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  1. What's new in this club
  2. Dear Nurse sister and brothers, Please support us~ 2022 "The Power of Nursing" - Future Young Lions in Taiwan. Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center(Taipei, Taiwan) launched this film - Stand by me. The core value of the video ...
  3. NRSKarenRN

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    Happy to hear some improvement, may it continue.
  4. hppygr8ful

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    A little update - I was able to get a massage booked the Friday after my initial post. I chose to have them use the CBD oil and result was truely amazing well worth the extra 10 dollars. I was pain free for several days but knee pain is creeping back...
  5. No Stars In My Eyes

    JTube Clog/Splash

    Thanks! Good to know. But it's a moot point for me now, as I am retired by about 5-6 years now. I hope not to have to do any more tube feeding or give meds that way. My problem then was I trying to rush. Instead I made it much harder on myself. The p...
  6. hppygr8ful

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    I want to thank you all for the advice and kind thoughts I am feeling somewhat better and hope to feel even better after today's 1 hour CBD massage. While I would love to quit working I am not financially ready to retire.I am almost there and when I ...
  7. NRSKarenRN

    JTube Clog/Splash

    Check for residual. Water flush 50cc, meds liquid or crushed as needed and diluted with 30cc water -give 15cc then flush, finish remainder meds then at least 50cc flush afterwards + additional H20 requirement, restart feeding. Prevents 95% clogs ...
  8. NRSKarenRN

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    I've had 6 falls from Nov.21 to July 22. Finally diagnosed with Polyneuropathy along with Cervical Stenosis + Radiculopathy. 4th round of Physical Therapy s starting end August with manual traction to Leg been extremely helpful- progressed from rol...
  9. JBMmom

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    Sorry to read your situation, while I am fortunate to not have chronic pain issues myself, I understand that constant pain must be one of the most exhausting conditions that people face. I hope that you are able to get some relief and have a wonderfu...
  10. CrunchRN

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    It does suck. I hope it gets better soon.
  11. Rose_Queen

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    Admin note: It is against the Terms of Service to provide medical advice. Posts suggesting medications or treatments have been edited or removed to comply. Continued posting of medical advice will result in this thread being closed.
  12. Been there,done that

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    I am sorry you are in so much pain. You are not able to work and need to apply for social security disability. That will open your treatment options. When it comes to pain.. you gotta do what you gotta do. There is no ceiling for morphine. Get wha...
  13. hppygr8ful

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    I have taken Opiodes off and on for the last 15 years. Never had a problem with addiction, never missused and made the decion on my own to stop them. Ibuprophen is a no go for me due to gastro issues - I have a pain specialist I see regularly, get ma...
  14. Hello Pain my old friend........

    I had pain issues also that was not managed correctly and I turned to opiates would lead me into addiction and a suspended license. I wish I had a good alternative for you. Maybe check out fb groups on chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, and there's one call...
  15. nursej22

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    Hppy, I am sorry you are enduring this pain. Heat and topical analgesics, plus rolling and stretching take the edge off for my chronic hamstring pain. I can't get a good answer for what is causing it, and I am tired of being treated like I am seeking...
  16. dianah

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    Last time I went to France, though I didn't have pain, I had an awful time with restless legs. VERY uncomfortable!! On the trip back, I upgraded to first class, so I could recline and remove my shoes and be comfy. It made ALL the difference! What...
  17. Hello Pain my old friend........

    I'm sorry for your pain my friend. I fractured my femur last year coming off a horse and had hardware removal this year due to pain. I also have chronic back pain made worse by some complications with the fracture. Recently asked my DNP for 5 - 10...
  18. hppygr8ful

    Hello Pain my old friend........

    .....I've come to talk with you again....... I'm having a really tough week with both acute and chronic pain. Had to miss work last weekend due to my right knee going out (Like I literally could not bear weight) but got that straightened out wit...
  19. MEDFET

    Opioid Dependance

    There is a video on TikTok showing a nurse bent over a med cart either high or overworked exhausted unsure but the point is how so many are suggesting she shouldn’t be passing meds or it’s funny when I almost cried seeing this as a reminder of that p...
  20. No Stars In My Eyes

    JTube Clog/Splash

    Yup. But the worst was the formula and cough syrup, I promise! Live and learn!
  21. Kitiger

    JTube Clog/Splash

    Washing down GT or JT meds with formula is another way to clog up the tube. Use water.
  22. No Stars In My Eyes

    JTube Clog/Splash

    Here's a helpful hint I learned the hard way: don't do a J-tube-feeding, then add some Cough Syrup on top of it, because the mix makes it not want to go through. The formula got semi-solid and it was a bee-yotch to clear. Soda did not help AT ALL! I...
  23. Kitiger

    JTube Clog/Splash

    It's unlikely you will catch anything. Still, you should report it.
  24. JTube Clog/Splash

    Hello everyone, first let me start by saying, I think I am just being paranoid and I definitely will wear my glasses for g/j tube care in the future. I was administering medication through JTube, when I went to flush prior to, with saline it was clog...
  25. Mistakes and self confidence as a new nurse

    I have started working as a nurses recently , its been three months now , I did great in my first month but then comes the troubles that I end up in. I made lot of silly mistakes , felt really bad but decided to not to repeat them , but due to so muc...
  26. MEDFET

    Dragging the facilities down

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prem_Reddy#Healthcare_management_and_entrepreneurship Its a state of emergency for California unions as big businesses go around and don’t pay the fair wages but steadily pullout money and drag down the places whi...