Anyone Here Pay $200 Dollars Still Passed?

Nursing Students NCLEX Nursing Q/A

Anyone here did the pearson vue trick and were charged $200, and still passed?

I just finished my exam earlier, then I did the PVT. I followed the PVT trick process, putting in my credit card information. Unfortunately, the payment went through.

I was just still hoping and possibly in denial stage right now that I failed. Reaching out to the community to see if anyone experienced this kind of situation, but passed?

The average number of questions for US educated nurses that pass the NCLEX is around 123. Nearly 90% of US educated nurses (across all states and territories) pass the NCLEX on their first attempt. Sadly only 35% of internationally educated nurses pass first attempt.

Thats true and only 17% in there 2nd attempt , guess i was fortunate :)

In the uk we are taught more on the ward than in the classroom and whats in theory and in practice can be very different. However i loved learning the american way of nursing. I really enjoyed it. On my first attempt i never took kaplan or hurst and i failed but after reading and intensely studying for 8 weeks i passed :)

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Thats true and only 17% in there 2nd attempt , guess i was fortunate :)

In the uk we are taught more on the ward than in the classroom and whats in theory and in practice can be very different. However i loved learning the american way of nursing. I really enjoyed it. On my first attempt i never took kaplan or hurst and i failed but after reading and intensely studying for 8 weeks i passed :)

Congratulations. Clearly you prepared yourself to succeed for attempt #2. Those that fail to plan are planing to fail. Those that prepare to succeed can see the success in their future. Well done.

While the testing is in progress, there is no "gray zone". You are either above the passing standard or below in, no middle ground. When the computer is able to determine to a certainty of 95% that you are above the passing standard in all domains, it will shut off. Until that determination is made you keep going. Exception is when you demonstrate an incompetency rate such that no amount of questions will get you above it before the end of the exam; the computer will shut off at that point, too.

The NCLEX-RN has a minimum number of questions to answer, 75 questions. Of those, 60 are 'graded' questions, the other 15 are 'pilot' questions (questions being tested to see how candidates do on them, so they can be considered for future exams). Pilots do not count in the scoring of the exam.

If you go all the way to 265 questions you still have to have the same 95% CI criteria met. The ONLY time the computer will only look at the last 60 questions is if the tester runs out of time. In THAT case, all 60 questions must be above the passing standard.

Sorry thats what i meant by a grey zone that the computer cannot determine with 95% cert a pass nor can it determine a fail , i call that a grey zone in my head

Sorry thats what i meant by a grey zone that the computer cannot determine with 95% cert a pass nor can it determine a fail , i call that a grey zone in my head

No worries :)

There's just so much myth, rumor and outright bald-faced lies when it comes to the NCLEX, that it's almost a knee-jerk reaction to 'fix' something!

Congrats on passing....THAT'S what we're talking about!

Are you insane?! I've been a nurse for 30 years and I just applied and was granted licenses in three additional states because I'm considering travel nursing. Didn't have to take boards. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You aren't even a nurse yet.

Apparently complete ignorance of the facts is, in his/her mind, equivalent to expertise of same. :rolleyes:

I'm beginning to think this is just a very immature personality at work, doesn't even realize he or she is looking ridiculous right now. Reminds me of grade-school "debates" in which one person says something that requires a valid rebuttal, and the rebuttal comes back as "BECAUSE I SAID!" LOL...

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.
Apparently complete ignorance of the facts is, in his/her mind, equivalent to expertise of same. :rolleyes:

I'm beginning to think this is just a very immature personality at work, doesn't even realize he or she is looking ridiculous right now. Reminds me of grade-school "debates" in which one person says something that requires a valid rebuttal, and the rebuttal comes back as "BECAUSE I SAID!" LOL...

I also noted that the NCLEX he took was for LPN. Not sure how that makes him an expert on the RN boards.

I also noted that the NCLEX he took was for LPN. Not sure how that makes him an expert on the RN boards.

Umm...."because he said so"? :rolleyes:

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.
Umm...."because he said so"? :rolleyes:

Oh yeah...I forgot. 😳

I just used an invalid American express debit card and PV stated that I had already scheduled another test and so I hope that means I passed. I took the test today and cannot find out for sure until I see my license listed on the nurslys website

I just used an invalid American express debit card and PV stated that I had already scheduled another test and so I hope that means I passed. I took the test today and cannot find out for sure until I see my license listed on the nurslys website

Please read the many other posts, right here on this very thread, about what you did (and didn't do correctly, and shouldn't do again). Please?

Nursys only gets its information from the individual State BoNs, so no need to check there, check your OWN BoN website. They know first ;)

I am so scared I tested on 2/18/16 8 am I was out of the testing center in 1 hour my exam stopped at 85 questions. I felt good confident and excited. My first 2 times it took my payment right away. When I got letters it said fail also first 2 times I took nclex I went to 187 questions and second time 204 questions. This time my results were on hold for 3 days. I was trying the PV trick 100 times a day I did it yesterday at like 5pm it still gave hold did it again 5:10pm it took my card I so badly wanted the hold to come off but now I wish it still said hold. No news was better then bad news. This damn PV took my money again. I'm drained mentally and physically I studied for my PN exam so hard I put my life into it haven't been living a normal life this past year 3rd time testing and still took my money. So annoying why the heck do we not have quick results. I have to wait 3 weeks now for a damn letter so frustrating. I pray I'm in the small percentage that it took my money and I passed oh please dear god. I just can't study no more :sarcastic:

Specializes in WCC.

@Annie2016 Did you find out if you passed or not after it took your payment?

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