School Shootings

Specialties School


Sad that we may need a category for this.

Another school shooting in NoCal.

Thinking of NoCalMimi and hoping she's okay.

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

As far as the NFL, I guess rape, drugs and spousal abuse is fine, but for the love of God DON'T kneel in silent protest.

This. Do I like that they kneel during the anthem? No. But as you said, no one boycotts when yet another player is arrested for drug use, DUI, dog fighting, beating the crap out of the S.O. in an elevator. It's hypocritical in my opinion. I think it's crappy to kneel during the anthem, but I respect that they are PEACEFULLY protesting.

Yes the mass shootings are very upsetting.

Now, before I get into it I should tell a bit about myself. I do not play political parties, I am neither Elephant or Donkey, but a free-thinking person. I learn about issues and decide based on what I believe is right. I have been wrong in my life, I've made mistakes, and I have learned much. I believe that is part of the purpose of life. I own firearms and I am trained to handle them. I abhor violence, I hate war, but I like shooting targets and what is called plinking. I was in the Navy, and I don't care if a person kneels for the anthem, it's not about me...they are exercising their rights in a peaceful, dignified manner and our forces exist to protect such freedoms. I believe in this country, I believe in dialogue, and I believe the minute we stop talking and start shouting at one another (as we have been collectively doing) then emotion takes the front seat and the conversation will not go anywere; it is over.

Now the mass shootings and school shootings are terrible and have accelerated since Columbine, but the truth is people are getting shot every single day one or two at a time. In my city I have witnessed kids use their parent-imparted training to scatter and run at the sound of shots. A few weeks ago I was talking to a parent whose child was playing a sport, in a park, and the child was hit by a bullet during a random drive-by. I could go on with many stories, but what I am putting home here is that mass shootings are traumatizing, but are only a glimpse of the the number of deaths by firearm every single day.

I believe the issue is cultural, with many contributing factors. Our culture seems to value human life and the universality of pain and suffering less each year.

First, people are frustrated. They work hard and get less and less in return. Inreasingly people are thrown aside from jobs or career paths like they are a disposable item. Most people can handle it, and at least don't move to killing people. Many cannot take it. Some choose destruction.

Add in a popular culture of violence and graphic images, for instance turn on the TV and go through the programs and say "if this show has violence, gunfire, war, blood and guts, crime..then I won't watch it" and see how many you eliminate. Video exists on genuine news websites of people being shot, LEO body cams of mass shootings are made public, etc.. Also graphic images/ video of real violence and death are available on the internet for anyone to explore. A Rabbit Hole exists on the web into which a person can anonymously fall deeper and deeper. Now lets not even get into video games...just suffice it to say that violence has become part of our culture.

Now let's add in the absolute ease with which we can buy firearms and have them ready to go. What happens is we get a mixture of opportunity and means, and then a person bends...bendsss...and then a motive occurs and they *SNAP* and do the unthinkable. Oh but just imagine how many more people out there have thought about doing the unthinkable!

Where I live buying a firearm is much easier than buying a car. No license or registration needed. Buying from a private seller is more on par with buying something off of craiglist. You find a an ad and call someone, meet them, they show you a gun, you show them an ID (no background check), they take your money and off ya go. Want to buy more ammunition? The cheapest place is Wal-Mart, so why not drop in to buy some ammo and and grab some milk while you're at it?

I support restricted access to firearms, required licensure, registration and tax the heck out of purchases. Ammunition should require firearm licensure, a weapon owned of the ammunition type, and tracking of purchases. If you want a gun bad enough, if you jump through the hoops and pass the exams, if you pay the price...then okay you can have the weapons. Many firearms need to be bought-back, and for a high enough price that it's worth it to the person to turn it over...and then the weapon needs to be destroyed. There are simply too many guns. If a person is caught posessing a weapon without proper licensure, then there need to be repercussions, they should be fined and required to do community service. Now of course this will not have an immediate effect, it would likely take decades before there's noticeable difference. One more thing. Anyone who says they need a firearm to protect themselves from the government is either lying or blissfully unaware of modern weapons' capabilities.

Violence will always occur, but there is no reason firearms should be less regulated than a controlled substance. And yes I am aware there is an opioid crisis, there has been a drug problem in this country for generations and I have seen it up close. But just imagine if there was no regulation and no restriction on sales of opiates. If buying fentanyl were as easy and cheap as buying a you think this opiate crisis would be worse?

The gun violence is a symptom of a disease that has progressed for far to long, we cannot do nothing and expect it to go away.

Well stated NunNurseCat.

NNCat, I'm going to link what you said to a gun thread over on The Breakroom (The Blue Side)

Thank you so much.

Specializes in kids.
Me too!

Group trip!

Im so in!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
Well stated NunNurseCat.

Although I disagree with you on some of your post I really appreciate your thoughtful contribution. I agree kidz, well stated.

Prayers for the family of the victims. That school is like 2-3 hours from me and all my family and friends were concern. School shootings are so scary to even think about. I'm still heart broken from the one in Connecticut. So sad....My prayers......

I appreciate the kind words, thank you.

And OldDude, RN, the ability to understand a perspective and respectfully disagree is something I admire and respect more than I can explain.

We must, all of us, resist the temptation that is divisiveness. One of the the oldest tactics is to create internal conflict and allow an enemy to divide itself. We are better than that. We must respect one another and have the guts to tell our own friends to stop the bickering, or indeed we will not move forward, but remain divided and "a house divided against itself shall not stand."

This is probably gonna be long so I under stand if you pass it over. I'm not intending on offering a political opinion so please don't read that into it if you choose to go on.

Everyone who has kids understands this...few things scare me. I'm afraid of snakes; I hate snakes - snakes scare me (coincidentally as I was typing this a report came over the radio of a snake in one of our classrooms. I responded, it was a little non-poisonous snake, and I took it back outside - but I didn't like it). The other thing that scares me is the inability to protect my children as they've progressed to being out of my reach and my sight and are available to become carnage resulting from the action of some satan reincarnate with a gun, machete, vehicle, bomb, or some other mechanism used in a manner to purposefully kill others.

Frankly, I think the fringes of our society have deteriorated to the degree that these hideous acts can not be prevented and will continue until "we the people" reel in our "tolerance" atmosphere and go back to enforcing acceptable behavior in a public place. I believe the genesis of today's violence is a product of progressively allowing a couple of generations of individuals to violate the public "peace" laws and mores with no accountability or consequences. For instance, nowadays, if a parent stands in the front office of a public school and continually drops the "F" bomb and "F" this and "F" that, their action is met with meekness, and apologies, and pleases to quiet them down and satisfy their complaint; out of fear of retribution, further complaints to higher administration, or whatever else lame reason. So what is the result? Incentive for the bad actor to repeat the behavior and, with human nature being what is, the repeat performance will likely escalate. What should occur in a situation I've described is the person acting out in a public should be hauled to jail and charged with disorderly conduct; a law which is on the books in every state in the union. A law written and enacted by those voted into office to represent "we the people," i.e., the opinion of how society should act in public.

I believe this lack of enforcement of societal rules over time has tentacles that creep outward and take hold and simmer with those who have a propensity to be a bad actor. Those who have had life slap them in the face for the multitudes of possibilities. Those who face little or no possibilities of obtaining mental or emotional health intervention (but the lack of mental health services now is a different rant). The results of continuing to allow unchecked violations of the "public peace" and tolerance and excuse making for public displays of outright vulgarity and societal degradation has grown like a deadly virus and is manifesting in the inhumane behavior we are now seeing.

Laws won't fix this because we already have laws in place that address each and every bad or evil commission deemed unacceptable by society. Only "we the people" can fix this by returning to the public climate where it is NOT acceptable to use vulgar language and gestures and unacceptable actions in a public place and those who do must be punished and responsible for their actions. Then and only then can, (with the assistance of some REAL mental health revision) over a couple generations, we remold the respect people deserve from each other and how to address objections in a civil and objective manner.

I read this morning that no kids died over there in California yesterday - 2 sadly received gunshot wounds but will recover; undoubtedly due to quick thinking by school personnel to lock down the building. Praise be to GOD. Other innocents were murdered...praying for God to give those left behind the strength for tomorrow. Just as those murdered at church 100 miles up the road a couple Sundays ago.

OK, if you made it through, thank you for listening. I feel blessed to be able to take part in such a forum for GOOD as is here with you wonderful people. And BTW, it's Far's fault for starting the thread...thank you Farawyn for reminding us of the deadly reality that lurks out there. Keep your heads up and looking everyone.

I couldn't agree more.

I see this current state of affairs much as you do, the result of the moral decay of America. From Al Franken to this Moore fellow in Texas, from the President himself to Weinstein, Spacey, Cosby, Wiener, Bush, Clinton, and all the rest we see wickedness in high places.

When the Prez pardons the arrogant and mean-spirited, minority-hating, Judge-disrespecting Sheriff Joe Arpaio before the guy is even sentenced, there is something very wrong. Just as wrong is not upholding the laws from the very start, decades ago regarding illegal immigrants. And don't think I don't feel for them and for refugees fleeing war and terror. I do. But we either have laws or we don't.

What's wrong is spiritual - a lack of strong religious values that people in power as well as people who are more ordinary everyday people live by.

We have to hold ourselves and each other accountable. We need God (Jesus for me) in our lives, a God we really honor and obey and worship. That will help us rebuild our beloved country. Alas, if you believe Bible prophecy the way it is usually interpreted, it's pretty much too late. That doesn't mean we should quit trying.

I know our beliefs differ and I love you too!

I hope you are equally outspoken about those who openly violate what is against the flag code (laying the flag flat, say across a sports field, using the flag as or on clothing, using the flag in advertising of any products) and the lawmakers that disrespect our veterans by voting against policies that ensure their access to mental health care.

Yet there is money for every former First Lady to have taxpayer-paid staff. Not only Secret Service but secretaries. Michelle Obama has 6 of them, I hear. She probably should pay for them herself. Especially at a time when there are homeless people and mentally ill people and lots and lots of people who could use a hand up. This wealthy woman probably doesn't need even 1 secretary. What the devil do they do all day every day? All of the formers - Bushes, Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Carters, whoever living that I left out - are already wealthy and could easily afford to hire their own help, just as Blondy could afford his own travel and security for his relaxing weekend jaunts. I want him rested and refreshed but it's too dang expensive for a populace to support these "royalty" like we do when so many others are suffering.

Yet there is money for every former First Lady to have taxpayer-paid staff. Not only Secret Service but secretaries. Michelle Obama has 6 of them, I hear. She probably should pay for them herself. Especially at a time when there are homeless people and mentally ill people and lots and lots of people who could use a hand up. This wealthy woman probably doesn't need even 1 secretary. What the devil do they do all day every day? All of the formers - Bushes, Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Carters, whoever living that I left out - are already wealthy and could easily afford to hire their own help, just as Blondy could afford his own travel and security for his relaxing weekend jaunts. I want him rested and refreshed but it's too dang expensive for a populace to support these "royalty" like we do when so many others are suffering.

I appreciate and agree with your post but I don't see how it is related to the thread.

My point was that there seems to be a hypocrisy in the "kneeling for the anthem" when people are crying out that it is disrespectful to the troops. It seems to me that it is consistently the same group that voted for DT after he shamed a POW and gold star family and supports policies that do not show support for the lives and well being of those who have served. The actions don't match the words.

I'd guess that you were relating it by saying the money that could be used for ensuring mental health care is being wasted by staff for the administration, but it's really a stretch for this topic.

Specializes in NCSN.
Try to control your worms, Woman!!

*(stealthily hides my can opener)*


There aren't a lot of places where you can have an open discussion on something like this without it turning into a mud slinging contest.

This is why i am thankful for all of you :)

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