What should I wear to pick up paperwork on my day off?

Nurses General Nursing


I’m going to my manager’s office on my day off to pick up some paperwork. It’s not a meeting or anything, I’m just picking up the papers and leaving. What should I wear? Should I put scrubs on? Or just wear my casual everyday clothes (jeans, shirt, flip flops)?

Specializes in CMSRN, hospice.

Are you clocking in? If not, I'd wear whatever I wanted.

Business casual. You are entering your place of employment. If you wear scrubs, they may put you to work.

Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.

I work private duty home care, and I wear "casual professional" clothes to work. Our policies are specific: no flip flops, no jeans, no cut-offs, no writing/advertising on t-shirts. A plain (or patterned, etc.,) t-shirt is OK.  Nothing offensive to anyone (avoid political, religious, etc..) 

I would follow the same rules for stopping in at the office. We were told that when in the office, we should look the part, as a prospective client might be there.

If you want to dress more casual, perhaps you should run that past your supervisor.

Go one or two rungs up the ladder from the jeans and flip flop level.

Switch the jeans for some nice pants, a plain neural-colored t-shirt might be okay, but a more interesting top would be better. Leave the flop flops at home and wear some casual flats instead.

If you are young an new and don't have any clothes like this, buy a set and have them handy for meetings, conferences or taking care of any business at the hospital outside of your working shifts.


Specializes in NICU/Mother-Baby/Peds/Mgmt.

WOW!, I've really been underdressing when I've stopped in at work.  Jeans, sandals in the Summer and a t-shirt (usually).  They know you dress casually when you're not at work...and that you're human!

I wear neat business causal due to my own opinion and observation: They have proven that, at baseline, they...struggle greatly...to pretend that they consider us professionals. I don't like to show up in the workplace (whether on or off the clock) in any manner that could remotely be mistaken (by them) as a confirmation of their unfortunate view of things. Goes along with not blabbing constantly about my personal life and other things they don't need to have information about.

Specializes in ER, Pre-Op, PACU.
3 hours ago, medapop said:

I’m going to my manager’s office on my day off to pick up some paperwork. It’s not a meeting or anything, I’m just picking up the papers and leaving. What should I wear? Should I put scrubs on? Or just wear my casual everyday clothes (jeans, shirt, flip flops)?

I would also say business casual. I generally just wear some comfortable khakis and a polo shirt. Comfortable but presentable in the workplace. 

4 hours ago, medapop said:

I’m going to my manager’s office on my day off to pick up some paperwork. It’s not a meeting or anything, I’m just picking up the papers and leaving. What should I wear? Should I put scrubs on? Or just wear my casual everyday clothes (jeans, shirt, flip flops)?

I would be okay wearing jeans and a nicer tee shirt, but no flip flops, tank tops, spaghetti straps, tight clothes, short skirts, etc. If I were actually meeting with someone as opposed to stopping by to pick something up, then I would step it up a little bit.

Specializes in school nurse.

Always better to overdress than underdress in this situation.

Specializes in acute care, ICU, surgery, vasc.surgery,trauma.

We have a hospital policy that actually states no jeans or shorts when in building. That includes ANY trip into the hospital.

Specializes in NICU.

Black leather jacket,spiked bracelet,black pants,leather boots....

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