What was your first post? Do you remember


As a Mod on the General Nursing Discussion Forum I have read a lot of threads over the last 10 years but I will always remember the theme of my first post

It was a desperate thread about NCLEX-I took the NCLEX in January 2005 to enable me to come and nurse in the US! I felt ill will anticipation of the result and needed to read some supportive information from others in the same boat!

I did an engine search and allnurses popped up and the rest is history!

So what was your first thread?

How did you find out about allnurses?

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

Way too long ago, and has been absent from my mind a very long time. All I know is that I was a number 2 spotlight member back then and Nurse Mary, the assistant administrator visited me at the assisted living place where I was admitted in 2006, and gave me a plaque that I still have hanging on my wall.

My first post was when I was a nursing student, posting about my excitement if starting the LPN program.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

I found it on Google in 2005. I had been recently diagnosed with MS and booted out of my job. I was sad and lonesome being from another part of the country. I found friends and comfort. It's going to be 10 years here this year.

I love my AN family.

Mine was on School Nurses. I started a school nurse position this past September and was freaking. My old co worker, RNQueens, also started as a school nurse. She told me about allnurses.

I love my School Nurse board. They have helped me so much. And the rest of you as well. True LOL moments.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

I was in big trouble with an employer. Big, big trouble. The kind where you can't sleep, and your guts are tied in knots.

I looked on the internet for help. A google search produced allnurses.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

I think the RN under whom I was taking a BoN mandated ($500) ethics course is the one who told me about AN. The timing would be about right. When it came time to appear before the BoN to get my License reinstated, a veritable tsunami of events prevented me from being able to travel across the state to the BoN location. NOTHING I tried worked out. So when time came for renewal, I just went ahead and let it lapse.

AN helps me feel like I am still a nurse at heart (which I am) and accepts me despite any transgression that may have transpired ( and, believe me, it was a small one that was seized upon and over-reacted to, as a way to squirt me out of my job. Not saying I was not at fault, but since then so many RN's and DON's have told me the whole thing was handled in an extremely poor and a totally in-necessary way.)

AN is a community....wonderful, aggravating.....just like family!

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I found AN in 2004 as part of a search for re-entering a nursing career after a very long hiatus due to my needing to support my two kids. That is why my years of experience are in the 20s and not the 30s as many of my age-mates have. I signed up a year later and lurked until 2009 I think. My first thread was one I posted impulsively one day called "Letter to the Offended". I was a lot more "piquant" in those days, shall we say.........:whistling:

The mention of Daytonite tugs at my heartstrings so if anybody wonders if what they do here to help others matters see this: thread.

Daytonite Has Passed Away. We used to list all the "likes" right on the post. The gigantic wall of 613 names was really touching.

I found Allnurses when I did a Google search for something like "support groups for nurses " , one evening when I was feeling particularly dejected, after a frustrating day at work. I looked for support, and oh my, did I find it! :yes:

My first post was a response to a nurse who asked about a sudden behavior change in a patient she was caring for.....but I "lurked" for years before I actually joined.

My first thread was one I posted impulsively one day called "Letter to the Offended". I was a lot more "piquant" in those days, shall we say.........:whistling:

That was awesome!!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
I was in big trouble with an employer. Big, big trouble. The kind where you can't sleep, and your guts are tied in knots.

I looked on the internet for help. A google search produced allnurses.

I think I remember that thread. Glad you're still here!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

I didn't remember my first post, so I looked it up -- in "The Scariest Thing You've Ever Found" thread:

Twenty or so years ago, I was working on a General Medicine floor. We still did team nursing . . . NA does the vital signs, RN does the meds, etc. for 15 patients. At about 0845, still passing my "0800" meds, I entered a patient room and found the patient deader than a doornail. We did the whole code thing, which was shortened considerably by the fact that we found rigor mortis. Afterward, checking through the chart I found midnight, 0400 and 0800 vital signs charted -- all normal. Funny thing, the patient's 24 hour Holter monitor showed VT at 2330, followed by VF and asystole. The night RN was fired for "failure to supervise," and I was counselled. Both NAs were still working there when I left six months later!

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

I had to look at my account to see when I actually joined...it was '01 so I was in my last year of the ADN program. Needless to say after 14 years I have not a clue what my first post was. I do remember finding the site while researching some homework assignment, probably one of the many papers or maybe a care plan question. A lot of helpful links kept showing up from AN and eventually I joined. I do fondly remember Daytonite, very helpful and compassionate toward the sometimes foolish questions we students asked.

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