Published Mar 2, 2021
BooBooCrew, BSN, RN
39 Posts
Judging from the post a few posts down titled "Tired of being the bad guy" I can tell it's been a mess of a year for everyone, not just me and not just Texas. I didn't think I would make it through this year but have talked to my admin team and put a few things in place to at least try to make it survivable until the end of the semester (which is MID-June for us this year ?). I am so very grateful for the vaccines rolling out, but I don't believe there will be enough time between now and August to make a difference in schools. With that in mind, I am curious how many school nurses will be returning to this craziness next year? And if you are, have you been incentivized in any way?
tining, BSN, RN
1,071 Posts
I'm going to test pedi home health this Summer. A friend left SN and said she works 3 days/week for same $$.
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,677 Posts
I'll be back, 27 down another 6 to go, I got this!
nursetlm, ADN
171 Posts
No incentives here (yet.)
I'm considering other employment.
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
I'll be back. 12 years until I retire and collect a pension. If a better job comes along, I may take it. But covid isn't a factor in that. That's always been my belief. Especially if it's another pensioned position and I can keep my teir. I have been pushing the angle of a second nurse for the district. My superintendent hasn't been immediately shutting me down as he has in the past. I think it's hard to argue with the necessity when I have more or less been at his beck and call night and day for the better part of a year.
BrisketRN, BSN, RN
916 Posts
I'm going to be leaving my current position after June. I'm hoping to find another school nurse position. I'm only changing jobs because I'm moving about an hour away. My school has handled COVID very well, so I might be throwing myself in the fire by changing to a different school. We'll see.
KeeperOfTheIceRN, ADN
655 Posts
I'm returning, no doubts. I'm hoping they approve my request for a raise (we hired 2 new nurses this year which makes me a supervisor) but will be happy to return if they don't. I legitimately love my job and this year has made me (and my admin!!) realize how important I am.
SchoolNurseK, BSN, RN
141 Posts
I am torn and my decision changes by the day. My family is so tired of hearing me waffle back and forth! If I stay, I am going to ask for a raise because my pay is abysmal for what I am doing now. I would ideally like to job share with someone and do 2-3 days a week. This is highly unlikely, but a pay raise with a 2 day a week schedule is something a girl can dream about, right? ?
scuba nurse, BSN, MSN, RN
642 Posts
Incentives??? HA, what is that??! LOL
We are union and have not had a contract since June 2019....but yet, here I am, and I am staying. I cant give up this great schedule and my school is awesome!
1,294 Posts
I'll be back - here until I retire in 10-15 years ?
I feel it will be better next least I hope ?
1,250 Posts
I'll be back unless something else fantastic shows up miraculously. My school handled Covid very well, we have been in person since the beginning, and I would say I had more of a "change" in duties, rather than a drastic increase. I think next year will be back to more "normal" (I hope). I have always been aware that this will not be the highest paying job I could have, but the perks are better than most.
198 Posts
There has been no discussion of incentives to stay, but I'll be returning next year to my current position. Having left a district with a more toxic environment last year, my current district has been a breath of fresh air-even throwing COVID into the mix.