MD or not, is fair game. :lol2:


Kristin in Hawaii

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
And ugh yes... I can't tell you how many times I heard the "Oh now you can nab you a cute doctor..." upon graduating nursing school.

I still hear that, even from people i'll eventually be related to.:stone

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