Topics About 'License'.

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  1. RaDonda Vaught Seeking Reinstatement of Nursing License TN state nursing board's 2021 decision to revoke her nursing license will be appealed in court on Tuesday, March 28. If the appeal is successful, she will face a retrial before the Tennessee...
  2. Dear Nurse Beth, *Eight years ago I was going through a manic phase in what turned out to be bipolar that was not yet diagnosed properly. After 12 years of having a stellar record I diverted Neurontin and was fired from my hospital. Two and...
  3. A bit of a long winded story, but here we go. Around three years ago I had a mental health crisis and did something against my place of employment's policy; I dated a former patient. My judgement was clouded during this time and I acknowledge wh...
  4. Nurse Beth

    Reinstating Revoked License

    Hello Nurse Beth, My Wisconsin RN nursing license was revoked seven years ago by Arizona Board of nursing. The reason for my revocation was due a criminal conviction of DUI, and two felony possession of Marijuana charges that were both dismissed...
  5. Dear Nurse Beth, I currently work as a nurse and work directly with unlicensed individuals who claim to be counselors and LSW's for children in an environment involving children. As soon as I learned about this I raised my concern to the licensi...
  6. Where do I begin? I have been following this site for years and it has been a source of both comfort and anxiety. The following describes my ordeal handling a complaint against my nursing license. I was almost physically sick as I read page afte...
  7. Dear Nurse Beth, I am new to, so hopefully you can help me. I surrendered my CA RN License 5 yrs ago, and I would like to work on getting it back. I genuinely can't afford an attorney at this time, and the process seems rather over...
  8. Hello I have two license's in two different states, I won't be using one of them, and wondering what do I do with it? Do I just let it expire? Is there something else I can do?
  9. Hey! Hoping to get an answer here before I call and wait on hold tomorrow. My license expired last week on 5/31 and is in delinquent status right now. I completed my 30 CEUs in September 2021, so less than 2 years ago. Can I renew based on those comp...
  10. Obtaining California License

    Has anyone who graduated from a Canadian university been successful in obtaining a California license?
  11. Hi, probably a silly question but I let my license lapse in another state as I am currently working in another state. Anyway, I’d like to reinstate my license there but apparently I have the choice to either do 160 hours of clinicals in addition to c...
  12. I had my ADN in MI, and I got my initial RN license in MI. However, I never practiced a day in MI. I moved to IN right after I got my MI RN license. Since then I have an IN RN license by endorsement. My MI license has been lapsed since 2019. Should ...
  13. Abuse Accusations

    I was at work a couple evenings ago and had a resident continue to ask for toilet paper, which is a common behavior for her. I went into her room and saw that she had a full roll and I advised her that she had enough for the evening and that once I ...
  14. My license is on probation for 3 years because a previous employer reported me to the BRN for several medication charting errors including narcotics. I have since lots of float pool job as part of the stipulations on my license. Do you have any advic...
  15. Lynker

    Will it go on my license?

    I found out today that I got a verbal warning because I didn’t know I had to report a skin tear. I only thought that they were falls. My work agreed that it was stupid but they only gave me a verbal warning because the state got involved. Will this e...
  16. Any insight on this it sounds too good to be tru than I google it and it looks like I will never get my license back?
  17. Hi Nurse Beth. I have been an RN since 1982 and was an aide since age 16. I have had lyme and autoimmune illness for decades but kept working finally became so sick went on social security disability but officially stopped working the day my dau...
  18. Hello! Thanks for taking the time to read this! I have 2.5 years experience in a skilled nursing facility doing treatments, wound care, IVs, meds, trachs you name it and I have med surg experience. I recently had a job offer close to my house a...
  19. Questions we seem to be encountering more and more often have to do with the effects of a criminal history on nursing licensure: Is it possible to become licensed as a nurse if you have a criminal history? Is it possible to become license...
  20. Dear Nurse Beth, Can an expired California registered nurse license be accepted for endorsement in New York? Or should it be renewed first so it can be accepted for endorsement by in New York?
  21. Nursing licensure has been on my mind lately. I just taught an NCLEX test prep course to some recent RN grads, and there are always test questions on licensure and negligence. I had a lively discussion with my students about being reported to the boa...
  22. Causes of losing your license?

    I'm not asking about drug use, intentional fraud etc but due to clinical/medical errors. We have a new nurse (graduated 2 yrs ago and new to HH) who is afraid of making a mistake and losing her license. I asked if she knew of anyone who had and they ...
  23. I'm confused about RN license endorsement. If I endorse my license from TX to NY, does it mean: Will I be able to work in both Texas AND New York? Or Will my license be moved to New York, and I will no longer be able to work in Texas? ...
  24. Hi Nurse Beth, I'm an experienced RN of 38 years and have been working as a pediatric homecare nurse. The 2nd day of my new case I swore to myself while holding a 10 month old and his mother threw me out. She used very foul language and threw my...
  25. I'm Overly Stressed Now

    Hi guys. I am a new nurse and I had a horrible day. Hoping y'all can help me out. I just started at a memory care unit 3 weeks ago. Today, I sent someone out for a fall for the 1st time ( broken wrist) ... called the NP... she ordered me to sen...