Anyone Here Pay $200 Dollars Still Passed?

Nursing Students NCLEX Nursing Q/A

Anyone here did the pearson vue trick and were charged $200, and still passed?

I just finished my exam earlier, then I did the PVT. I followed the PVT trick process, putting in my credit card information. Unfortunately, the payment went through.

I was just still hoping and possibly in denial stage right now that I failed. Reaching out to the community to see if anyone experienced this kind of situation, but passed?

i'm sorry. what is CPR? i did kaplan but didnt work for me. so i was looking for ncsbn.

Candidate Performance Report. It would be part of the notice you received from the State that you failed the exam; the Report would tell you in what areas of knowledge/testing you were below standard, where you might have been above standard (if any). It would give you an overview of your exam, so you could start to prepare a new plan of study.

I also asked if you had taken it multiple times already, and that is why you had applied to NYS instead of again to TX. It would make a difference in knowing what to do again; one failure versus several.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
I got at least the last 2 right that i can remember and the computer shut off at 106 or around about , they were very difficult questions, i did pass, i think everyone gets a minimum of 75 in that instant if the computer shut of after 75 and they got the last question wrong it would not indicate a fail! I believe if If you go above 75 q the computer has put you in the grey zone? You have not passed but you have not failed either , but if you continue to get questions right , the next question gets harder and you will come out of the grey zone and into the pass zone. If you go all the way to 265 the computer will look at the last 60 q and decide from that. There is also test questions that dont count so i imagine if you got them it is in the initial 75 q thats what i was led to think

The average number of questions for US educated nurses that pass the NCLEX is around 123. Nearly 90% of US educated nurses (across all states and territories) pass the NCLEX on their first attempt. Sadly only 35% of internationally educated nurses pass first attempt.

Candidate Performance Report. It would be part of the notice you received from the State that you failed the exam; the Report would tell you in what areas of knowledge/testing you were below standard, where you might have been above standard (if any). It would give you an overview of your exam, so you could start to prepare a new plan of study.

I also asked if you had taken it multiple times already, and that is why you had applied to NYS instead of again to TX. It would make a difference in knowing what to do again; one failure versus several.

i took my exam about a week ago, when will i recieve it? no, it was my first try. i only applied in new york.

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.
I'm going with what I've heard and been told California rules them all

And you would be wrong. I tested in Ohio and I can work in any state I so desire without ever taking boards again. As can any person from any other state in the Union. You have been misinformed but if you want to continue believing it that's up to you. I just wouldn't go around saying it because people are going to think you are extremely foolish.

i took my exam about a week ago, when will i recieve it? no, it was my first try. i only applied in new york.

Just to make sure I understand correctly, you are located in Texas, but applied to the NYS BoN for a license? So you are planning to move there once you have a license to work?

I honestly don't know if it comes with the failure notice, or a separate envelope (JustBeachy, can you clear this one up for me?).

If this is your first attempt and you failed with 75 questions, I'd say it looks like it's back to the drawing board for a whole new plan. It looks like, based on the minimum questions answered, that you were not able to demonstrate enough knowledge of basic nursing content in order to go on to higher-level questions that you would be required to pass in order to pass the exam itself.

It is unlikely that you have content down rock-solid and failed when it came to application; you should have gotten many more questions for that determination to be made.

Hurst is a good review when it comes to basic content.....but first let's see what that CPR says, just to be on the safe side, before you go off to start a new plan.

yup planning to move in new york once i passed this exam. i am really confused right now. i already study content on saunders, i think i need some good practice questions.

yup planning to move in new york once i passed this exam. i am really confused right now. i already study content on saunders, i think i need some good practice questions.

Ok. Well, keep an eye out for CPR, like I said it will break down each section of the exam so you can see how you did; it's possible you were at or near passing in one or two categories but were too low in others to continue the exam. Really just guessing now!

Overall, though, it's safe to say that if you were doing WELL on your content, you should have been able to continue on.....and if you couldn't, something was lacking. Reassess your knowledge of content. If you still feel that was pretty sound, then you can be sure it was an inability to apply that knowledge; application ability is the only way to pass the NCLEX. As in "now that you know XYZ about someone....what are you going to do about it?"

Hang in there :)

California rules them all and you are not being honest you tested again

Ok. Well, keep an eye out for CPR, like I said it will break down each section of the exam so you can see how you did; it's possible you were at or near passing in one or two categories but were too low in others to continue the exam. Really just guessing now!

Overall, though, it's safe to say that if you were doing WELL on your content, you should have been able to continue on.....and if you couldn't, something was lacking. Reassess your knowledge of content. If you still feel that was pretty sound, then you can be sure it was an inability to apply that knowledge; application ability is the only way to pass the NCLEX. As in "now that you know XYZ about someone....what are you going to do about it?"

Hang in there :)

yeah i think ill just have to wait on that CPR, i really need that application ability! thanks for your help! i really appreciate it. thankyou thankyou.

California rules them all and you are not being honest you tested again

Are you purposely appearing obtuse? Why would you declare someone to be a liar, and insist that they needed to take the NCLEX again to obtain another State's license? Why are you having such difficulty understanding the licensing information as presented.....and WHY are you behaving like a stubborn fourth-grader on this issue?

What is wrong with you?

yeah i think ill just have to wait on that CPR, i really need that application ability! thanks for your help! i really appreciate it. thankyou thankyou.

You're welcome :)

There are a good number of people who can help here, so...come back and let us know where it laid out in the end.

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.
California rules them all and you are not being honest you tested again

Are you insane?! I've been a nurse for 30 years and I just applied and was granted licenses in three additional states because I'm considering travel nursing. Didn't have to take boards. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You aren't even a nurse yet.

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