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About ihavealltheice

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  1. Determining Day Zero

    first day of the first symptom
  2. Power point?

    I think it depends on your specific role and your level of comfort working with the programs. I do a lot of IEP meetings and manage multiple buildings, so I use Google docs/sheets (the Google version of Microsoft) a ton to write my reports and keep m...
  3. Do you get any real and regular supervision?

    Yes. It was the superintendent.
  4. New to work and School Nursing.

    So, I don't want to discourage you, but school nursing isn't as easy to jump into as people think. Even having a medical assisting background doesn't quite prepare you for what you'll face (usually completely by yourself). Many seasoned nurses come i...
  5. Leftovers (meds, not food...)

  6. Do you get any real and regular supervision?

    This was a big reason as to why I left my last job. I was willing to put up with a lot, but the constant micromanaging got to be too much for me.
  7. Do you get any real and regular supervision?

    I am based out of 1 school, but cover the IEPs for mine and 6 other schools. So, between my building admin, director of student services, director of special ED services and the other admin that I work with, I feel like I have a million supervisors. ...
  8. Anyone have their masters?

    Anyone here have their MSN and have any programs they recommend? Bonus points if you're in IL. To be certified in my state (IL), we have to commit to a graduate level certificate program which includes a few graduate level classes and a 300 hour...
  9. Vision/Hearing exams on preschool age children

    For the super littles like PreK, I have involved the teachers in the past to help me condition them during their circle time. I have used Youtube videos that play the tones, they practice listening to the tones and responding. Rather than "rais...
  10. The tricks we use

    I never thought of that. That's fantastic!
  11. 1 day left

    woohoo! We're at 5 after today.
  12. Free CEUs

    Yes! Google Nursing CE Central. They have TONS of super easy and free CEUs. Many of them pertain to pediatrics, emergency management and school nursing.
  13. Happy Nurse's week.... I guess

    Not that I'm aware of. I don't mind it though because I'm perfectly happy remaining in the background and flying under the radar LOL!
  14. How do you/did you handle your anti-vaccine parents?

    Yep. This. All of it.
  15. Staying or Going?

    I think the schedule is a reason why many people get into school nursing. Don't ever feel selfish or guilty for doing what is best for your family.