No, I'm not talking about coaching or clubs. I'm talking about the completely unrelated-to-nursing tasks that you have embraced, or had thrust upon you, in your school nursing role!
My favorites: bugs and drugs. For reasons I cannot understand (but have finally just accepted), I am in charge of capturing and identifying all suspicious insects. I'll put on gloves, I'll bag 'em, I'll take pictures and zoom way in, I'll nod while someone compares them to online photos. I will openly say, "I'm no more qualified to name this bug than you are," or "you really don't study bugs in nursing school," but it seems to make people happy if I squint and appear to take it seriously.
Also, I am in charge of identifying any loose, suspicious medication or substance. I've identified everything from vitamins to Oxycontin (nothing that I administer! Presumably meds that have been stolen, lost or sold and then dropped or hidden).