uk nurses who have come to the usa

World UK


I am in the usvi, and have been here nearly a year, maybe all the nurses who have posted their news about immigration, can now post about the differences in the us hospitals. I dont think that american doctors and nurses fully understand where we come from, and the working environment of the nhs, its only when we get here that we can understand the differences. I am sure that stateside hospitals are different even from here. and that they also vary from state to state, but maybe nurses who are waiting to come will be able to pick up some tips and know more than us what to expect.

christine....from wales to scotland to united states virgin islands, and then to the states, in january.

Specializes in Stroke Rehab, Elderly, Rehab. Ortho.
just bought some tins of heinz tomato soup here in world market,,,,,,,,,,

[color=#2f4f4f]lush,,,,,,,,,,,cant have any other brand.

we have a world market about 30 minute drive from where we live - omg!!!!!!!! what a wonderful place it is english choclate, heinz baked beans (although the vegetarian beans in walmart are pretty close to heinz), they had digestives and other choccy biccies, pataks curry sauces so i am in heaven with my korma!!! they had loads of stuff and it wasnt that expensive either - the only thing they didnt have which i was gutted about was revels and robinsons juice!!! lol:rotfl:

sue, sometimes they do have robinsons juice, and the stock varies, even from store to store. but in orlando if you ever get there do have loads of british shops, and walmart there carry heinz beans as well, because of the amount of brits that holiday there.

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Robinson's is so expensive and my dd loves it but it retails at about $9 a bottle!!!!

Robinson's is so expensive and my dd loves it but it retails at about $9 a bottle!!!!

Someone introduced us to crystal light, sunrise classic orange, its a powder diluted with water its the nearest thing i've found to robinsons and its a lot less pricey!

i drink gallons of walmart own make of crystal light, its dirt cheap. a container with 6 small tubs that make 12 quarts whatever that quantity is! its less than $2 for the whole lot. and makes 6 big jugs, its sugar free and comes in plenty of flavours.

i've been working as a nurse for over seven years in south east england. im currently working in critical care unit/itu. i'm really interested in working in the states. my wife is a nurse as well and we have two kids both under five. we have just bought a property here in the uk about three years ago. reasons i would want to emigrate being a warmer weather and hopefully a better pay and lifestyle.

Currently, there are two agencies im thinking of choosing to help me out either OGP or stateside nursing agency. any agency you would want to recommend.

I understand that things can vary from state to state and even more so at a local level. But can anyone help by giving me further info about all sorts of things in florida or california in comparison to the uk. Taxes (state, federal, propety, etc.), insurances (health, property, car etc), schools (my son just started in a catholic school here and its fab. I gather that parochial school there are all private.)

weather wise i prefer temperature of 12 to a maximum of 30C and not so humid. dont talk in farenheit yet. havent got my head around it still. i appreciate that weather in california can vary greatly and same with florida. How's the hurricane season out there. any area less strucked by it or even by tornadoes. how bout tampa/clearwater. I love england and the uk but just had enough of winter and dark gloomy days.

what about work wise and pay. i currently earn £25000 but it goes up due to unsocial and night enhancements 30% extra and sunday is 60% extra. i do rotations. Overtime here is 50% extra. what about there? do they pay as much differential for doing nights and unscocials. My wife works part time but permanent nights and earned £21000 gross. whats the situation there. and im sure you know what works like here in the uk. obviously prefer to move to an area where ther are big hospital/s or a variety of hospitals so theres wide choice of opportunities and hopefully does not run out of jobs. nhs is currently cutting some jobs here unfortunately. i can understand, the government can only afford as much with the financial resources available.

what about the real estate in the us. as we are planning to purchase our own piece of property eventually. i gather that san francisco is very pricey so thats out of my list to emigrate to and the fact that it can be a bit gloomy there as well. so perhaps just down to south calif. and so is miami, so maybe in tampa/clearwater area. what about safety i know this really varies from area to area but how would you compare it overall compared to england (im in the south east).

Schools. my son has just started school here. if ever we're sucessful in emigrating would like to move in the area that we would settle in for a while and same area to purchase our property as im sure you'll appreciate how stressful it is to move. dont wanna move from one place to the other. dont feel its fair on the kids.

my apologies for such an infinite list of questions to come. there may be more. hopefull i get some replies from you.

many thanks in advance.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

hi and welcome

It can be done without agency and you will have more control on where you go agency does not always offer that. Try reading the thread in the International forum called Primer for nurses wanting to work in the US as tells you all you want to know and do. A lot also depends on how long you have trained and whether you have enough hours in all specialities whilst training covering both theory and practical. NCLEX can now be sat in the UK but you need to apply to a BON and go through their process before you will get ATT, also just because you go with 1 BON does not mean you have to work there you can endorse without setting foot in the US. CA BON takes the longest to evaluate and give ATT and would probably suggest doing CES with CGFNS and that will say whether you are short in hours. Try reading both this and international forum as lots of answers will be there

Good luck

many thanks silverdragon. i have put up a new thread for it in the international forums as i think its where it should be. many thanks once again

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Anna is our expert on going it alone she knows everything there is to know about going it alone-and has excellent advice. Anna maybe you could do a thread on going it alone for all the nurses who are having problems with agencies?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Anna is our expert on going it alone she knows everything there is to know about going it alone-and has excellent advice. Anna maybe you could do a thread on going it alone for all the nurses who are having problems with agencies?

good idea, will put something together and welcome advice from others also doing it alone or anyone else :D

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.
good idea, will put something together and welcome advice from others also doing it alone or anyone else :D

Great and I will make it a stickie

i just wanted to post on this thread in particular, as i started it such a long time ago. there have been good times and some tough times since we all came here. because of allnurses we have made some good friends, madwife and betty boop and soon we hope english nurse and the owains. we have become a network of uk nurses helping each other with information and sometimes more.

i have been feeling a bit down as my dh and myself were in a car accident on oct 6th and have had all the problems that go with it, have just found out that i need to have surgery on my shoulder because of it, luckily enough i have been able to continue to work and will either side of the surgery as well, because basically if i dont we dont get paid, and we have a mortgage to pay.

but at the same time i have been elated as we are taking a trip to visit dh's son next week.

we are also building up to spending xmas with good friends and are both making the most of it.

so just to say that we wish that all the nurses who want to come here and are going thru the process, we do think of you all and wish that it was more problem free. we do try to give information to help you make the transition.

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