What caught your attention in the world today?


I came across this is little story today, it's not breaking news.  I suspect that a member of the housekeeping staff knows something about the bomb threat that required the sweep for weapons.



According to police in Secaucus, the bomb threat — which later was determined to be bogus — was called in to Hudson Regional Hospital on July 18. During a search, bomb detection dogs led investigators to an unlocked office closet containing dozens of firearms.

Among the weapons were 11 handguns and 27 rifles or shotguns, according to police. The closet also contained a .45 caliber semi-automatic rifle with a high-capacity magazine that was determined to be an assault rifle, and a 14-round high-capacity handgun magazine.

The arrested the guy the next day. 

What the heck do you think this guy was doing? It sounds very ominous that he was keeping those weapons there. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
2 minutes ago, HiddenAngels said:

I never posted a link before so hopefully it works.

I'm worried about the Mississippi water crisis.  Honestly, I've been worried about something like this for a few years now.

Jackson, Mississippi, water: The water crisis has gotten so bad, the city temporarily ran out of water to give to residents - CNN



Some political agendas aren't very forward looking...

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Documents at Mar-a-Lago Were Moved and Hidden as U.S. Sought Them, Filing Suggests https://nyti.ms/3pVsA7Z


The department, inundated by a torrent of misinformation and vitriol unleashed on federal law enforcement officials by Mr. Trump and his supporters, has been using legal filings, rather than social media or public comments, to disclose the evidence and legal reasoning behind its actions. On Monday, prosecutors sought permission to extend the length of their response beyond the limit normally set by the federal court, a request that was quickly granted.

Mr. Trump’s legal team, which has at times been slow to respond to the government’s actions since the search, waited weeks to even file its request for a special master, which was intended to halt the examination of the documents. The delay allowed the government to complete its initial assessment of the material — potentially rendering the request moot.

On Tuesday, the Justice Department argued that a special master was “unnecessary and would significantly harm important governmental interests, including national security interests.”

It also argued that the judge lacked jurisdiction over the matter and that Mr. Trump “lacks standing to seek judicial relief or oversight as to presidential records because those records do not belong to him.”

Trump's team was slow and he lacks standing.  It's OK, the assessment was pretty much done by the time Trump convinced his lawyers to send something (anything) on his behalf.

16 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Documents at Mar-a-Lago Were Moved and Hidden as U.S. Sought Them, Filing Suggests https://nyti.ms/3pVsA7Z

Trump's team was slow and he lacks standing.  It's OK, the assessment was pretty much done by the time Trump convinced his lawyers to send something (anything) on his behalf.

So freaking bizarre.  It is incredibly hard for me to comment on or about this ____.  It's so hard.

I will say if ever there was time we could get rid of social media.  Oh nevermind.

My thoughts are just✈️

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
11 minutes ago, HiddenAngels said:

So freaking bizarre.  It is incredibly hard for me to comment on or about this ____.  It's so hard.

I will say if ever there was time we could get rid of social media.  Oh nevermind.

My thoughts are just✈️

I'm still processing the coincidence that Trump had top secret information about CIA assets at the same time that CIA assets were being outted and put in danger in foreign settings. It's just a coincidence, right?

Specializes in Hospice.
2 hours ago, HiddenAngels said:

Am I the only one that doesn't like this idea?  I'm nervous about mega power outages and people being stranded because there are no gas cars anymore.  Did I watch too many zombie apocalypse shows?

These are frightening times, for sure. However, after fifty years of misinformation and obstruction from the petrochemical industries (Big Oil knew in the early seventies that androgenic climate change is a reality, with their own industries being a leading contributor) we are finally willing to take some action. At least there’s the potential for solar charging of EVs. There’s no possibility of alternative sources of gasoline in the event of a breakdown in the drilling/refining/transportation infrastructure.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

A horse and buggy would be absolutely out of the question for long commutes, and even dangerous for the horse on the road for short errands. 

I don't like the idea of ONLY electric cars being legal, anywhere. I live in the slow-to-change South, so I'm hoping that it's not mandated here until after I croak.

Has anyone read "The Day After" ? Scary! After I read it, I had a fear it would happen while I was at work and I'd have to walk 16 miles to get home....(and I WOULD have walked it, too!)

Specializes in Public Health, TB.
6 hours ago, HiddenAngels said:

Am I the only one that doesn't like this idea?  I'm nervous about mega power outages and people being stranded because there are no gas cars anymore.  Did I watch too many zombie apocalypse shows?

California plans to ban the sale of new gasoline & diesel powered cars by 2035. Used cars will not be affected. So no stranding for at least 13 years, maybe longer if people can keep their beaters going. 

6 hours ago, HiddenAngels said:

Am I the only one that doesn't like this idea?  I'm nervous about mega power outages and people being stranded because there are no gas cars anymore.  Did I watch too many zombie apocalypse shows?

There are many reasons it's a terrible idea.  Here is an opinion piece that convers some of them.  The author's alternative is also a terrible idea.




Specializes in Hospice.
7 minutes ago, Beerman said:

There are many reasons it's a terrible idea.  Here is an opinion piece that convers some of them.  The author's alternative is also a terrible idea.




Well - we’re long past the point of being able to stop climate change or even to mitigate it with a minimum of disruption or pain.

We have managed to lie and consume ourselves into a mass extinction resulting from climate change and destruction of ecosystems. It’s an open question whether the human species will survive it. Probably not.

Any ideas proposed now cannot be anything other than horrible.

18 minutes ago, heron said:

Well - we’re long past the point of being able to stop climate change or even to mitigate it with a minimum of disruption or pain.

We have managed to lie and consume ourselves into a mass extinction resulting from climate change and destruction of ecosystems. It’s an open question whether the human species will survive it. Probably not.

Any ideas proposed now cannot be anything other than horrible.

Whether any of that is true or not, mandating all new vehicles are EV's by 2035 is still a terrible idea.

Specializes in Hospice.
7 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Whether any of that is true or not, mandating all new vehicles are EV's by 2035 is still a terrible idea.

Of course it’s terrible … what would you propose instead?

Aside from used car dealers and EV makers, almost no one gets direct benefit from such a move.

The only direct effect is the potential reduction of greenhouse gasses, which theoretically benefits the biosphere as a whole. Since as a species, we have never prioritized anything but our own appetites, I’m not optimistic.

41 minutes ago, heron said:

Of course it’s terrible … what would you propose instead?

Aside from used car dealers and EV makers, almost no one gets direct benefit from such a move.

The only direct effect is the potential reduction of greenhouse gasses, which theoretically benefits the biosphere as a whole. Since as a species, we have never prioritized anything but our own appetites, I’m not optimistic.

What would I do?  Thats easy...not mandate EV's. 

Let the market decide the future of EV's.  

I would also make it a priority that the US become energy dependent.  To include fossil fuels, wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear.

It's not complicated.

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