What's New in this Club

Discuss U.S. politics. This off-topic club is open to everyone! Clubs

  1. What's new in this club
  2. Questioning American Politics?

    What are you using to measure Harris' operational potential? I think you are unaware of how engaged she has been the past 4 years. It should be an easy choice; a competent and experienced candidate versus a crazy liar who tried to overthrow our gover...
  3. Questioning American Politics?

    Harris can win. It's always candidate R vs candidate D. Yes. All media has a bias. Everything on the internet is without "news" standards. Click bait is the normal. People must seek out important information.
  4. nursej22

    Questioning American Politics?

    What does this mean? Her potential for what?
  5. Questioning American Politics?

    You are right about the funding. It is very disappointing that this is our option. Honestly, it will be the first time I do not want to vote for either candidate. R-Trump has this whole agenda called Project 2025, which is beyond scary. D-Harris did ...
  6. nursej22

    Questioning American Politics?

    There are a lot of people who are very much in favor of Harris, and more every day. I think she can win, and right now, I don't think anyone else has access to the funds to support a run for president this close to election day. I am sorry you ...
  7. Questioning American Politics?

    Twitter has no news standard and not everything is verified. It is clickbait.
  8. Questioning American Politics?

    Yes, but we should vote for someone who can win. The current situation is R-Trump + D-Harris. It is challenging for me. All news has an agenda and some type of political bias depending on the campaign year.
  9. Questioning American Politics?

    Yes, she was selected by the president, not elected by the people. How can you be for the people if the people you are " for" were not given a chance to vote?
  10. Questioning American Politics?

    According to the news, they made an unofficial call with delegates and agreed it would be Vice President Harris. Why not have a primary where she can be challenged and win the nomination? Not one major political Democrat is speaking up; I have nothin...
  11. subee

    The election 2024 Thread

    I live in Michigan and I have noticed that I'm seeing many less Trump signs than the last round. Last time there was a house that had an enormous Woman For Trump banner that isn't here this time. I live in a little blue bubble but have easy access...
  12. subee

    The election 2024 Thread

    Why would I expect T's campaign manager to be anything but a moron. The excuses are starting early!
  13. nursej22

    The election 2024 Thread

    I don't put much stock in polls, but this seemed significant: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-no-black-voters-michigan-poll-kamala-harris-1930542
  14. nursej22

    The Trump Thread

    I thought this the first time I saw the video. He seemed to be putting all the SS agents as well as himself at risk. I never heard though, did he get his shoes back? Another question I've had is why do an open air event with so many unsecured vi...
  15. nursej22

    The election 2024 Thread

  16. The election 2024 Thread

  17. The Trump Thread

    I think that it's a politically biased and motivated contention that there is significant straying outside authority and instead an authoritarian preference for some micromanagement in certain areas.
  18. subee

    The election 2024 Thread

    His little nickname isn't even alliterative...he's losing it. I'm waiting for the debate:)
  19. nursej22

    The election 2024 Thread

    Any day now, he's going to call her horse-face.
  20. akulahawkRN

    The Trump Thread

    While his injury may have been caused by debris, I haven't yet seen evidence of the teleprompter to Trump's right being shattered. It well could have been, but had it been shattered, I would further expect there would be additional injuries other th...
  21. akulahawkRN

    The Trump Thread

    Ideally scientists use the scientific process, but they can very much be swayed by politics and/or public opinion to shape their output. They're only human. However, Congress does delegate certain rulemaking authority to agencies like the FDA and HHS...
  22. Tweety

    The Kamala Harris Thread

    Yep. A photo of her and Jeffery Epstein is making the rounds too. But it's a doctored up picture where they took her husband out. They are going low, but look at their leader, he offers no moral compass for them to emulate.
  23. The election 2024 Thread

    https://www.axios.com/2024/07/25/trump-rally-charlotte-north-carolina-harris It sounds like Trump's all out of "clever" new names to call his opponents. Sounds like Trump is pivoting to appeal to moderate or independent voters, right...
  24. The Trump Thread

    We see right now that politicians and judges aren't the best people to decide. They are absolutely influenced by politics and personal whim. Scientists use the scientific process, not politics or public opinion to formulate guidance, rules or...
  25. The Trump Thread

    Thank you. My mistake. I think this is dangerous.
  26. The Kamala Harris Thread

    We live in that culture where women long worked in environments where men leveraged raises and promotions for sexual favors. It's rape adjacent, the women may feel like they don't have a choice if they really need the job. Similarly, the DEI ...