Date MD's??

Nurses General Nursing


I just have a question to everyone out there. How many of you have dated a doctor? How was the relationship with regards to the work environment, home, etc? Did your co-workers treat you differently?

I'm a male CNA going to LPN school and some of the female doctors hit on me. I laugh it off but some are serious about it. I don't think its a good idea to "bleep" and eat in the same place. Although I am flattered, not all men want sex and not all of us cheat. Let me say this: "If I cannot talk to a woman I don't not want to sleep with her." That goes for docs, nurses, lpn's, cna's, security guards, etc.

..some are too neurotic...some have egoedema...and some are ok...but wouldn't you reallllly rather date a nurse than a doctor? :trout:

I date a doctor. He is a wonderful man. Yes, a lot of the docs fool around, but mine is the least likely to do so. He is intelligent. I can also talk with him about my job, he has the same since of humor, and when I have a medical questions, he knows the answer.

One of the pitfalls of dating a doctor is his hours at work. We seem to work opposite shifts a lot and he has very long hours. He works night shift, so when he is off, he is sleeping during the day.

Another draw back is that I used to work with him. We loved working together. When I finished nursing school and was supposed to be hired in the same dept, I was not hired since we were dating. I had to find another job elsewhere, which I hate.

I would never date a doctor because of his profession. I date my man because of who he is, not because of his job or the money he makes.

Specializes in OR, ER.

Dated doctors twice..yikes! in my workplace and the other.. nevermind..i have nothing against them ..someone posted "u're dating the person and not the profession"..i agree..its just that we have different career plans and so we have to part ways(thats true for both of them).

I have a fellow nurse that dated one of our ER MD (she is now married with a fireman)..they still work together and stayed to be good friends.

Specializes in L&D.
I just have a question to everyone out there. How many of you have dated a doctor? How was the relationship with regards to the work environment, home, etc? Did your co-workers treat you differently?

Yes, but that was before I became a nurse.

Specializes in L&D.
yeah, but couldn't that be true about all men? no sense in generalizing doctors. many doctors i know are fine upstanding men, not hte cheating type.


Thanks everyone for responding. I just wanted some insight on this subject and I appreciate your comments!

I can attest that it's not just the men. I used to be horrified about all the 'extra-curricular' activities that went on between the docs and the nurses!:o

My husband never made the bucks that the doctors did, but I wouldn't trade him for ANY of them!

I remember this one squirrely little anesthesiologist we had. Homely, and an @ss to boot. He had TWO surgical nurses fighting over him - we used to say if he worked at Walmart, no one would have given him the time of day.:uhoh3:


Specializes in MR Peds, geris, psych, DON,ADON,SSD.

it doesnt matter where you work or what your profession is.... it is NEVER a good idea to date someone from work!!! momma always said "you shouldn't s#*+ where you eat" :barf01:

Specializes in High Risk In Patient OB/GYN.
If it's a doc you work with... well.. Anyone who is in a position above you can be sticky. I've seen nurses do this and some have handles it well and others, not so well.

No offense, but get your head checked out, and if it's right--change hospitals.

They can't hire, fire, promote, etc. How are they in a position above us again?

:uhoh3: Dating MD's... my ex was an MD...met at work, hid it from everyone at the hospital because we just wanted to be together wihout the gossip...impossible!!! After my coworkers found out, it created alot of tension. If you plan on dating an MD (not a resident!) then give yourself some time to see if it's worth know dating them and their egos:lol2: Then decide to go public!

When I was a Senior in Nursing College I dated a 4th year medical student. Lasted about 3 months and I NEVER dated an MD or MD-wannabe again.....

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