Crap! Am I a crusty old bat nurse?? Carrying pens...

Nurses General Nursing


So I've noticed an interesting phenomenon lately. Our unit regularly gets students of various kinds - nursing, EMT, APN, etc. The nursing and EMT students sit in on report. Because they come to the unit often looking lost and uncomfortable and out of place, I try to do my best to get them oriented and comfortable. Explain the report, give them a report sheet and a clipboard and a place to sit.

But one thing I've noticed is that almost always, they don't have a freaking PEN!! I've snapped at a few of them, "Rule number one...ALWAYS have a pen on you!"

Yesterday my charge nurse pointed out that since everything is on the computer, they probably rarely need/use pens. I kind of had an "Oh ****!" moment. Is she right?? Is it actually possible to get through your day as a nurse without needing to carry a pen (or 2 or 4) in your pocket nowadays?

I'm a student and I always have a pen. Because regardless of the fact that many setting have computerized charting/etc, doesn't anyone take notes about what they're being taught or tasks they need to remember to do?

This is akin to me to my classmates who would come to orientation without paper or a notebook. Really?!!

Specializes in Peds Critical Care, Dialysis, General.

I've always been known as "The Pen Queen." My collection is embarrassingly large. I have found some pens that are very distinct and I will retrieve my pen from your hand. I have pens that I don't care if you take. I have sharpies in different colors. I have learned to have several dry erase board markers handy because there is rarely a marker handy.

No way! You need a pen for all sorts of things. If a pt tells me something important to reference later, I write it on a paper. (Brain sheet.) Got an order from a doc at a phone while you're not logged in? Or even if you ARE for that matter? You write it down. Lab calls with a critical value? Write it down. Yes, it all ultimately goes into the computer, but things are all thrown at me at once. I might not remember a CNA popping her head in while Im hanging an IV to say #122 bed B is asking for pain meds. I might be on my way to get it right after but inevitably get interrupted by a return call from Dr. NeverCallsBack. By that time someone else needs a pain med too. But who? Lucky for me and my patient, I wrote it down ;-)

P.s. Even giving them clipboards is pretty kind of you. I was prepared day 1 with enclosed clipboard with paper, small notepad, pens and highlighters. I thought that was common sense.

Specializes in NICU.

There is always a need for a pen,even a four color one,you never know when the computers will crash,telephone messages,the printer for labs crashes , you need to write down the cpu numbers to report malfunction,you need to write your SBAR in guess what real ink!! Os course you need a pen and they should come prepared, but I always carry extras.And the docs in scrubs never have their pens or stethoscopes., I draw the line at anyone borrowing my personal stethoscope,but I always offer to find them one.

Well klone, it definitely sounds as if you are not crusty yet!:nurse:

Specializes in Hospice, corrections, psychiatry, rehab, LTC.
You're my PEN TWIN!! The Pilot G-2 .7 is my FAVORITE!! 0.5 is too thin, and 1.0 is too thick. I make them order me a box special.

I have always liked Uni-Ball better than Pilot G2. Just always seemed to me to write better and more smoothly. I agree with you on the tip sizes. The 0.5 is so thin that sometimes it seems like it's going to rip the paper, and it isn't very smooth. The 1.0 looks like you charted with a Sharpie. The 0.7 is perfect.

Specializes in Critical Care.

Pilot G2s are for pen philistines, the Zebra F301 0.7 is the way to go.

I only use a pen to mark my coffee cup, I don't use a brain sheet, there are sharpies in all the nurse servers, but I feel naked without it, I've seriously considered saying I'm unable to finish my shift because I don't have my pen.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

I am weighing late on this one. I judge a pen on three criteria; weight, balance and ink flow. The other day I borrowed a pen off my favorite tech and fell instantly in love. The next day I was gifted with a Pentel EnerGel BL407. I went to Staples and found out they cost $7.50 each! Yikes!


My husband gets mad at me cause I clutter the bathroom sink with pens. I always have a MINIMUM FOUR PENS at all times.

OK all you pen infidels- EVERYONE knows you need a four color Bic finepoint or you are not a good nurse.

As if.....

Red- meds

Green= labs/ treatments

Black= overall report

Blue= cross off completed items


Um, YES! I carry 2 of these and a pencil. Always.

Specializes in Critical care.
I am weighing late on this one. I judge a pen on three criteria; weight, balance and ink flow. The other day I borrowed a pen off my favorite tech and fell instantly in love. The next day I was gifted with a Pentel EnerGel BL407. I went to Staples and found out they cost $7.50 each! Yikes!


I used to use the EnerGel. I loved the purple colored ink with the way we did report at my old job. I bought a box of refills off amazon- it was less expensive than buying a whole new pen every time the ink ran out.

You're my PEN TWIN!! The Pilot G-2 .7 is my FAVORITE!! 0.5 is too thin, and 1.0 is too thick. I make them order me a box special.

I like the Pilot G2 1.0, its got girth. ;)

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