When to turn in resignation?

Nurses General Nursing

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I accepted a contingent offer on a new job last week and am now waiting on background check and drug screen to clear.  I wanted to wait until everything was finalized before I give my current job 4-week notice.  But now my manager(s) are asking me about holiday shifts and about training new nurses.  I am not worried about anything bad being found.  I am worried about things being delayed (due to COVID).  I already have a start date for the new job.

Would you wait or go ahead and tell them?  

On 10/28/2020 at 2:00 AM, Jedrnurse said:

Someone once told me "only know the new job is really yours until you've finished the first day of orientation." I wouldn't give notice until you've cleared your background check/drug screen and the offer is no longer contingent.

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Specializes in ER, Occupational Health.

An offer being rescinded is not the only concern.  I just went through this exact thing...background check, fingerprinting, references, drug screen all passed and was just waiting on a start date when I discovered something about the facility that caused me to decline the offer.  So I agree with waiting.

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