Tom Cruises' take on Psychiatry

Specialties Psychiatric


I just finished watching the Today show interview that Matt Lauer did with Tom Cruise. I'm quite simply mystified by his take on psychiatry. He claims to know more about it than just about anyone, including those with medical degrees. I'm just curious about what others think about his vocal opinion on the subject. Am I crazy or does HE need a psychiatrist?

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
I just finished watching the Today show interview that Matt Lauer did with Tom Cruise. I'm quite simply mystified by his take on psychiatry. He claims to know more about it than just about anyone, including those with medical degrees. I'm just curious about what others think about his vocal opinion on the subject. Am I crazy or does HE need a psychiatrist?

No One can ever accuse him of being the sharpest tack in the box

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

I'm waiting for him to snap. It's bound to happen lol.

I'm waiting for him to snap. It's bound to happen lol.

Yeah...a snap resounding from a broken leg as he falls off a sofa during one of his" I'm so happy" acts.


Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Or a spring to shoot out of a sofa.

Granted it's not nice to laugh at someone like that, but after i'd find out he's going to live, i'd laugh my rear off.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Did anyone see Oprah's "After The Show" this evening on Oxygen? There were four celebrities speaking up about the necessity of antidepressants and psyche meds for bipolar conditions; etc. All four used to be and some still are on meds for these two conditions I mentioned. I only caught the last ten minutes of the show, but I'm sure I can find it posted on her website to learn more about what was said. I'm just glad others in the same financial class and status are speaking up "pro" the necessity of these meds. At the end of the show, they did show a caption where Kelly Preston was agreeing with Tom.

:p HERE, HERE I couldn't agree with you more!!!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: WHO GIVES A %$#! what celebrities think?? Being rich and famous does not make someone an expert, and why people actually pay attention to this stuff is a mystery to me.

Celebrities are human beings, just like the rest of us.......they put on their pants one leg at a time like we do, they are made just as we are, and as far as I know, they reproduce in much the same ways as we do. Yes, they have a right to air their opinions.......and we have the right not to listen or care. :stone

Specializes in lots of different areas.

Do scientologists not believe in any kind of drugs? What happens when him and Katie get married, she becomes pregnant and goes into labor and cries for an epidural?? I just think Tom Cruise has been semi-sheltered with his celebrity status-he hasn't had a taste of the "real world" or what it's like to be a normal person. And this scientology cult has really got his claws into him. IMHO I guess I don't understand all of it....I just think he needs to step off his soapbox and realize he's not the only person that lives in this world. I agree with one of the pp's about not caring about celebrities, I can't say I really "care", I just like the gossip since I don't have any in my life :p

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Originally Posted by mjlrn97

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: WHO GIVES A %$#! what celebrities think?? Being rich and famous does not make someone an expert, and why people actually pay attention to this stuff is a mystery to me.

Celebrities are human beings, just like the rest of us.......they put on their pants one leg at a time like we do, they are made just as we are, and as far as I know, they reproduce in much the same ways as we do. Yes, they have a right to air their opinions.......and we have the right not to listen or care. :stone

I agree Marla. Let the experts do what they do best, and the non experts take notice. TC is an expert at ACTING....he should stick with that. :)

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Here's what I have to say about Tom Cruise's philosophies:

Ya know, if my hubby were schizophrenic and went off his meds because 'Tom Cruise said I should'...I'd be tempted to sue. Maybe it will happen out there. Hope so. He needs to be taken down a peg.

Well, they sue the drug companies every chance they get. Why not sue Tom and Scientologist also as a class actiion law suit. There bound to be going off meds before what Tom said and then get hurt.

Look at WebMD today and you'll see some people are getting off meds already.

I even emailed Dr. Mark I. Levy suggesting a class action law suit if people are hurt. The email is [email protected]



If you want to sign a petition against TC, here is one

Not too many people signed it so far, about 90 only.


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