The Story of Jahi Continues

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Specializes in Trauma Surgical ICU.

The keep page now has a video of her " moving her fingers to mamas commands". The lawsuit must be coming up soon. Nothing for months, now several pics and a video. The denial page had pics that were removed from the keep page

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Yep. Arguments due in a week or so. Too bad the edited videos were from inpatient and still appear to be reflexes/random

Specializes in Trauma Surgical ICU.
Yep. Arguments due in a week or so. Too bad the edited videos were from inpatient and still appear to be reflexes/random

Yep, that's what I thought. Gotta put on a show for the courts😞

Specializes in retired LTC.

"As the Story Turns" - (just a play of words on the title of the old soap opera "As the World Turns")

In my 12/25/2015 local paper was an Associated Press article re "Mother continues fight to rescind death ruling".

Mom filed a federal lawsuit in San Francisco "asking that the girl be declared alive after state courts have refused to rescind the teen's death certificate".

Not much of anything else new was reported in the article.

They refused? Maybe because no evidence has been submitted to be considered by the courts. She hasn't even been assessed by Court approved persons. I recall they started a case, but I don't recall them actually doing anything with it.

Specializes in retired LTC.

Oh, it continues. Legal things move like molasses in winter - that is, SLOWLY.

As I've read, Cali state courts have stood firm re Jahi's death - recognized medical professionals have testified that the child has died. Insurance companies will not pay for care of the deceased. But the family insists she remains alive based on their belief that she has purposeful stimuli response. And they present questionable pseudo-practitioners as their professional experts.

This maneuver attempts to move the legalities to a FEDERAL level - California insurers would then be required to pay for the care of Jahi. As a state, only NJ requires that care must continue to be paid for a pt like Jahi. So, if they were to win federally, California insurance would have to pay, and the family can return to Cali.

The article did comment that the family sold the Cali home and "are living off those rapidly dwindling proceeds".

I would venture that it would also open a floodgate in which the family could sue without any financial caps because the child would still be considered 'alive' whereas payoff is capped off for a dead victim (???).

I admit that this is just MY understanding of this sad case as I've followed it. And I'm not as knowledgeable as I'd like.

Specializes in critical care.

They are no longer Cali residents, though. How would they be able to move to Cali without a gap of time without coverage?

As I typed that, I realized... They may not even care about that.

Specializes in L&D, Women's Health.

The latest update from Medical Futility Blog:

Medical Futility Blog: Jahi McMath Family Can Prove She Is Now Alive

Tune in Jan 30th.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Cryogenics?? What in the HELL.

Specializes in Hospice.

Heartbreaking picture of that poor dead child in that blog article.

Both her eyes are covered, and the blanket is pulled up past her shoulders.

This goes beyond denial. These people see her decomposing before their eyes and keep trying to cover it up.

Seriously, it makes me ill to read about this.

So what do you think are happening to her eyes... It escalated from sunglasses to bilateral eye patches...

This is so creepy.

Specializes in Education.
So what do you think are happening to her eyes... It escalated from sunglasses to bilateral eye patches...

This is so creepy.

And the eye patches were growing, too. But what's probably happening with her eyes was discussed a few posts back.

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