Topics About 'Hca'.

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Found 15 results

  1. Lrjames98

    Broke My HCA Contract

    I broke my HCA residency contract after working there for a little over a year. Two months later I received a letter from the Benefit Recovery Group saying I owed them money. I reached out to different lawyers and basically got answers from all of th...
  2. HCA Regional StaRN ICU 2023

    Hello! Anyone that accepted the verbal offer from Regional walk ins interview for ICU/ other unit that will start on April 24th, 2023 got their official offer letter yet?? I was told that no one receives the official offer letter yet and the deadl...
  3. Blacklisted from HCA

    So I talked to a recruiter from HealthTrust and they said that I was banned from working at HCA ever again because I broke my StaRn contract years ago. Is this legal? Nowhere in the contract did it mention that I would be black listed if I broke it. ...
  4. Modern Healthcare June 23, 2020 HCA nurses to strike over staffing cuts and PPE shortagesN
  5. I'm a new grad currently living in Texas and looking for a job. My husband is an active duty Army officer and we're being told he may be stationed elsewhere next year. When I was in nursing school my favorite hospital for clinicals was one of t...
  6. bluescrubs

    HCA Interview

    Is there anyone that recently had an interview with an HCA facility for the new grad residency? Can you please share your experience and the type of questions that they asked? I have one coming up and I'm super nervous. This is my first interview as...
  7. Hello everyone, I started an HCA STAR RN program in June and found out that it is not for me. I tried to a to stick it out. 5-6 patient to nurse ratio and usually no tech. High acuity patients. I tried to move floors and was unsuccessful through HR ...
  8. As someone with very close ties to the midwives, as well as the inner city OB patients, in Denver, this absolutely INFURIATES me. What are they thinking??
  9. It's hard to imagine what it must feel like to work for an organization for 20yrs, and then be fired. Not only fired, but fired on allegedly trumped-up charges. According to Becker's Hospital Review, Julie Stephens, RN, an ED nurse, was fired after 2...
  10. Hey everyone! I decided to start a thread for new graduate nurses applying to the Summer 2020 cohorts! Next week I'll be starting my final semester and graduating in May with my BSN. Hopsitals in the HCA system include: Redmond Regional Medical Cent...
  11. HCA StaRN contract

    what happens if you break the HCA starRN contract? i hear you’re not allowed to work for any other HCA facility ever again. is this true? what if you pay off the money in full? has anybody ever broken the contract then went off to work for HCA again ...
  12. Houston HCA StaRN Summer 2018

    Hello everyone, I just want to start a forum for the HCA applicants that interviewed April 4, 2018 for HCA in Houston. I know we have to wait 10 days from then. I am anxious and excited for the results. Please share if any of you had any issues, s...
  13. Should I take the HCA Bonus??

    Hi everyone! I start my residency in the OR soon and as a bonus I have the option of taking 10K (pre tax) as a reward for accepting the position. I have yet to see the contract but I'm pretty sure there's a "you have to work here for 2 years or...
  14. Hello everyone, Just wanted to start a thread for anyone who has applied for the HCA StaRN new graduate residency in Houston for Spring 2018. I know there are a few of us that have been wondering when they were starting to call applicants. Please fee...
  15. HCA StaRN contract

    Hello, I'd like to open a discussion about HCA and the contract that they make you sign when you go through their residency program for nurses. I quit a month or so ago, and I got the letter where they are asking for the money back. I contacted a law...