Crap! Am I a crusty old bat nurse?? Carrying pens...

Nurses General Nursing


So I've noticed an interesting phenomenon lately. Our unit regularly gets students of various kinds - nursing, EMT, APN, etc. The nursing and EMT students sit in on report. Because they come to the unit often looking lost and uncomfortable and out of place, I try to do my best to get them oriented and comfortable. Explain the report, give them a report sheet and a clipboard and a place to sit.

But one thing I've noticed is that almost always, they don't have a freaking PEN!! I've snapped at a few of them, "Rule number one...ALWAYS have a pen on you!"

Yesterday my charge nurse pointed out that since everything is on the computer, they probably rarely need/use pens. I kind of had an "Oh ****!" moment. Is she right?? Is it actually possible to get through your day as a nurse without needing to carry a pen (or 2 or 4) in your pocket nowadays?

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
OK all you pen infidels- EVERYONE knows you need a four color Bic finepoint or you are not a good nurse.

As if.....

Red- meds

Green= labs/ treatments

Black= overall report

Blue= cross off completed items


No, No, NO! If you were a REAL nurse, you'd know that blue is for day shift, green is for PM shift and nights writes in red.

Am I the only one who uses my pen to open up medications? Actually, my pencil ...I only write in pen when I absolutely have to. It drives me crazy to have something imperfect on my paper and not be able to erase it.

Pilot G-2 0.5 is too legit to quit! Don't judge me, lol!

I can not imagine working without a pen...or 10!

Specializes in Neuro.

Student, always carry my own pen. I write everything down for documentation purposes because I've the gift of not remembering the BP I just took 2 measly seconds ago. Yep, that's me, need pen.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Pediatric Float, PICU, NICU.
Papermate now makes a 4 color inkjoy pen.

I just orgasmed.

Specializes in Oncology.
No, you need a pen, in order to write notes on the sacred parchment (AKA paper towels).

I thought that was gloves and 2x2 wrappers (with or without the 2x2 still in it)

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
I always have a member nearby.

Work member or recreational member? :whistling:

No no, pens are always needed!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I always have a member nearby.

Me too

Work member or recreational member? :whistling:


Work member or recreational member? :whistling:

I knew i should have trademarked that line.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I knew i should have trademarked that line.

it WAS a good one...still is...

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.
I thought that was gloves and 2x2 wrappers (with or without the 2x2 still in it)

Nah, it is the ubiquitous alcohol swab in your pocket.

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