Tired of Pre-Reqs

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


To everyone that is not able to apply til later this year....

anyone tired of all the pre-reqs?

Argh. Sometimes I wake up and go, "geez I will never be in NS". I mean I kinda just started spring semester of 2011, its the end of the 3rd week. All I can think about is wow, I have about 13 weeks to go.

And after that 13 weeks, I am still not eligible for NS! I still need an important O-chem class I couldn't fit into this semester. They don't offer it in they don't offer it in the summer so I have to wait until this fall to take it. I have 2nd day registration at my school, so no point going somewhere else to take it.

So I don't know. Sometimes I get bummed out because I don't qualify to apply until the beginning of NEXT year.

Thanks to this state (CA) and its budget problems and the economy, a lot of programs shut down their spring admittance. So therefore if your done with everything in fall, you have to wait to get in THE NEXT fall. Ridiculous eh?

I guess I am just venting. Everyone applying and getting accepted its awesome but I look at it and go, dang I have a long way to go STILL. I am applying to BSN programs which do require more than ADN programs but where I live, employers (that are actually hiring...rarely) want BSN over ADNs....sad...

So I guess my question is, is there anyone out there like me?

Specializes in Mother Baby.

I know taking pre reqs takes sooo long, but I think the waiting afterwards is harder. I finished my prereqs in December but we don't find out if we get in til the end of April and the program doesn't start until Fall. I ended up taking classes required by the University I want to bridge to for my BSN juat to pass the time!

I am taking my last co-req (A&P II) and am having a difficult time staying on task. I show up to the classes, diligently take notes, but am just ready to start nursing in the fall. Of course I understand that it is important to absorb much of what is being offered in this class, but I'm getting impatient.

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

Oh nice where.did you apply and your stats

I so feel you OP. I am a strong student but just can't concentrate enough as I come to the end of my Pre-reqs... Its to the point where I am about to destroy my GPA...

But that's not why I hopped into this thread. I saw that the nursing programs in your area have got rid of spring enrollment. That's awesome! Although it increases the wait time to vet into school and makes it harder to get into a program, it decreases the amount of new grads in your area and will make it easier to get a job when you are done with school. And I think landing a job after taking out so many loans might just be more important than getting into a program your first time at bat (just a positive outlook on your current situation).

You probably wont believe me, but i promise it'll go by fast. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting on the couch whining and moaning b/c I wanted to be in nursing school so bad, but I was only in AP1. I couldnt believe how long it was taking. And I had changed my major to nursing from something else so I had been in school longer than most of my classmates. I just couldnt fathom the fact that I still had another 2 semesters of pre reqs to go, and I would sit and try to think of loopholes to get me to qualify for nursing school sooner. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago. I got my acceptance letter to NS, and I really can't believe how time flew. It WILL go by fast, so just enjoy your pre reqs and concentrate on doing your best.

I start may 9th:heartbeat:heartbeat:heartbeat:heartbeat:yeah::yeah::yeah:

Omg I feel the same way. Tired of having to write essay, research assignments. And math takes the cake for me. I put off statitics till next semester.I watch other students not working as hard all around me. They are fine with a B or C. I envy them at time because being an A student is not so easy. And once you go A you can never go back. If you get a B your like "nnoooooo!!. :eek:Anyway the good thing about the hard word is when ya get the grade back. Then you feel great. Keep going and take every assignment one at a time. And don't worry about setbacks. Sometines they happen. Always have a plan B just in case. As long as in the end the goal is achieved. Just realize there are sometimes pitstops along the way.:heartbeat

Oh nice where.did you apply and your stats

I think your question was directed toward me, so I'll answer: College of Dupage (in Illinois), pre/co-req. GPA 3.92-ish (based on 9/10 classes completed), 99th percentile ranking on the NLN-PAX, and previous bachelor's degree.

I only applied to one ADN program and tried to give myself the best shot possible at gaining acceptance.

I love this thread. I was just thinking about how far I still have to go yet and it is frustrating at times.

Sitting in these classes and hearing about people already being done, or this is their last pre-req can be grating.

I had a bunch of math to catch up on ( I have been out of school a long while) made my journey a bit longer. I was a little bummed at first, but now I am actually glad I took all the refresher math courses because I will have a very good foundation when I need it.

My journey is also longer because I am choosing to take peripheral classes as well to help me succeed.

Our schools require that the sciences be taken sequentially which can add a great deal of time.

This quarter for me is Algebra (which is my pre-req for Chem), Phlebotomy, and Psych 100. I have completed my English, Communications, Diversity, and Medical Terminology so far. I also took Applied A&P for my Phleb course. I figure it can only help me for the required A&P I will take in Winter Quarter of this year. I still have Chem, Bio, A&P and Micro to finish. I will also be taking another Eng class, Stats, Nutrition and Med Ethics before I apply for Fall 2012 NS!!!

Keep it up, I know it can get tedious, but always remember that you have come this far, you can keep going until you have that wonderful, coveted seat in NS!!!

Any one else want to share what they are taking now or next term?

Specializes in Public Health.

I have been taking pre-reqs for NS since Fall of 2009! I cannot WAIT til this semester is over because for my program as long as I pass AP2 and micro im basically in(of course factoring my entrance exam score is good). Don't get me wrong I am taking 19cr this semester and working pretty much full time as well. Its been tough but its the home stretch people! We will get in to NS and will be RN's in no time! Stay Strong!

I've been doing my pre reqs part time since spring 2009 and I am finally finished with them this semester!!! i was just like you wondering when the heck will i ever finish??? Just be patient..... I promise you THERE IS A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.
I love this thread. I was just thinking about how far I still have to go yet and it is frustrating at times.

Sitting in these classes and hearing about people already being done, or this is their last pre-req can be grating.

I had a bunch of math to catch up on ( I have been out of school a long while) made my journey a bit longer. I was a little bummed at first, but now I am actually glad I took all the refresher math courses because I will have a very good foundation when I need it.

My journey is also longer because I am choosing to take peripheral classes as well to help me succeed.

Our schools require that the sciences be taken sequentially which can add a great deal of time.

This quarter for me is Algebra (which is my pre-req for Chem), Phlebotomy, and Psych 100. I have completed my English, Communications, Diversity, and Medical Terminology so far. I also took Applied A&P for my Phleb course. I figure it can only help me for the required A&P I will take in Winter Quarter of this year. I still have Chem, Bio, A&P and Micro to finish. I will also be taking another Eng class, Stats, Nutrition and Med Ethics before I apply for Fall 2012 NS!!!

Keep it up, I know it can get tedious, but always remember that you have come this far, you can keep going until you have that wonderful, coveted seat in NS!!!

Any one else want to share what they are taking now or next term?

Wow im glad I'm not the only one stuck with takin certain courses in a certain order.

You know gen bio a pre req for anatomy, chem and bio pre req for micro, anatomy and chem a pre req for physio. You need a "advanced" critical thinking class, intro AND developmental psych, of course gen ed like English math etc..

I have seen schools have no pre reqs to anything, like their students can just walk into anatomy and take it. Wow, lucky (or not)them

And some schools want anthropology and some schools want sociology and some want both. I think nursing school req are RIDICULOUS

Anywho, I am taking intro psych and my "advanced" critical thinking (philosophy) this summer in6 weeks while applying to ADN programs

Then in fall I am taking statistics and o chem for BSN programs. I am so done with pre reqs I just want to be accepted ASAP lol. Ya know?

So if I get accepted.to an ADN program then that's where I go. If not my plan b is BSN programs.

Another reason I Cant wait to be in nursing school is the fact that I can finally quit my job.

We are so understaffed and I work my butt off for nothing.

NS will let me finally quit and be where I want to be at the same time

Win win situation

I know how you feel, i just got my letter of acceptance for a BSN program, :) and let me tell you its been a climb. You have to keep on trucking, sure i had a few times when i just wanted to give up and go a different route or maybe just fall back on an ADN but i glad i stuck it through. But just remember your getting your BSN!!!!!! I had to wait an extra semester because i finished my pre-req 1 semester before application time. But if its possible try taking a Pharmacology class at a local Community College, and it should transfer mine did.

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