Topics About 'Burn Out'.

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Found 16 results

  1. emmjayy

    Burned out

    I've been a nurse for 9 months. Started off in a MICU. I just feel so burned out. I've been off orientation for a little over 3 months. I feel stupid 99% of the time. I just had two bad weeks in a row, with poor patient outcomes (one through no fault...
  2. Dear Nurse Beth, I've been an RN for a few years and currently work in the ICU setting. I work nights and even though I'm no longer Full-Time, I'm just burned on night shift. I can't work 12 hour days though for childcare reasons. An opportunity has ...
  3. Burned out from my floor

    Hello everyone! I am a longtime reader and first time poster today. I work on a neurology med/surg floor and I have been here for 1 year. When I first started our ratio was 3-4:1 which was great and fine. Recently, our hospital has been making a...
  4. Adina bat Reuven

    Another thread about burn out

    Hi all, I have been the caretaker to my mother for the last 5 years. This with the demands of nursing proved to be too much and now I only function as a glorified medication assistant per diem at an assisted living. My mother recently passed and now ...
  5. I’ve been a nurse for a little over a year now. I previously worked on a med-surg floor for almost a year and I decided to leave mainly due to the fact that I was driving 7 hours a week. I also began to feel like a pill pusher, we were very understaf...
  6. SO... Things are more different every day than when I started nursing over ten years ago. The advances and technology I can flow with. Some other things not so well. I have worked ICU, LTAC, Med/Surg, Peds, Oncology, Float, and PACU. No matter what t...
  7. Burning out

    Hi there, I've been an RN for almost 6 years. I've worked in a few different areas trying to find my niche. I really enjoy patient interactions although I'm beginning to think that nursing isn't really for me. I've lost my passion for the career &...
  8. Obviously, that cop was temperamentally unsuitable for the work. Being a cop, especially in an inner city, requires patience and tact. The burn out must be incredible. Any ER nurse can tell you, cops endure a lot of verbal abuse. That guy already ...
  9. madwife2002

    Primary Nursing Care

    Where I used to work, 8 nurses have left in the recent months and not 1 nurse has been employed to fill in the gap. The work load has increased, expectations remain the same and the clients are getting sicker. We all know despite the current nur...
  10. KalipsoRed21

    What to do about burn out?

    My give a damn is broken....and it has been broken for a few years now. I have taken a less stressful job part time in Home has helped with this some. Unfortunately my husband is ill and has been out of work for a year now. So I have to h...
  11. NurseFries

    Burned out!

    Hi, I started a new job in March (part-time)in pain medicine at a teaching hospital back in March. I worked in pain medicine and orthopedic ambulatory as a preop/postop nurse for 4 years prior. My new job entails triaging calls, medication PA, preop/...
  12. Hi everyone. I’ve been working as a bedside RPN on a medical floor for the past three years. And I am starting to feel extreme burnout and overwhelmed. I feel more stressed now after three years with my feet on the floor then when I first started if...
  13. Burned out on telephone triage

    I've been doing telephone triage for pediatric and adult neurology clinics for roughly 3 years. I've been burned out for so long. It's exhausting to sit all day, get yelled at on the phone and never be thanked for what I do. I answer between 50 to 70...
  14. Burned Out or Just The Way It Is?

    I've been in the nursing field for 4.5 years now, though I find it hard to believe I've made it that long at times. With every nursing job I've had so far, I seem to come across this brick wall that I smack right into and can't seem to get around. I ...
  15. Hi all! I’ll be headed back to my job as an elementary school nurse in a few weeks. I am absolutely dreading it and really want to change the direction of my career. Unfortunately, I need to stay in my current job for the time being. I have been...
  16. New Grad Burn Out

    Hi everyone I fee like I am burning out. I work on a med-surg/psych floor that is know in the hospital as a dumping ground. To give you an example, whenever we get a float in my unit, the floats will always say things like “how can you work in this u...