So, the other day, I had a family member who gave me a card as a thank you from the patient, as a sign of appreciation, especially since they knew it would likely be my last time working with her. They left it with me before I could refuse to accept it. Later, I realized that I probably shouldn't have accepted it.
But I can't help by wondering why is nursing the only profession that is not allowed to accept gifts? When you look at teachers, for example, they are flooded with gifts around the holidays and end of the year, and no one says this is unethical. There are many other professions where no one says a word when a gift is given.
I understand that receiving gifts could possibly release protected patient information if the gift receiver is not discreet or cause resentment among coworkers. I also know that we are already being paid to perform a service for them. At the same time, though, teachers are also being paid, but no one objects to them receiving fits. My thought is, if it's the last time working with a patient, and the gift receiver does not identify who gave them the gift, why is this an issue?