

Well I took my NCLEX today and I'm pretty sure that I failed.........I almost cried when my computer shut off after only 75 Q's :crying2:

I am soo dissapointed right now I dont know what to think. I thought I studied hard, but the test was nothing like I though it would be. I had TONS of prioritizing questions (which pt to see first...........) Which Im assuming means that I didnt even get to any upper level questions. Does anyone know if this is true???? I also wasnt even asked anything about disease processes or meds (maybe 3 or 4 Q's)....Plus, I only had one medcalc Q and one select all that apply. :stone

Right now I am completely stunned, I feel like I studied for nothing..... I read over 2000 pages of Saunders and ATI test prep books (out of which only THREE paragraphs were actually devoted to prioroitizing pts!!!!!!!!!) I just dont understand!!!!

Does anyone elese feel like this right now?? Any adivice would help! :crying2:

Specializes in NICU.

EVERYONE feels this way when they are done with the NCLEX, you're not alone in this .... it's totally normal. But you know what? In a few days you'll be posting that you passed, I almost guarantee it!

Just try to enjoy the fact that it's over with, you're all done with the test, no more studying! Go out and do something fun!! :)

Oh and the prioritizing questions ARE the upper level questions, I only had 1 calc question too.

your experience sounds so much like mine & several others, and i betcha all the money in the world that you passed! congrats!

prioritizing questions are upper level questions or at least thats what kaplan taught us

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I've seen almost the exact same thing in about oh let say hundreds of posts here........it is normal to feel that way but I bet you will be back telling us that you passed. Don't worry about anything. Good luck

Specializes in Med-Surg.

What Jessica and above said is true. Most people feel dreadful after leaving that god awful test.

Hang in there and good luck. :)

Specializes in Critical Care.

think about it this way: of 75 questions, 15 were throw out, and of the 60 left, the test hits you at a level where you miss as many as you make. So, if you only answered 30 questions right, you passed. I'm telling you right now, you probably didn't get more than 30 right. That's how it's designed; it tested you until you were out of your depth half the time. It did it on purpose.

It's not about how many you get right or wrong; it's about at what level you are getting them wrong. Oh and the computer attacks your weaknesses precisely because that's where you are most likely to miss, ergo, that's where it wants to test.

Everybody feels like a rock afterwards. (makes me glad I took paper boards)

If the computer shut of at 75, it means it was able to clearly determine your level. And in most cases, that means you passed in that, if you were borderline, it would have kept testing. I wouldn't freak at a 75 shut-off; I'd of freaked if it kept going cause that would mean the jury was still out on you. 75 means the computer clearly knew where you stood.

The only way you fail at 75 is if you are a complete 'i learned nothing in nursing school' rock. And you don't sound like that.

Buck, up, have a beer, go spend some money, read for the entertainment value of it.

Stop lowering your expectations. Expect high.

You did fine.



:nurse: Priority questions are the higher level questions.........
Well I took my NCLEX today and I'm pretty sure that I failed.........I almost cried when my computer shut off after only 75 Q's :crying2:

I am soo dissapointed right now I dont know what to think. I thought I studied hard, but the test was nothing like I though it would be. I had TONS of prioritizing questions (which pt to see first...........) Which Im assuming means that I didnt even get to any upper level questions. Does anyone know if this is true???? I also wasnt even asked anything about disease processes or meds (maybe 3 or 4 Q's)....Plus, I only had one medcalc Q and one select all that apply. :stone

Right now I am completely stunned, I feel like I studied for nothing..... I read over 2000 pages of Saunders and ATI test prep books (out of which only THREE paragraphs were actually devoted to prioroitizing pts!!!!!!!!!) I just dont understand!!!!

Does anyone elese feel like this right now?? Any adivice would help! :crying2:

If you had tons of prioritizing questions, chances are you had high level questions and If I were you, I'd take that as a good sign. Don't give up hope!!!

I'm sure you did fine!!! If it shut off at 75 and you got lots of priority, you most likely passED!! Odds are on your side.

I took mine monday and I got tons of priority questions. I wasn't confident in my answers but came out knowing I did the best I could. I studied my butt off and I knew there was no way I could fail at 75 q's. If I did, I knew it was because of anxiety and not because I was dumb. I found out yesterday I passed with 75 questions!!!

So don't beat yourself up, it will be time wasted!! I know you will post you passed in a couple of days!!!

I'm with everyone else. The pattern of questions you described coincides with everyone else lately who has taken the NCLEX, with a shut-off at 75 questions and has passed. It's a wicked test and it's designed that way. The priority questions are the upper level questions and it sounds like you did just fine to me based on what everyone else has described.

Let us know when you receive the good news!

Specializes in Telemetry, ICU, Resource Pool, Dialysis.

Deep breath............ You did fine. I had the same experience, shut off at 75 and I totally freaked out. Cried all the way home, and comtemplated applying at McDonalds since there was no way I was going to go through that again. Turns out, I passed - SO DID YOU!!!

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