When to turn in resignation?

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I accepted a contingent offer on a new job last week and am now waiting on background check and drug screen to clear.  I wanted to wait until everything was finalized before I give my current job 4-week notice.  But now my manager(s) are asking me about holiday shifts and about training new nurses.  I am not worried about anything bad being found.  I am worried about things being delayed (due to COVID).  I already have a start date for the new job.

Would you wait or go ahead and tell them?  

Specializes in ED, med-surg, peri op.

I would kindly tell them what’s happening, and let them know you will hand in a formal resignation when everything is 100% and you’ve signed your new contract. 

24 minutes ago, PirateNurse06 said:

I accepted a contingent offer on a new job last week and am now waiting on background check and drug screen to clear.  I wanted to wait until everything was finalized before I give my current job 4-week notice.  But now my manager(s) are asking me about holiday shifts and about training new nurses.  I am not worried about anything bad being found.  I am worried about things being delayed (due to COVID).  I already have a start date for the new job.

Would you wait or go ahead and tell them?  

I would consider waiting, especially if you're already giving a four week notice. Where did the worry about delays come from? Is that strictly from your own mind, or have you seen worrying signs from the facility?

I would wait and push back my start date if I had to in order to accommodate the 4 week notice. 

Sour Lemon, the worry is coming exclusively from my own anxious mind. ?

5 hours ago, PirateNurse06 said:

Sour Lemon, the worry is coming exclusively from my own anxious mind. ?

Ah, I see. In that case, I'm on the fence. I would probably ask the new employer's HR  if they've had any recent delays with on-boarding and act according to that. 

Specializes in school nurse.

Someone once told me "only know the new job is really yours until you've finished the first day of orientation." I wouldn't give notice until you've cleared your background check/drug screen and the offer is no longer contingent.

Specializes in Peds ED.
10 hours ago, PirateNurse06 said:

I accepted a contingent offer on a new job last week and am now waiting on background check and drug screen to clear.  I wanted to wait until everything was finalized before I give my current job 4-week notice.  But now my manager(s) are asking me about holiday shifts and about training new nurses.  I am not worried about anything bad being found.  I am worried about things being delayed (due to COVID).  I already have a start date for the new job.

Would you wait or go ahead and tell them?  

Wait until the offer is finalized. Answer your current managers as though you do not have another job lined up as although you likely will, at this time, you don’t.

Specializes in retired LTC.

Like others have said, wait until you have the CONFIRMED job offer in hand BEFORE making any resignation noise.

So what about the Holiday schedules! Worse comes to worse, you work some holiday time. You've likely done it before. Just pick the best dates you can.

If you're lucky and everything would clear so you could give your resignation as you plan, then you're lucky.

JUST FYI - there's a current post where 2 (TWO) current new grads just had their new job offers rescinded (dt to Covid) from the same prestigious Phila specialty hosp. Both are now looking again. ANY offer can rescinded! ANY!

So until you've at least got that confirmation, play it safe.

Yes, I have decided to wait.  We don’t actually work holidays b/c we are an outpatient clinic.  Some of the locations close b/c of providers on vacation.  I hate to say I will work in another office knowing I won’t be there by then.  I’m in limbo right now.

Specializes in Peds ED.
2 hours ago, PirateNurse06 said:

Yes, I have decided to wait.  We don’t actually work holidays b/c we are an outpatient clinic.  Some of the locations close b/c of providers on vacation.  I hate to say I will work in another office knowing I won’t be there by then.  I’m in limbo right now.

They have time to figure it out. 

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.
On 10/28/2020 at 3:00 AM, Jedrnurse said:

Someone once told me "only know the new job is really yours until you've finished the first day of orientation." I wouldn't give notice until you've cleared your background check/drug screen and the offer is no longer contingent.

^^^^^^^^^!!!!! The VA is notorious for canceling positions. They canceled TWO on me and when I finally received an offer, I continued to work one day a week at the old job until I collected that first new-job paycheck.

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