uk nurses who have come to the usa

World UK


I am in the usvi, and have been here nearly a year, maybe all the nurses who have posted their news about immigration, can now post about the differences in the us hospitals. I dont think that american doctors and nurses fully understand where we come from, and the working environment of the nhs, its only when we get here that we can understand the differences. I am sure that stateside hospitals are different even from here. and that they also vary from state to state, but maybe nurses who are waiting to come will be able to pick up some tips and know more than us what to expect.

christine....from wales to scotland to united states virgin islands, and then to the states, in january.

Specializes in Stroke Rehab, Elderly, Rehab. Ortho.
Hi Sue

That sounds promising :wink2:. I am from the UK (Kent) where surprise surprise there are no jobs :uhoh21: . I would be really interested to learn more about the sponsoring, I have not heard of that before? I can get some really good references too as I have had long placements so the people I worked with got to know me well which was really nice and I have kept in contact with a lot of them. I have just got a post at my local hospice just for bank work whilst I am finishing my training.

Thanks for the advice re the house, I only wish we had bought one years ago as the prices seem to have rocketed in the last 10 years!

Meant to ask, where abouts did you move to Sue?

Sunshine :wink2:

Hi, I have put this link on from the international section - it should answer most of your questions:

yes the house prices rocketed a lot early last year and we bought at the right time I think...although no idea of what our house is worth now - but we have done a lot to it and plan to do we have an acre of land to get to grips with but that is going to wait until it is cooler...we live in Vero Beach on the East is between West Palm Beach and Melbourne.

PM if you want further details:wink2:

where abouts do you want to live, can be done without agency

Hi thanks for replying. We fancy florida due to the cheap housing. I love California but dont think that I could dramatically improve my/our quality of life if we moved there due to the expensive housing market. Miami is sounding apealing!:wink2:

Hi thanks for replying. We fancy florida due to the cheap housing.

Miami is sounding apealing!:wink2:

I live just outside Fort Lauderdale. So I would advise you to really check out house prices. South Florida had massive house price rises over the last few years. Home owners insurance doubled and trebled for people after last year's storm (it is also really hard to get - we had ours cancelled) and property taxes have been shooting up. We are supposed to be in an affordable housing crisis. Whenever the paper reports about the cost of housing they always say it is teachers and nurses that can't afford to live here!

Propety prices are stabalizing and it is moving towards a buyers market, but it is still much more expensive than it used to be.

Specializes in ER.

Amen to that. My friends living in Broward are shocked about the increase in COL. They've been there for 7 years. Funny enough there has not been an increase in wages to match... bad bad salaries, no union and no nurse-patient ratio...

you still get a lot more house for your money than you do back in the uk.

Specializes in theatre, elderly, community, ICU.

Hi Can anyone tell me if you can get quorn anywhere over here?!! I don't eat meat and all i'm eating is fish and eggs!!!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Hi Can anyone tell me if you can get quorn anywhere over here?!! I don't eat meat and all i'm eating is fish and eggs!!!

Last time I was in the US approx 7 months ago they didn't sell quorn but did sell alternative meat free products which pleased hubby as he is vegetarian. Saw them in a few food stores

Specializes in med/surg.

Have you tried any independent small healthfood stores? I haven't actually looked for Quorn in the USA but if I wanted to that's where I'd start. We have a couple near our house in FL & even if they didn't do it they might be willing to try or might have another alternative on their shelves.

have seen lots of meat free products over here, but have never seen quorn and i have been to a few different states.

Specializes in General Medicine, Renal and Cardiology.

just want too say it took me 3 hours but ive read through everything here - thanks to all who contributed it was a great insight :)

Specializes in theatre, elderly, community, ICU.

I've found quorn here!!

just bought some tins of heinz tomato soup here in world market,,,,,,,,,,

[color=#2f4f4f]lush,,,,,,,,,,,cant have any other brand.

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