Anyone Here Pay $200 Dollars Still Passed?

Nursing Students NCLEX Nursing Q/A

Anyone here did the pearson vue trick and were charged $200, and still passed?

I just finished my exam earlier, then I did the PVT. I followed the PVT trick process, putting in my credit card information. Unfortunately, the payment went through.

I was just still hoping and possibly in denial stage right now that I failed. Reaching out to the community to see if anyone experienced this kind of situation, but passed?

Just need to put this out there (again)..

Getting the last question right or wrong does not indicate pass or fail. (there is one exception to this rule, thats when you run out of time before the computer could gauge a pass or fail..the last 60 questions must be at or above the passing line. If get one wrong, you failed.)

Getting a lot of SATA does not indicate you are/were doing well and are passing or that you have passed.

Getting the minimum or max for that matter does not indicate a pass or fail.

The NCLEX is a National test. No State in the USA has a harder or easier test than other State as the previous poster mentioned.

Well guys sad to say, i failed. maybe the PVT is still accurate.

Sorry , jump back on the horse and get learning again! What are you studying with?

I got at least the last 2 right that i can remember and the computer shut off at 106 or around about , they were very difficult questions, i did pass, i think everyone gets a minimum of 75 in that instant if the computer shut of after 75 and they got the last question wrong it would not indicate a fail! I believe if If you go above 75 q the computer has put you in the grey zone? You have not passed but you have not failed either , but if you continue to get questions right , the next question gets harder and you will come out of the grey zone and into the pass zone. If you go all the way to 265 the computer will look at the last 60 q and decide from that. There is also test questions that dont count so i imagine if you got them it is in the initial 75 q thats what i was led to think

Thanks but like I said only time will tell ahahaha the whole 205 question test where questions I never saw before ... Any how I'm still at work and my sup is looking at me peace out

alright peace

i dont know where to start actually guys. can you help me?

Lol ok well then the schooling is harder in California there is a reason why California and I forgot what the other state is are the only 2 states that if you get license there you can take it anywhere with out having to test again or go through hoops :)

I got at least the last 2 right that i can remember and the computer shut off at 106 or around about , they were very difficult questions, i did pass, i think everyone gets a minimum of 75 in that instant if the computer shut of after 75 and they got the last question wrong it would not indicate a fail! I believe if If you go above 75 q the computer has put you in the grey zone? You have not passed but you have not failed either , but if you continue to get questions right , the next question gets harder and you will come out of the grey zone and into the pass zone. If you go all the way to 265 the computer will look at the last 60 q and decide from that. There is also test questions that dont count so i imagine if you got them it is in the initial 75 q thats what i was led to think

While the testing is in progress, there is no "gray zone". You are either above the passing standard or below in, no middle ground. When the computer is able to determine to a certainty of 95% that you are above the passing standard in all domains, it will shut off. Until that determination is made you keep going. Exception is when you demonstrate an incompetency rate such that no amount of questions will get you above it before the end of the exam; the computer will shut off at that point, too.

The NCLEX-RN has a minimum number of questions to answer, 75 questions. Of those, 60 are 'graded' questions, the other 15 are 'pilot' questions (questions being tested to see how candidates do on them, so they can be considered for future exams). Pilots do not count in the scoring of the exam.

If you go all the way to 265 questions you still have to have the same 95% CI criteria met. The ONLY time the computer will only look at the last 60 questions is if the tester runs out of time. In THAT case, all 60 questions must be above the passing standard.

Lol ok well then the schooling is harder in California there is a reason why California and I forgot what the other state is are the only 2 states that if you get license there you can take it anywhere with out having to test again or go through hoops :)

Again, this is completely wrong. I'll give it another shot :)

NO State requires that the NCLEX be repeated simply because one is going from California to that State. Bogus information, sorry! The exceptions are always for foreign-educated nurses, who will frequently have to jump through hoops, regardless of where they go. But that's another story.

If you are an RN licensed in California but do not meet the criteria for receiving a license from another State (say, not enough CEUs, not having graduated from an approved RN program, or missing a State-specific requirement?) you will not get that State's license until you meet their requirements.

Additionally, as I said before, it's not a matter of "harder education"; if you pass the NCLEX you pass it, PERIOD. "Hoops" are put in place by EVERY State :)

Do you understand now?

I'm going with what I've heard and been told California rules them all

i dont know where to start actually guys. can you help me?

I tried, but you haven't yet answered my questions in my post to you, a page back.

When you do, I will try :)

I'm going with what I've heard and been told California rules them all

Do you have any idea how ignorant this sounds? You either were given mistaken information before today, or have not been able to understand what you have been told prior. I have explained it here, are reacting as though it's a State Pride issue. What is unclear?

This isn't Junior High, it's the reality of professional licensing requirements across the United States. Believe it or not....some of us have a clue ;)

I tried, but you haven't yet answered my questions in my post to you, a page back.

When you do, I will try :)

i'm sorry. what is CPR? i did kaplan but didnt work for me. so i was looking for ncsbn.

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